Chapter 66
Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the sky survey boat, looked excited, but fortunately he had the opportunity to come out and get some air.

Staying in the sect for a long time has suffocated people, and I have cultivated so fast that I can explain it when I come out and experience it, otherwise I will be regarded as a monster.

But not everyone thinks like Yi Tian, ​​and Huang Zian sitting next to him has a frowning look.

The good sects don't wait, they have to go to some East China Sea city to participate in the defense of the sea clan.

Three days ago, the first Ning Qingyuan in the hall of the Artifact Hall appeared, and he bluntly explained the current predicament that the sect was facing.

Since last year, the East Sea City of the Chiyang Sect has been continuously invaded by the Sea Clan.

In the Dongao mainland area, the Eastern Sea is divided into two defense bases, north and south.

The East Sea City built by the Chiyang faction in the south serves as a frontier base for resisting the sea clan.

Chiyang faction, Xuanling faction and Tiejianmen will all send people to garrison respectively.

In the north, Ninghai City was built by the Yin Corpse Sect, guarded by the Baigumen, the Yin Corpse Sect, and the Medicine Valley.

A day ago, Zongmen received an urgent notice and learned that the scale of the attack from the Sea Clan was huge and that Zongmen needed to send more staff.

Therefore, Elder Ye Qingchen led the team to Donghai City to support first, and Dantang and Qidian were dispatched later as the second batch of auxiliary personnel.

After hearing the news, everyone realized that the purpose of gathering in the Hall of Weapons today is to select candidates for support.

Moreover, the first team has clearly stated that this time he will lead the team personally, so the people below are not good at talking.

The list of reinforcements was quickly drawn up. Ning Qingyuan was the first in the Hall of Reinforcement, there were three foundation-building cultivators, and [-] qi-refining cultivators.

Yi Tian thinks that he was not considered outstanding in Qidian last year, and the chance of being selected is very slim, but the No. 16 in the annual meeting next to him is dangerous.

However, what was unexpected was that the foundation building period was directly designated by the first building, while the Qi refining period was a lottery.

Among the crowd queuing up, Yi Tian was full of hope to draw, while Huang Ziang in the back clasped his hands together and said silently, don't get drawn.

The final result was unsatisfactory. Yi Tian was frustrated, and Huang Zian was even more elongated. The two black hands were unlucky, and even cheating was found.

Seeing that others were busy drawing lots or whispering before, Yi Tian and Huang Zian exchanged privately.

Unfortunately, I didn't expect to be seen by the steward of Qidian, and then both of them were selected.

For Yi Tian, ​​this is a rare opportunity. After going to East China Sea City for a year and a half, it is reasonable to say that his cultivation has soared.

Huang Ziang looked at Yi Tian with a complaining face, but don't let people see you when you change.

In the end, he reluctantly signed his name on the task roster of the Qidian.

The first Ning Qingyuan instructed that everyone who applied for the departure had three days to prepare for their clothes.

Three days later, they will gather in the hall of the Hall of Qi. If they cheat and pretend to be sick, then wait for the precepts hall to come and arrest them.

At the end, he smiled at Yi Tian and Huang Zian, so scared that both of them hurriedly stated that the sect's affairs were the first, they would never hold back, and they were always on call.

After returning home, Yi Tian and Wu Xing explained that they were going to leave the sect.

And Huang Zian went with him. Their partnership business is about to stop recently.

Just as he was talking, Hua Shicheng and Tang Lin also entered the door, and the two of them seemed to be talking about it.

It seemed that Tang Lin was persuading Huashi City about something, Yi Tian laughed after hearing it.

It turns out that the second batch of reinforcements from the sect will participate in the ordinary disciples of the Qi refining stage, and Huashi City signed up.

Tang Lin was persuading him to put his business aside and go to Donghai City to fight to death.

As soon as Hua Shicheng left, all the burden was on Tang Lin, and he had to do it himself to buy and sell pills.

Moreover, Tang Lin himself had things to do in the Discipline Hall every day, so he was really too busy.

Wu Xing, who was on the side, pondered for a while and said a fair word: "This city of Huashi should go, everyone has been practicing smoothly in the past year, if you lose the original intention of surviving in adversity in the long run, it will be detrimental to your future path. It’s okay to stop the business in your hands first, at most you just need to practice some first, stock up some more goods, can’t you continue to sell after the three of you come back?”

Even the frowning Huang Ziang said: "We should go, everyone is in the sect now, so how can you not do your best when the sect is in trouble."

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, looked at him and smiled. Why didn't this guy look like this righteous one when he was in the hall of the Hall of Relics just now?

In the end, Yi Tian also said that he would take care of Huang Ziang and Hua Shicheng, and told them not to worry too much.

Mid-level cultivators in the Qi-refining period usually start at the back.

Only those high-level qi-training monks under the leadership of the foundation-building monks will face head-to-head with the Sea Clan on the front line.

What's more, those Jindan ancestors would not open their eyes to let the Hai people slaughter their own sect's disciples.

After discussing with Wu Xing, Yi Tian repeatedly took care of his recent sect's affairs, so don't run around if you have nothing to do.

Try to stay inside the alchemy hall, it is safer there.

Hearing that, Wu Xing also looked at Yi Tian with vigilance, and asked what was going on.

Yi Tian couldn't hide it from him, so he had to say: "I found a stronghold of the White Bone Gate when I was in Tianya Pavilion. There are some secret orders to track down the situation of the new disciples, and you are on the list."

I didn't tell Wu Xing before because I was afraid that he was worried, and Yi Tian was sometimes beside him and could help.

But now that several friends have left, and the help is gone, he needs to be careful.

Hearing Wu Xing nodded, and decided to go to Dantang the next day to take over a long-term mission, and plan to live in Dantang for a long time.

After explaining these things, Yi Tian went back to his room to meditate and practice. In fact, he didn't have anything to organize.

Some important items are placed in the storage ring, and the commonly used spiritual stones, battle instruments and Zongmen tokens are placed in the storage bag around the waist.

It also stuffed some raw materials and ores from the refiner into it.

In the next few days, Yi Tian also looked at the fire escape technique in Xuanyang True Fire Jue.

Although it is not difficult to follow the practice, but there is not enough time to practice, so I have to talk about it after arriving at Donghai City.

In fact, the wind tunnel and thunder tunnel mentioned in the wood spirit formula are better than the fire tunnel, and they have an advantage in speed.

But Yi Tian didn't have any spiritual tricks in this regard, so he still tried to visit the Sutra Pavilion as little as possible. The first time he had changed so many exercises, he was already attracting attention.

Fire Dungeon focuses on attack, Wind Dungeon focuses on movement and flying, only Thunder Dungeon has both offense and defense, the key is how to use it.

Among the wood-based spells, Yi Tian also practiced a vine-and-wood entanglement restriction spell quite well.

Thinking of the poisonous smoke fan powder he used in the White Horse Gang, Yi Tian felt excited.

I wanted to ask Wu Xing about 'Misian Drunk', but the guy said no, and finally gave Yi Tian a bottle of 'Spirit Beast Drunk'.

He also said that this effect is even better, and it will be slaughtered for a quarter of an hour if a whole cleft-hoof bull is stained with it.

The next day, the two of them went to the breeding bar for spirit beasts to find the strongest bull and tried it out, and it worked.

After Yi Tian came back, he soaked all the tree seeds used for the vine and wood wrapping spells in the 'Spirit Beast Drunk'.

Then dry it with a spirit fire and put it in a storage bag for later use.

On the day of departure, the group boarded the sky survey boat, driven by Qidian Ning Qingyuan, and the flying boat slowly took off and crossed a straight line between the clouds towards Donghai City at full speed.

The flying boat driven by Ancestor Jindan does not need to be a foundation-building cultivator. Yi Tian used the flying boat driven by Fu Haiming to feel that it was flying fast enough.

But compared with Ning Qingyuan's personal posture, it was like the difference between walking and riding a horse, and he couldn't help but feel envious of the achievement.

East China Sea City is a defense hub jointly built by the three factions. Relying on an island in the East China Sea, it belongs to the Inner Sea.

The sea water is generally not very deep, and many monks will also drive their own boats to shuttle between the mainland and Donghai City.

And mortals followed, mostly fishermen on the mainland near the sea.

However, this time the sea clan invaded, the sect also notified the mortal kingdom in advance.

Many mortal villages along the coast have moved inland for more than [-] miles.

Many of the loose cultivators who remained have been reorganized into Donghai City or have taken refuge in several inland strongholds.

The sky survey boat came all the way, and Yi Tian stood on the deck to see that there was no sign of anyone moving on the land by the sea below his feet.

And there is a vast sea in front of you, and you can't see the edge.

This time I went to Donghai City to help Yi Tian with the idea of ​​fighting if he could, but running if he couldn't.

Don't put your life there. You just got these inheritances, but don't lose it in three or two times. It's not what Yi Tian wants to be cheaper.

After half a day, the Sky Survey Boat began to descend slowly, and the East Sea City in front of them appeared in the eyes of the group.

Yi Tian thought that Donghai City was almost the same as Aodong Kingdom, but only after he arrived did he realize that he had greatly underestimated the abilities of the three factions.

The low point where Donghai City is located is not so much an island, but a piece of land cut from the mainland. A huge Donghai City covers the entire island.

It's about a hundred and twenty miles in size. No wonder the three factions call it the frontier of never falling. It would be fine if all the Chiyang factions were moved over.

The three factions of the five Jindan cultivators in the City Lord's Mansion in Donghai City are discussing how to resist the invasion of the Sea Clan.

Although there used to be some small fights every year, but this time the attack was a little more vicious than before.

Moreover, the sea clan attacked a little this time, and now the defense stations on the island chain outside Donghai City are still in contact.

Donghai City still needs to rely on these island chains to form the first line of defense, if several large defense stations around are breached.

Then the significance of the existence of Donghai City is not great, and the Sea Clan crossed the inner sea restraint and directly attacked the coastal mainland.

Ye Qingchen from the Chiyang faction was the first to arrive, followed by the two brothers Hu Tianhudi from Tiejianmen and Fan Hongfei and Su Qiaoyang from the Xuanling faction.

The sky survey boat Yi Tian was sitting on set off three days later, so he arrived late.

In the evening, the second batch of auxiliary personnel had all been repaired at the Chiyang dispatch station in East Sea City.

Ning Qingyuan, as the sixth Golden Core cultivator, went to the City Lord's Mansion to discuss countermeasures.

Yi Tian and others were sent to the residence of the Qidian, and every two disciples were assigned to a lounge.

Huang Ziang took Yi Tian as a matter of course, and it was better to have friends with him when he first arrived.

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(End of this chapter)

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