
Chapter 700 Pill Pavilion 7 Inheritance

Chapter 700
The area occupied by the entire Dan Pavilion is about the size of an ordinary large-scale sect. Except for some blocking formations on the road up the mountain in front, there are no blocking formations in the main hall or anywhere behind.

It's just that the area occupied is too large, and Yi Tian dare not fly directly in mid-air for fear of arousing the backlash of the restraining formation.Going all the way from the road of Chuangong Hall, passing several side halls without interruption.

There is a sign at the entrance of each temple, and Yi Tian's eyes just glanced over and imprinted the structure level here in his mind.

The cultivation of disciples in the Dan Pavilion also selects some qualified outer sect disciples to enter step by step, and then divides the many steps of alchemy into different categories. Each hall will have an assessment, and those who pass the test can enter the next stage of study.

After flying past a group of stone palaces, Yi Tian raised his head and saw an ordinary stone room at the end of the stone path.It's just that the buildings in that direction are by no means simple existences.

I couldn't help but think that it must be the first stone room of Wan Zongming's retreat in the Pill Pavilion, and in an instant, the wind under my feet flew towards the end.

After ten breaths, Yi Tiancai came to the door of that room. After sweeping his eyes, he found that there was no door in the stone room. The surrounding walls were engraved with rune formations. If he broke the formation forcefully, the guardian formation would definitely be triggered fight back.

After thinking for a while, he took out seven formation-breaking needles with his left hand, and then began to walk around the stone room, trying to find a breakthrough node from the formation inscription.

But after turning around, he still didn't find a chance to make a breakthrough. In other words, the stone room in front of him was completely isolated, with no door or window. I really don't know how Wan Zongming got in.

Whenever I want to go up and get closer to the stone room within a meter, the inscriptions on the walls around the stone room will start to flicker, as if I want to get ready to launch.

After putting away the forbidden god needle in his hand, Yi Tian stared at the stone room in a daze. Later, a thought flashed through his mind, and he took out the whisk that he got in the main hall before, and with his right hand, he raised Nanming Lihuo to bestow it on him. Go up, and then lightly lift the whisk and throw it towards the stone room.I saw a white spiritual light appearing from above and directly drilled into the wall of the stone room.

After three breaths, there was a 'cracking' sound from the four walls, and the inscriptions around the walls were activated and scattered to one side, revealing a small door.

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it, put away the dust whisk in his hand, and rushed into the door after a flash.After Yi Tian's figure disappeared, the stone room became distorted for a while, and disappeared at the end of the passage out of thin air after a while.

Entering the interior of the stone chamber, there is a long straight corridor in front of Yi Tian. He stretched out his right hand and lit a ray of flames to illuminate the road ahead, only to find that this place looks like a closed space.

Just now, when I went around outside, I found that the stone room was only about three feet square, but after entering the interior, I realized that there was a world inside.After walking all the way forward for a little while, I could see a little white light in the distance, but I really don't know when I will be able to reach the end at my own speed.

In order to save time, he used the escape technique, sacrificed the True Flame Armor to cover his whole body, and when he exerted force under his feet, a streak of green and red spiritual power penetrated his whole body, and his whole body shot out like an arrow that left the string.

At such a speed, Yi Tian roughly estimated that it took him nearly [-] breaths of time to reach the exit of the tunnel. If it was left outside, he would have flown thousands of miles away.

After coming out of the light door, I came to an ordinary stone room, and I hurriedly scanned it with my spiritual sense for fear of missing any clues.This must be Wan Zongming's place of retreat. In the middle of the stone room, there is a flower pot filled with some black soil, but there is no trace of any spiritual plants in this flower pot.

After sweeping the flower pot with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian's eyelids trembled a few times. This flower pot was actually placed in this secret room, which obviously means preparing to cultivate spiritual plants, and the things that can be placed here must not be An ordinary thing, although I don't know what the use of this flower pot is, but since it is here, don't miss it. .

After putting away the flower pot, Yi Tian turned his gaze to the mural behind him. The person painted on it was Lihuo Patriarch, and the one who knelt down and saluted must be Wan Zongming.It's just that no matter how I pour my spiritual power into the mural, there is no response at all.

After looking at the surrounding environment, Yi Tian thought about it. In terms of strength, Wan Zongming should not be much worse than his own ancestor Yun Zhongzheng, but even in this way, there are still four disciples under Lihuo ancestor. His prestige would not have fallen apart 2000 years ago, maybe there are still some inside stories that he has not yet understood.

Gathering his attention, he scanned the other corners of the stone room and found a five-inch iron gossip on the opposite side of the alchemy furnace.There is also a jade box next to it, but the top of this jade box is sealed all around, and after looking for a long time, I can't find a place to open it.

Picking up the jade box, he blew lightly with his mouth to blow off all the dust on it, revealing a bright golden inscription on the surface, after careful inspection, Yi Tian took a breath of cold air.In my heart, I am very impressed with the craftsmanship of the Lihuo Zongqi Pavilion. The inscription on it is exactly the same as the inscription outside the incident, it is simply a shrunken version of the secret room.

So and so, the things in it must be extremely important, with the previous experience, Yi Tian didn't think about it, just took out the whisk, raised it gently, and then swept it towards the jade box.

After Nanming Lihuo turned into a ray of white light and opened it, Yi Tian found that it contained three jade slips, one of which was large and said 'Essence of Lihuo Alchemy' on it, and the other two looked like letters.He stretched out his hand and picked up the jade slip of 'Lihuo Danshu Essence' and put it on his forehead, and the look on his face became extremely wonderful.

This jade slip contains hundreds of prescriptions, large and small, covering everything from Qi training to Nascent Soul stage.

The journey of alchemy has always been my weakness, now that I have this inherited alchemy book, as long as I study a little bit, I will be able to make up for it, and even become a generation of alchemy kings.

Shaoqing put the alchemy back into the jade box, took out the two letters and studied them carefully.The information on the first letter was quite different from what I had known before.The main reason is that Wan Zongming reprimanded Gu Hui for not being of the same sect, insisting on taking over the Lihuo Sect, and Yun Zhongzheng, with an ambiguous attitude, repeatedly evaded the matter of taking over as the suzerain, and finally led his disciples from his lineage to avoid Dong Ao and set up a branch. Zong.

It's just that this letter seemed to be written by Wan Zongming to senior brother Gu Hui, but for some reason it was not sent out.

After picking up the last letter and reading it quickly, Yi Tian suddenly felt the nameless chill in the air approaching him.This letter records the process of Wan Zongming sending Dan Pavilion disciples out of the sect and ordering them to set up a new Dari Yaoyang sect.

But it even mentioned that this master uncle was a little cautious, and even mentioned that the descendants of his own line were trapped in Feishengtai.

(End of this chapter)

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