
Chapter 674 Dark Library 3 Heart Demon

Chapter 674
When Yi Tian entered the back of the light gate of the dark library, he felt a daze in front of him for a while, and then he returned to the ancestral hall of the Xuanyang Sect. Looking around, the furnishings here are exactly the same as when he left the sect, but the surroundings seem to be missing. An angry look.

Slowly extend the divine sense out to check the surroundings, and found that there is no living person in the entire sect, and there is an indescribable strangeness in the deathly silent Xuanyang sect sect blessed land feeling.

Quickly walked out of the Xuanyang Hall and came to the square. After Yi Tian glanced over, he didn't find anything unusual, and then he turned around and used the escape technique to fly towards the blessed land of the back mountain.

Although I am very sure in my heart that I am in the environment, I still need to find some opportunities to break out of the formation.After passing through the ancestral hall and directly entering the blessed land of Houshan, there was no obstacle at all along the way. After a while, Yi Tian flew over the lava valley where Chiyangzi lived in seclusion.

Slowly landed on the flat ground in front of the hut, looked around for a while, stretched out his right hand and pointed at the hut, and immediately pushed the door open.Then Yi Tian walked into the house quickly, and after looking over his eyes, he found that the furnishings in the house were exactly the same as he remembered, except Chiyangzi was missing.

Just as he was in a daze, suddenly there was a sneer in his ear, Yi Tianmeng regained his senses, then walked out of the room and touched the direction where the laughter came from.

It's just that this laughter sounds quite familiar, and it sounds like it is far away in the sky, but it resounds close at hand.After performing the escapism, the whole person stood up and left the lava valley and flew towards the center of Inner Gate Paradise. After a little attention, Yi Tian found that the laughter seemed to be deliberately attracting himself.

The face is not angry but happy at the moment, the most feared thing in this phantom formation is that there is no clue, such a sudden vision is really the key to breaking the formation.After flying all the way along with the laughter, a solitary mountain peak appeared in front of him not long after. As long as you pay attention, it is not difficult to see that this is the boundary of the Young Eagle Peak.

Presumably that laughter should come from his blessed land of Chuying Peak, Yi Tian is also very curious as to who is waiting for him there.

After ten breaths, he stopped in the mid-air outside the Young Eagle Peak, and Yi Tian stretched out his hand to lift the water curtain in front of him, revealing a cave door.

Before I could make a move, the door was pushed open from the inside out, and after a while a blue light flew out from the inside, circled in the air and stopped three feet away.

After the blue light faded, a person appeared, Yi Tian was stunned when he saw it, the person in front of him was exactly the same as himself.After sizing up the opponent's back, he showed a playful look, thinking, "I don't know how strong the mirror image transformed in this formation is." '

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the mirror image on the opposite side shout: "You dare to impersonate me, you are really tired of your job." After speaking, he raised his hand and waved a cyan sword light directly.

With a 'swish' sound, the sword light suddenly struck and split Yi Tian's figure in half, and then a blurry figure suddenly appeared ten feet away from the original position.

After Yi Tian showed his true self, he looked at his mirror image solemnly. The power of the sudden move just now was almost the same as the three swords he used.

But what Yi Tian was puzzled about was that the mirror image was exhibited with a intact Taiyuan Sword in his hand.It's just that the moves make me feel a little different, it seems that it is not so free and easy, or its power is just equivalent to that I haven't integrated the Buddhist secret method into it.

The sword light was full of murderous aura, and it felt almost insane.

Stretching out his right hand to take out a spirit sword, Yi Tian also used the 'Sword Qi Rusi', one of the three brilliance swords, like drawing a gourd, but the move he used was obviously softer, with the sword light inside. Yun is not as arrogant as the other party.

With a wave of his hand, a blue and yellow filament came out of his hand and surrounded the opponent in an arc. After three breaths, he whispered softly: "Go".I saw that the sword silk that was originally surrounding the net suddenly drew the net and trapped the opponent in it.

There was a loud "bang" Yi Tian only saw his own mirror image take the lead in changing moves, and his aura suddenly rose to the level of the late Nascent Soul, and then his hands knotted on his chest, showing a three-headed and six-armed Ah The Dharma Body of Shura came.

Holding the dark golden sun-moon brilliance wheel on both hands, the other four hands also began to display their best vine wood winding and spiral magic shield in pairs.

After the blue-yellow sword thread was drawn into the net, it directly wrapped the mirror image inside, but within three breaths, a crisp sound of 'cracking, crackling, crackling' was heard.A glint of light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and he used 'Qing Ling Dharma' to look into it, and saw that the rattan in the other party's hand had somehow been woven into a circular protective net, except for the low coefficient of sword wire for future offenders.

Yi Tian was taken aback for a while, and suddenly felt the spiritual power around the opponent fluctuate violently, two halos, one white and one yellow, flew out of the sepak takraw ball, tearing the air instantly and attacking him.

Surprisingly, the sun and the moon are wrapped in the two halos, and Yi Tian is also very familiar with this trick.After spitting in his mouth, Yi Tian's face showed an incomparably dignified expression. He knew the power of this move the most, not to mention that it was slightly stained. get involved.

Yi Tian's figure flashed under his feet, and then disappeared from his original position, but the sun, moon, and brilliance wheel seemed to be open-eyed and missed a single hit, circled a few times in the air, and then rushed towards another void. shoot away.

After three breaths, a figure appeared there, and seeing the two auras arriving at the same time, Yi Tian also showed a little surprise on his face.Unexpectedly, the other party could pre-determine his own foothold. Gritting his teeth, the figure flashed again and then disappeared into the air.

It's just that after this teleportation, the sun, the moon and Huilun seemed to be catching Yi Tian's movement with their eyes open, and they could predict the landing point.

At the same time, the mirror image of the three-headed and six-armed avatar did not seem to stop. After the hands were sealed again, the entire avatar shook, and a majestic spiritual force gathered from the whole body. It swelled up rapidly.

Yi Tian, ​​who was dodging on the side, flashed the corner of his eye and suddenly showed a clear expression. The mirror image in front of him should be himself, or the demon hidden deep in his heart.

Once upon a time, I remembered Qin Mingyue, the former holy son, said that the three heads of his Ashura Dharma Body were "killing, violent, and bloody" and they were all manifestations of negative emotions.

However, the image of the Dharma body cultivated by myself is "peaceful, tranquil, and wise", which is a manifestation of positive energy.On the other hand, the dark side of the heart shown by the inner demon is exactly the opposite of the original Dharma body image that I cultivated.

(End of this chapter)

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