
Chapter 705 Pill Pavilion 2 Stay

Chapter 705
There were several noises in the square again, but this time the power was several times stronger than before.For a moment, the two-foot-sized flower bud of the ghost face flower suffered six attacks at the same time, and was beaten to pieces in an instant.

The blue figure among them floated out a burst of blue liquid in a flash. After splashing on the ground, the liquid directly corroded the originally flat stone platform with traces of potholes everywhere.

The Flying Rakshasa broke through the back of the winged protector Zhou with a desperate blow, but this time his face was obviously not as good as before.After being plotted by Yi Tian, ​​he was attacked by six people together. This time, the scars on his body were obviously much more serious than before.

The most obvious thing is that there is a thin line more than one foot long on his chest and abdomen, which is cut obliquely from his right shoulder to his left abdomen. There is even some golden light on the wound, which is caused by the Buddhist sect's secret method. scars.

After seeing this, Hu Yiyuan showed some doubts on his face. The shape of the wound was obviously caused by a spirit sword spell, and the spells performed by Huiyuan and Yun Mengyao were obvious to all.This decision is definitely not theirs, at this time Yi Tian faintly reveals a little golden Buddha light, which makes everyone on the side look refreshed.

This was the first time that Flying Rakshasa was wounded from the front. At this time, he resisted the Buddha's light eroding the wound with all his strength, but he still shouted wildly: "I didn't expect that you, a human race, not only learned the dharma body of the Asura clan, but also I also practiced the Buddhist sect's secret technique, but even so I couldn't take my life, I will settle the score with you after I recover my skills," he said, turning around and fanning the wings on his back, about to flee.

When everyone saw this, panic appeared on their faces, this Flying Rakshasa is already so powerful, if he is allowed to escape, there will be endless troubles.

It's just that he wanted to go for a while, but no one could stop him. After the blue figure flashed past, the figure of Flying Raksha disappeared in place. Yi Tian hurriedly urged the wind escape technique to chase after him.

It can be said that the opponent's strength is obviously higher than his own. Although he was slightly weakened by the injury, he is not much worse than himself.Seeing that the blue light was about to jump down the platform and escape from the way down the mountain, a black light stopped in front of him in good time.

Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that it turned out to be Dugu Tianfeng. At this time, the demon avatar on his body was already damaged, and there were traces of red blood on the scales. It seemed that the confrontation with Feitian Luosha just now was not a small blow hurt.It's just that the spiritual power around him hasn't weakened in the slightest. Yi Tian knows that this is the gain brought by the secret method of Tianmo's real body, but it is inevitable that there will be a period of weakness afterwards.

Only Feitian Luosha howled: "Go away."

After hearing this, Dugu Tianfeng's face didn't change at all, and the spiritual power in his body once again charged towards the opponent, and the two fought again in the air.This time when the fists and feet intersected, it was really punching to the flesh, and Dugu Tianfeng also became ruthless as if he wanted to hold the opponent back, with a domineering posture that did not flinch in the slightest.

Black and blue fists and feet rained down on the two of them, and the sound resounded throughout the audience.When Dugu Tianfeng disrupted the situation, Feitian Luosha's retreat was cut off, and suddenly a white halo came from behind, and Feitian Luosha's movements became slower in the white light.

And Dugu Tianfeng in front of him also seemed to have been affected a lot, but he only suffered a little bit of white light. Moreover, although the speed of the true energy in his body slowed down, it was much better than the other party.

Feitian Luosha exclaimed in surprise: "The Lihuo Haotian Mirror cannot be manipulated by the non-Sovereign Master, so why are you still using the Lihuo Sect's direct-inherited exercises?"

Yi Tian didn't answer, and followed him not far away, raised the Haotian Mirror in his hand, gathered the mirror light into a beam, and shone on the back of the flying Rakshasa's head.

But seeing that the movements in his hands gradually became powerless, and the speed and power were not as good as before.Facing the frontal Dugu Tianfeng, he missed one after another, and there was a 'bang bang' sound from his body. It was the sound of a black fist hitting his body.

In the middle of the air, Dugu Tianfeng shot down Flying Rakshasa from the sky in one breath, and the white light in the Haotian mirror in Yi Tian's hand was always locked on the back of his head or the vestibule.

The Haotian Mirror is indeed the treasure of the Lihuo Sect. Under its divine light, the magic baby in the Flying Rakshasa Niwan Palace can't move at all, and it has a whole body of spiritual power but can't mobilize it. Now lying on the ground reduced to a fish at the mercy of others.

Just as Yi Tian wanted to take a breather, he suddenly found that the body of the Feitian Rakshasa on the ground swelled up rapidly, and he secretly cried out in his heart that it was not good. Could it be that the other party wanted to explode the magic baby, but it was wrong when he thought about it in a blink of an eye. Can no longer move half a minute.

After ten breaths, a stream of blue blood sprayed out from Feitian Luosha's mouth and shot towards the two people in the air.Yi Tian and Dugu Tianfeng were shocked when they saw the situation, and hurriedly teleported away.Just after the Haotian mirror in Yi Tian's hand loosened for a while, a blue aura flew out from the sky cap and fled towards the distance.

But before the magic baby flew too far, he saw a black mist covering him and pulled him over.

Looking along the source of the black mist, I saw that the old boy Xiahou Cangqiong sacrificed the devil soul banner at some point, and the devil baby was led by it and ran towards him at high speed.

Seeing this, Yi Tian showed a little anger on his face and said: "Old man Xiahou, you still want to put away as the master soul of the demon soul flag, do you still want to put the Zhongzhou cultivation world in dire straits?"

"Sect Master Yi, you have deceived the old man so hard," Xiahou Cangqiong replied with a fake smile: "With you born out of nowhere, your Lihuo Sect will soon regain its reputation in Zhongzhou. The strength you have shown today, even the late Nascent Soul cultivators of Dao Sect and Qianling Sect could not say that they are better than you, this old man is just planning for the rainy day of Tianli Sect." After speaking, the figure flashed and held the demon soul The banner flew towards the direction that the devil baby came from.

But before Xiahou Cangqiong put away the magic baby's eyelids, his eyelids twitched, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw a golden light as thin as silk flashing across the air.

The devil baby screamed in response, and then saw that the devil baby's spirit body was separated from its right hand under the chest, and the fallen half of the devil baby was instantly cut to pieces under the flashing golden light.

A roar sounded from Xiahou Cangqiong's mouth, and he stared at Yi Tian with his eyes wide open, then put the half of the devil baby's spirit body into the devil soul banner, turned around and flew towards the downhill road in a hurry.

Yi Tian didn't go after him when he saw it, anyway, everyone saw it. Anyway, he was the Tianli Sect who was doing the trouble, so he wasn't afraid to say it out.

(End of this chapter)

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