
613 Shocking News 2

Chapter 613 Surprise II

After talking with He Weiming, I learned that Qianlingzong is not monolithic, but he seems to have some difficulties in what he said, which makes Yi Tian more interested in Qianlingzong's internal affairs.

You must know that the only effective way to break through the fortress is to disintegrate it from the inside. This really made me see a new opportunity.Then he asked: "Fellow Daoist He has something to hide, if it is convenient, I can explain it to you."

"There are differences in the cultivation techniques of Qianlingzong's main and sub-maids. To be exact, the sub-maid exercises are a simplified version, so in terms of power, they are definitely not as strong as the main meridian." He Weiming's eyes still showed A gloomy look: "Moreover, Qian Lingzi has tampered with the exercises. No matter how fast the person with the split vein cultivates, he may not be able to win against the disciple with the upper main vein, even if he is one level higher."

"Oh, it seems that Fellow Daoist He is not very sure of defeating Qian Lingyuan," Yi Tian joked.

"I was only [-]% sure when he was in the mid-Yuanying stage, but now his cultivation level is even less than [-]%," He Weiming replied.

After hearing this, Yi Tian bowed his head and pondered for a long time before slowly asking: "Does fellow Taoist think that the two of us can defeat Qian Lingyuan together?"

He Weiming replied flatly: "It's not the two of us teaming up, but you and him fighting one-on-one."

At this moment, Yi Tian's face changed several times, and he showed a little anger and said indignantly: "You Daoist He, I'm afraid that this matter is inappropriate. Is it possible that I have to face a late Nascent Soul cultivator alone, while you are taking advantage of it?" , It’s absolutely wrong at this time.” After finishing speaking, Yi Tian pretended to stand up, since the negotiations were not on an equal basis, it would be meaningless to continue talking.

Unexpectedly, He Weiming stretched out his hand to signal to be safe and not to be impatient, and Yi Tian sat down slowly again. At this time, he saw the other party worryingly said: "Do you know why I switched to the magic way?"

"Could it be because Qianlingzong's skills are not complete, so you found another way to get rid of Qianlingyuan's control?" Yi Tian replied.

A hint of admiration flashed in He Weiming's eyes and he said: "The Holy Son is really quick in thinking, but he is only half right. As long as you agree to my request to deal with Qian Lingyuan, I will give you this letter in my hand." .”

Speaking of this letter, Yi Tianzhi is sure to get it, and just now he had thought in his mind that if the negotiation is good, he might as well just grab it. Anyway, if he kills the clone of the other party, he is not afraid of revenge from the main body.

But everything has a price, and if you want to make the next move, you have to pay a considerable price.Compared with the lesser of two evils, dealing with Qian Lingyuan in the late Yuanying period may seem more difficult, but with the 'Taiqing Refining God Art', it may be said that he is [-]% sure.

When the following showed hesitation, after a little consideration, he nodded and agreed to He Weiming's suggestion.Anyway, I have also practiced the prajna bitter meditation to deal with the demons. Even if I have the heart demon oath, I can get rid of it directly as long as I practice the Buddhist martial arts to the level of great achievement.

Later, Yi Tian swore with his heart demon and agreed to join forces with He Weiming to deal with Qian Lingyuan when his cultivation reached the late Yuanying stage.The latter showed joy when he saw it and swore in the same way. The two formed an offensive and defensive alliance. He Weiming was in charge of providing clues and information to Yi Tianlai to deal with Qian Lingyuan.

Then He Weiming slowly handed over the animal skin letter, and after Yi Tian took the animal skin letter, he unfolded it and read it slowly with his spiritual sense, and took a part of his spiritual sense to silently write down the contents Then it evolved in my mind and secretly deliberated.

After all this was done, Yi Tiancai brought up the topic again and asked, "Why can't Fellow Daoist take action against Qian Lingyuan himself?"

He Weiming showed a bit of bitterness on his face, and said, "Holy Son doesn't know what Qianling Cauldron Furnace said?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian looked He Weiming up and down in disbelief and said, "Could it be possible that this notorious method in the comprehension world, Qian Lingyuan, will be used on fellow daoists?"

After a miserable laugh, He Weiming's expression returned to normal and he said, "Actually, this is the secret hand left behind by Qian Lingzi when he designed the exercises."

"What dark hands?" Yi Tian asked puzzledly: "You mean, is it caused by the simplified exercises?"

He Weiming said in a deep voice: "Qian Lingzi is indeed a talent of the sky. After he went down to the world, he found that the aura of this world could not allow the monks to advance to the gods smoothly, so he came up with this method of cauldron furnace. Waiting for the disciples of the main line After cultivating to the great perfection of the late Yuanying stage, he will take a disciple of the branch of the Yuanying stage to help him break through the heavenly barrier of transforming gods."

In an instant, Yi Tian was overwhelmed by these words. It would cost a lot. To tell the truth, it was extremely cruel to sacrifice a late-stage monk of the main vein to complete the main vein.

Now looking back at He Weiming, Yi Tian couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic in his heart. In the eyes of others, the late Nascent Soul cultivator was just a sacrificial object to be slaughtered in the end.

He Weiming also felt Yi Tian's gaze at this time, sighed helplessly and continued: "Because of the exercises, the disciples of the main vein can easily find the location of the disciples of the branch veins, so I will practice the avatar and transfer to the magic way. At that time, after reaching the last step, you can also live in the avatar in the form of division of spirit and soul, and you will have nothing to do with Qianlingzong from then on."

After hearing this, Yi Tian curled his lips and said: "Fellow Daoists are really planning ahead, and have already planned a way out early in the morning, but the source of magic power is scarce in this world. If your avatar wants to cultivate to the late stage of Nascent Soul and even break through to transform into a god Even the Demon Spirit World is not an easy task."

"It's man-made, and I have no way to do it," He Weiming said helplessly.

Yi Tian smiled and then took out a jade box and threw it to the other party, saying: "I think you only found the body of a devil baby, so you turned to the magic way in desperation. And your body should also be a Taoist demon After waiting for a while, why do you want to give Qian Lingyuan some unexpected surprises when he hits the moat."

He Weiming smiled meaningfully when he heard the words: "The holy son really has a unique wisdom. Yes, I just want Qian Lingyuan to be eroded by the devil's energy when he hits the gods. The best result is to let him be attacked by the devil at the same time Infusing the body with energy leads to the failure of the impact of transforming the gods. If you almost have to suffer from double spiritual power, even if you succeed in impacting the gods, you can't make any more progress, and you have to endure the torment of the double spiritual energy of the Taoist demon day and night until your lifespan is exhausted. , "After speaking, there were almost crazy smiles on his face.

Yi Tian feels that he can empathize with this. If he were himself, he would also find a way to fight. You must know how much hardship and suffering you have to endure in the cultivation world to reach the Yuanying stage. How can you make wedding dresses for others so cheaply? .

Putting away his contempt, Yi Tian also slowly discussed his next plan with He Weiming, and the two exchanged the Jade Talisman of Communication and agreed that after going out, everyone would think of ways to trip Qian Lingyuan, so that He must not delay the progress of his cultivation base promotion at the same time.

And try to contact those sects who have grievances with Qianlingzong to guide them so that they can become a force against Qianlingyuan secretly.

After Yi Tian left, the smile on He Weiming's face gradually faded, and instead a gloomy look appeared on his face, but he said in his mouth: "Good luck boy, I hope you can understand the truth of the Taiqing refining spirit. Trick, it's time to fight to the death with Qian Lingyuan," he said, and then disappeared into the air after a black devil energy suddenly appeared on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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