Chapter 70
Inside the Baigumen of Baigu Mountain, there is a three-foot portrait hanging in the room of the inner disciple Qisha Witch.

The character in the portrait is a man. If Yi Tian was here, he would recognize Wu Xing as the man in the portrait.

The full name of the Seven Demons Witch Liu Piao Piao is the great-granddaughter of Liu Yue, the ancestor of the Golden Core of the White Bone Gate.

In his hand was an empty wine bottle with the words "Pride" written on it.

I saw her looking at the wine bottle from time to time, then turned to look at the portrait of Wu Xing behind her.

After muttering a few words in his mouth, he took out a piece of cloth woven from celestial silk from the storage bag. Sixteen block letters were neatly written on the cloth:

Pride boy
Apprentice to Southeast
Mysterious Fire Refinement
Purple Thunder Devouring the Sky
This verse was written more than ten years ago by Tianyun Shensuan, a direct disciple of the Tianyunmen of the Zhongzhou Great School.

Back then, when he passed by the White Bone Gate, he always wanted to visit Liu Yue, which coincided with Liu Piaopiao's presence.

After seeing Liu Piaopiao's face, he agreed to give her a fortune. Liu Piaopiao, who was only 13 years old at the time, directly asked what kind of person he would marry in the future.

Tianyunzi left after leaving this verse.

Before leaving, I also mentioned that Liu Piaopiao's face is very noble, but there is no misunderstanding, which can be solved after the Golden Core Stage.

Liu Yuexin directly destroyed half of her great-granddaughter's face with a ghost fire.

Anyway, when it comes to the Golden Core Stage, it can be remodeled, and it has also dispelled many people's crooked thoughts.

The information about Wu Xing in Yi Tian's hand is the order given to the night snack by the Seven Devils through Liu Yue's relationship.

In fact, Ye Xiao was also puzzled when he received the order, that Jin Dan's ancestor would be interested in new disciples.

But the secret order of the sect represented the will of the ancestor, so he had to use the undercover agent who had stayed for many years to investigate this matter.

Finally, Wu Xing, who locked the task of Dantang, drew a portrait according to his appearance, collected all the information and sent it back together.

The information contained Wu Xing's performance in Dantang and the characters around him.

Including four disciples of the Qi refining period who entered the door together, Tang Lin, Hua Shicheng, Huang Ziang and Yi Tian.

Who knows that the Seven Demons Witch only cares about Wu Xing. As for the information about the cats and dogs next to her, just take a look at it, and now there is Wu Xing's little white face in her mind.

Compared with the practice room of the Chiyang faction, the effect in the East Sea City is better. The practice room here is directly connected to the spiritual veins of the seabed.

Therefore, the concentration of aura in each room is also [-]% higher than that of the sect.

This is also due to the fact that the monks in Donghai City need to quickly improve their cultivation to cope with the next battle.

But if you count the strongest aura room, it still can't compare to the blessed land of the three sects.

Mainly because the spiritual energy on the mainland is stronger than that on the sea.

Yi Tian in the practice room first gave himself more than 300 contribution points from Sun Haojie's jade card, and then crushed the jade card with a hard pinch of his palm.

All the sea beast corpses in the storage bag were taken out and reprocessed.

The most useful ones are the shell and claws of the crab essence, which Yi Tian cut off with a knife to prepare materials for refining armor and double knives.

As for the other meats that can be eaten, the meat of sea beasts still contains a lot of spiritual energy.

And the scary brain meat of shrimp essence can be used to make wine. Yi Tian has seen Haoqi Yuntian's original recipe, and one of the ingredients is fresh shrimp brain.

In the past, the recipe was changed at Pushanfang, and the shrimp brain was used instead, and the goods given by Pusiyuan were not fresh, they were all dried.As long as you gather the puree of the monkey wine, you can brew the authentic pride.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian was excited, and now the effect of this passion wine is getting worse and worse.

If you drink two bottles by yourself, you won't be able to restore your spiritual energy, and it's easy to get drunk.

There are less than ten bottles left in the storage bag now, and most of the rest are used up.

There is also a jar of half a catty of wine that has not been blended, and Yi Tian plans to keep it for emergency use.

Later, after meditating for a day, Yi Tian began to look at the initial solution of the formation.

After reading it back and forth twice, Yi Tian realized that there are many similarities between the Tao and the refining inscription.

It is also the use of spiritual patterns to communicate aura to achieve the desired effect.

The difference is that the formation method is more complicated, and the formation plate needs to be refined.

Draw the pattern on it, and then use the foundation-building stage or the powerful Qi-refining stage to input a large amount of spiritual power to activate it.

Often each formation has a formation eye, and there are usually powerful spiritual weapons in these places to suppress the formation.

Qi Haosi gave Yi Tian a month. In Yi Tian's opinion, as long as the doubts in his heart are resolved, he can immediately start refining the array.

These questions still have to fall on Qi Haosi, and he can only find a suitable opportunity to consult him.

After returning to the Qidian station, Yi Tian took half the time to comprehend the initial explanation of the formation.

The task at hand was not too focused, but Huang Zian started to exert his strength.

Said that he could complete part of the repair work for Yi Tian.

After Yi Tian took out three catties of shrimp tail meat, Huang Zian patted his chest to ensure that he could help to make half of the quota without Yi Tian's contribution points.

Afterwards, Yi Tian knew that the shrimp tail meat in the market outside was sold for [-] contribution points per pound, and it was not as fresh as Yi Tian's, and the aura was so well preserved.

Because the monks outside killed those shrimp essences either smashed into slag or burned them with fireball.

After listening to Huang Zian's words, Yi Tian took out an extra pound of shrimp meat. The two of them ate fresh lobster slices with passion wine by the fire that night, and named the dish Fresh Shrimp Sashimi.

Huang Ziang has relied on Yi Tian for a lot of benefits in the past two years.

Therefore, Yi Tian's rated mission also took away part of it for free, so that Yi Tian had enough time to learn the formation.

Three days later, Yi Tian was meditating on the problems of those nodes in the formation, and suddenly received a message from Qi Haosi asking him to gather in the mission hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Originally thought it was going to be a mission again, but when I got there, I saw that all the people from the last time had arrived.

Only after inquiring did I find out that Sun Haojie had not come back for many days.

Judging from this, he did not escape, and he should have died in the hands of the sea beast.

After a while of muttering in his heart, Yi Tian turned to look at He Xinsheng, only to find that his eyes dimmed for a while, and then he returned to his original expression of sympathy.

After comforting the three of them, Qi Haosi explained the intention of coming: "This time Sun Haojie has 75 mission contribution points. Although he died, the mission contribution points will be divided equally among the remaining team members, so every Everyone got [-] more points."

After the incident, Yi Tian stayed to ask Qi Haosi some questions, and after obtaining a satisfactory answer.

At the same time, Qi Haosi also took the test for Kao Yitian. Seeing that he answered fluently, he knew that he had not been lazy recently.

Knowing that the progress of Yi Tian's array study is good, you can try to refine the array, and then teach the key points of refining to Yi Tian.

And said: "I hope to see the mist and peep array that you refined in a month, there will be unexpected surprises."

In the end, he also agreed to cut the workload by half, and gave Yi Tian a sample of the blank array disk.

Yi Tian, ​​who returned to the station, put down his work and directly took out the initial solution of the formation method to participate in the production of the formation plate. I don't know if you don't see it. Refining the formation plate really burns money.

Simply speaking, the raw materials of the array plate are made from black iron mixed with star sand.

When characterizing the array disk, it needs to be completed once, and there can be no breakpoints in it.

When engraving the pattern, if the engraving knife is used, the hardness of the engraving knife is very high, and the knife cannot be changed halfway.

And once a wrong stroke is engraved, the entire array will be scrapped. The scrapped array cannot be cut off and reused, and must be returned to the furnace for retraining.

Various restrictions have doubled the time to make an array, so generally a skilled array mage has to practice dozens of arrays before he is just getting started.

However, during this battle period, Donghai City did not have enough time to cultivate a Qi-refining phase formation mage.

In the case of shortage of supplies, Qi Haosi can give Yi Tian a sample of the formation plate, which is not bad.

You must know that if you have to formally apprenticeship under normal circumstances, only now will you open up and come to a special event.

You must know that Qi Haosi was just trying it out, and he didn't have much hope in his heart at first.

Fortunately, Yi Tian did not disappoint him, and Qi Haosi was shocked by the first consultation.

Many problems point directly to the root, so they will take out a formation plate for Yi Tian to take a closer look at.

With a face of desperation, Yi Tian had to purchase raw materials first according to the requirements of the refining array.

It took one hundred contribution points to buy back one or two star sand and five catties of black iron.

According to the ratio recorded in the smelting method of the array plate in the initial solution of the array, five array plates can be made. Fortunately, if the carving is damaged, it can be returned to the furnace and re-melted.

It took three days to refine five arrays against the model Yi Tiancai.

The next step is to engrave the formation pattern on the formation plate. When engraving, you should evenly inscribe your spiritual power on the formation plate through the carving knife.

For this reason, Yi Tian also used Yin Hao Stone and Star Iron to make an excellent carving knife.

However, he failed twice in a row when trying to burn the array disk, and finally had to stop temporarily and ask Qi Haosi for advice.

When Qi Haosi saw Yi Tian's array, he was excited, but he couldn't help frowning when he heard Yi Tian's question.

This link also troubled him for a long time, and finally it was only through a lot of practice that he found and summarized the experience of engraving array patterns.

He also told Yi Tian that there was no shortcut to this step, and it was all piled up by a lot of practice.

He also said that according to Yi Tian's current progress, it is almost enough to practice burning seventy or eighty array disks.

The frightened Yi Tian burst into tongues. It took several hours to record each time, and none of them were completely successful.

I don't know when I'll be successful if I keep practicing.

But according to Qihaosi himself, until now he can't say that every time he burns the pattern, he can be 100% successful.

Bringing back a look of helplessness, Yi Tian stared at his five arrays in a daze.

Take a look at that carving knife, it basically needs to be returned to the furnace to re-fine it once it is used, and then open the edge, or the blade will probably be broken the next time it is burned.

I was thinking about it, and suddenly saw the dark golden inscription on the flywheel next to him, and Yi Tian's mind flashed.

Since the fire control method can be used to burn the inscriptions, it is also possible to burn the array pattern on the array disk.

Immediately, he took out two spiritual stones in his hands and worked hard to restore the spiritual energy, trying to use his best state to try again.

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(End of this chapter)

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