
Chapter 550 Trial move

Chapter 550 Trial move
In front of the ambergris fruit tree in the deepest part of the cave, Yi Tian and Yan Jun finally got a little understanding of the situation in front of them through sound transmission.Yan Jun came here two days ago, but unfortunately he spent more than a whole day and couldn't break the restriction around the ambergris tree.

It happened that Lei Wanjun brought people here half a day ago, and he was surprised to see Yan Jun who had arrived earlier.At the moment, the two parties had a fierce negotiation, and then Lei Wanjun and his brother took the lead in trying to force Yan Jun to give up the fruit picking.

Suo Xing Yanjun is not a vegetarian either, relying on the defensive spirit weapon given by the Dragon King in his hand, he insisted on fighting against Lei Wanjun alive, but unfortunately he will inevitably lose in a one-on-two situation, and then he struggles to support him. There is nothing wrong with him.

After Yi Tian arrived, he directly killed Chijiu with a thunderbolt, which made Lei Wanjun give up the idea of ​​persecution again, and instead wanted to spy on his own reality.

After listening to Yan Jun's sound transmission, Yi Tian only recovered a few words, and then said to Lei Wanjun: "Since Prince Lei Long wants to play a few hands, how can I not allow it, but time is tight, it's better to do it now." How about three moves?"

"It's a good deal," Lei Wanjun replied with a flash of light in his eyes, stepped forward and continued, "I'm not yet the prince of the Thunder Dragon Clan, fellow Taoist, I'm afraid I've got the wrong person. Now it's Prince Lei Yan In power, if fellow daoists misrepresent it, I’m afraid it will lead to misunderstanding.”

After hearing this, Yi Tian just smiled and then raised Taiyuan Sword and said to the other party: "Please."

In an instant, several people around retreated more than ten feet away one after another, and then only heard Lei Wanjun said in a deep voice: "The first move," the blue thunder spirit power in his hand was sacrificed, and several blue thunder balls were formed to control the Flying around.

After Yi Tian saw it, he just smiled slightly, and raised the Taiyuan Sword with his right hand deep in the depths. In an instant, a cyan sword light turned into thousands of tiny auras, and then formed a light ball to envelop himself.

After a burst of roaring thunder passed by, all the blue thunder balls hit the sword net, and then were wrapped up by the sword net without exception, without causing any ripples, they all fell into it.

After the thunder ball disappeared, the sword net slowly opened, revealing Yi Tian's intact figure.This time Lei Wanjun frowned even deeper, the power of his move was the clearest, and in front of Yi Tian, ​​even half of the splash was resolved in this way.

For a moment, Lei Wanjun's face was extremely dignified, and then there was a thunderbolt on his body, and then he put his hands together and immediately sacrificed a thunder sword more than ten feet long.

When Yi Tian saw it, he knew that he had pushed the other party into a hurry. Looking at the posture of this move, Lei Wanjun seemed to have used up to [-]% of his strength. The three stunts were used.

Immediately, a cyan sword light emerged from the Taiyuan sword, wrapping the entire spirit sword and forming a three-foot-long cyan sword edge.

All the people watching were staring at the field intently, especially an insider like Yan Jun who knew more or less about Lei Wanjun's moves.A look of uneasiness appeared on his face when he saw this.

But after seeing Yi Tian make a move, his expression became serious, because the spiritual pressure on the three-foot green blade was no weaker than that from Lei Jian, and even faintly overwhelmed the opponent.

As for Lan Yu'er looking at Yi Tian at this time, there was a little uneasiness in her eyes.

Only a sound of 'Zla' ​​was heard, and then the ground of the entire cave was shaken, and the two sword lights of Qinglan interlaced for an instant, and then formed a stalemate in the air.Gradually, the weak blue light appeared with the momentum to suppress the opponent, and slowly pushed the blue thunder sword back.

With a 'bang' sound, the two magic spells disappeared in the air one after another. After the figures of the two slowly appeared, Lei Wanjun's face became very ugly. It was obvious that he had lost half the chip this time, and Yi Tian There was no pursuit of victory, so it looked like a tie.

Just when Lei Wanjun was about to use the third move, Yi Tian's lips moved a few times, and then he took out a spiritual weapon and held it directly in his hand.Lei Wanjun stretched out his divine sense and then scanned it for a while, with a look of shock in his eyes.

Then his lips moved a few times, as if he had a private question with Yi Tian, ​​and after a while, an open smile appeared on his face, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.When everyone didn't know what happened, Lei Wanjun said: "You Daoyou Yi's profound skills are deeply admired, so I won't try the third move, and we have a draw."

Seeing that the other party ended politely, Yi Tian also hit the snake with the stick and echoed: "Prince Thunder Dragon is extremely powerful, and I admire it. Now I will give this spiritual weapon to the prince as a gift. I hope that our human race and sea clan can live in peace on the coast of the East China Sea." After finishing speaking, he gently pushed the nine-section whip in his hand, and sent it to Lei Wanjun.

The latter swept it with his spiritual sense, stretched out his hand to hold the nine-section whip in his hand, looked at it for a while, and said with a hearty laugh: "Well, since Fellow Daoist Yi is so polite, I will not be disrespectful," taking out a piece of blue Yi Tiandao gave the colored dragon scale token back and forth: "This is the token that the crown prince made from the fallen Nilin. Put this thing in Dinghai City, so that the sea tribes of all parties will not come near Dinghai City again. The range of three hundred miles."

Yi Tian took this object in his hand and looked at it for a while, and then replied with a smile on his face: "I thank the prince for his generosity. It's getting late now, why don't you ask Prince Thunder Dragon to take the ambergris fruit first, and I will give it to you." Daoist Yan Jun rests on the side for a while."

Before Yan Jun could reply, Lei Wanjun communicated with his two subordinates for a while, and the three of them walked directly towards the restriction of the ambergris tree.

Suddenly, Yan Jun's voice transmission came from next to his ear: "I don't know what kind of friendly means Yi Dao used to exchange with that Lei Wanjun to achieve this result?"

Yi Tian just smiled and signaled Yan Jun to sit down and adjust his breath first, and then slowly explained the matter of Prince Lei Yan's soul locked in the nine-section whip, Yan Jun's eyes lit up immediately when he heard it.

In fact, Yi Tian came up with this countermeasure after learning about the intricate relationship between Thunder Dragon and Flood Dragon at Mo Wentian.Lei Wanjun is definitely not a character who wants to be subservient to others. Although he is the favorite youngest son of the Thunder Dragon King, but with Prince Lei Yan on top of him, it is impossible for him to inherit the throne for the rest of his life.Unless there is something wrong with Prince Lei Yan, it will give him a chance.

But Prince Lei Yan is the product of the marriage between the two clans, and the Dragon King here also ignores him. The Thunder Dragon King is protective on the face but has many complaints in his heart. Although he intends to replace him, he has not been able to find a suitable opportunity.

Yi Tian only used the image in Lei Wanjun's mind and gave him a certain amount of hope to settle the matter so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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