
Chapter 702 Pill Pavilion 9 Backlash

Chapter 702
On Dange Square, Jing Xue took out the head of the Flying Rakshasa and put it together again. Now the statue has shaken off all the stone chips around it, revealing the blue skin inside.

However, the bursts of spiritual pressure fluctuations emanating from the body of the Flying Rakshasa made the surrounding monks feel oppressed. come out.

Hu Yiyuan, a monk who came with the Zhengxing League, also showed a look of hesitation at this time, although he couldn't see the expression on his face, but he let out a few cold snorts from time to time.

Finally, Hu Yiyuan was the first to fly forward after Jing Xue received his merits and opened his mouth to question: "Deputy lord, have you discussed with the lord before reviving this corpse? Everything has a great background. If any appalling monster is released by mistake, it will have an impact on the entire Central Province."

Unexpectedly, Jing Xue just glanced at Hu Yiyuan who was wearing a mask with his eyes, then stretched out his hand and pointed to the chains on the body of the Flying Rakshasa Corpse: "Use your secret technique to untie these chains. After it is done, we can control this high-level refining corpse to wipe out all the obstacles in the Pill Pavilion."

After finishing speaking, he still didn't forget to look around the monk with his eyes. Those sharp eyes made people shudder.And Hu Yiyuan was obviously hesitant at this time, wondering if he should help.

Seeing such Jingxue Corpse Refining, he said unkindly: "Do you want to disobey my order? You must know that I have an appointment with the lord. I will help him accomplish his work, but you must also give me the utmost help."

It was obvious that Jing Xue's words had touched Hu Yiyuan's weakness, he hesitated for a moment before stretching out his hands and forming seals on his chest.

After three breaths, a bunch of flames appeared in his hand, and Hu Yiyuan's ten fingers shot out again and again, turning the real fire into filaments, cutting a gap in the shackles on the hands and feet of the Flying Rakshasa.

Seeing this, Jing Xue's face suddenly showed a little joy, then he took out a black flag and a bronze bell, opened his mouth to spit out two mouthfuls of heart blood on the two spiritual weapons, and then raised the flag with his right hand to start the practice.

He muttered a word in his mouth: "Open," Rakshasa's eyes opened in response, revealing a pair of blood-red eyes.Then Jingxue began to control it with the spiritual weapon in his hand, and saw that Flying Raksha stretched out his hands and forcibly opened the shackles on his limbs, and then his whole body stood up again, slowly walked two steps to stand In front of Jing Xue.

And the wave of spiritual pressure from Luosha's body made everyone present feel uncomfortable. The oppressive feeling produced by the strong spiritual pressure made people feel a little at a loss. It makes people shudder to watch.

At this time, Jingxue's face revealed a pair of divine consciousness held by Zhizhu, Yun Gong opened his mouth and said to the many Nascent Soul monks around him: "Leave the secret treasure of the Pill Pavilion of the Lihuo Sect in my Zhengxing alliance. Fellow Daoists, let’s leave first.”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became dignified. Jing Xue's words offended all the monks present. I really don't know what he thought.

Hu Yiyuan, who was on the side, also blurted out: "I'm afraid the words of the deputy leader are inappropriate. After all, I am in the alliance to openly offend so many sects in Zhongzhou. It will be difficult for me to gain a foothold in the cultivation world in the future."

Jing Xue looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "You Li Huozong is the target of public criticism in Zhongzhou, why do you care how many enemies you make, Hu Yiyuan, you don't have to hide it anymore."

As soon as this remark came out, Hu Yiyuan immediately distanced himself from Jingxue, then took off the mask on his face and said coldly: "Jingxue, it turns out that you have been holding back for so many years because of today. It seems that you have a different heart. , Today's wolf ambition is undoubtedly revealed."

Jing Xue spit out a mouthful of disdain and said: "I can't bear the idea of ​​Lu Jinyuan wanting to sell dog meat for a long time. The whole Zhengxingmeng secretly acted as your Lihuozong's thugs and acted in a shameful way."

All the people on the scene were frightened for a while, and it seemed that Jingxue wanted to fight against everyone when the matter developed to this point.

And what he held in his hand was the refined corpse that he had refined just now, but no one dared to underestimate him, or this refined corpse.

Yi Tian stood on the side of the square and stared at the corpse of the flying Rakshasa for a while, the expression on his face became more and more severe, and somehow his heart tightened for no reason.When looking at this refined corpse, I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell the reason.

Suddenly, Jing Xue raised his hands and began to form seals, and then pointed a few times towards the refining corpse beside him. Suddenly, a blue spiritual light appeared, and after a while, a sharp spiritual pressure wave suddenly gathered, and all the monks around him were shocked. Shocked.

Jing Xue sneered and asked again: "What are you waiting for, do you need to continue?"

The development of the matter to such an extent was a bit beyond the expectation of everyone present, but it was hard to come here and everyone was a proud person, so they would definitely not be frightened by the mere threat in front of them.

After three beeps, no one responded and everyone was just secretly on guard, while Jing Xue smiled disdainfully and started to move his hands.Immediately, he quickly formed the seal and pointed at Huiyuan and Yunmengyao who were standing aside.

In his opinion, these two early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators should be the weakest in the group, and the persimmons should pick the weakest, and the same is true for killing people and standing up.

A blue light flashed, and there was a scream, and everyone's eyes turned strangely exciting.I saw the corpse of the Flying Raksha turned over and swooped to attack Jingxue who was casting a spell.With both hands and feet firmly clamped the back of the head, he opened his mouth and bit towards Jingxue's neck. The scream came from his mouth, and within three breaths, he became bloodless, and his whole body was full of spirit. After the power was frantically absorbed, only a shriveled corpse remained.

After the Flying Rakshasa sucked the blood, the spiritual power of his whole body was full, and he stretched out his hand to tear Jingxue's body into pieces.Later, he turned around and glanced at the many monks around him, and stuck out his tongue to lick the blood at the corner of his mouth.Then the red light in his eyes flashed again as if he was catching the next target.

At this time, Hu Yiyuan, who was closest to him, hurriedly pulled away and flew away directly to Yi Tian's side, with a slightly ashamed look on his face, but his eyes were extremely dignified.

Before everyone could make a move, the Flying Rakshasa laughed a few times and said, "A mere group of ants dare to try to control me. It's wishful thinking. Let you all become my food today." After speaking, the figure flashed into a blue whirlwind and rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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