
Chapter 712 Yao Li

Chapter 712 Yao Li

Staying in the cave of Falling Flame Mountain, Yi Tian refined and purified the repairing treasures around him again, but he just wanted to make do with it before.But now after communicating with the spirit of the weapon, he can no longer be careless.

Since this Acacia bell is a spirit treasure brought down from the lower realm by the ancestor of Lihuo, it must have derived a spirit of Qi early so that he must be familiar with his Lihuo sect's exercises.It is really impossible to cut corners.

But just like that, when Yi Tian sacrificed Nanming Lihuo to bring forward the two repairing treasures again, the disdainful words of the tool spirit came from his ears: "Your Nanming Lihuo has condensed into such virtues, and you don't even have a great achievement." After practicing it, I am afraid that even teaching you 'Zi Xiao Yao Li' will only have the effect of one trick."

One party directly destroyed Yi Tian's full confidence and couldn't lift his head, and secretly cursed, "What is this virtue? Lao Tzu, Nanming Lihuo, has the power to fight against those monks in the late Nascent Soul. In Ling's eyes, it became an unrefined kung fu.However, it was the first time he heard of the 'Zixiao Yaoli' he mentioned. Depending on the situation, he had to get the secret technique first, even if he could only use one trick, it could be his trump card. '

Ignoring Qi Ling's words, Yi Tian took out the purified meteorite iron, obsidian black iron and deep sea ice crystals one by one and placed them in front of the acacia bell.Then he took out the Ruiguang Rune Pen and the prepared Dragon Blood Inscription Liquid and placed them on the right.

After lightly picking up the acacia bell, Yi Tiancai said slowly: "I'm going to start repairing, are you ready?"

"Hurry up, I've been waiting for 3000 years, that little girl just used me as a spiritual tool to defend against the enemy, but I don't know that my real use is not for that," Qi Ling said impatiently.

"En," Yi Tian didn't think there was any surprise after hearing this. Looking at the inscription on the body of the Acacia Bell, he could roughly guess what this thing is used for.It's just a matter between my ancestors and Taoist companions, and I, as a junior, have no way to comment.

He stretched out his right index finger to sacrifice a wisp of white flame to his hand, and with the continuous input of spiritual power, the flame that was originally as thin as shredded tobacco instantly swelled up into a ball the size of a fist.

Stretching out his left hand to control the Hehuan Bell, he lightly sacrificed it and put it into the real fire to start cultivating.I saw that the body of the acacia bell gradually turned dark red under the calcination of Nanming Lihuo.

After the whole body was burnt to red, Yi Tian pointed the three precious materials with his left index finger, sacrificed them and put them into the real fire to be calcined. The deep-sea ice crystals were compressed into a droplet of liquid and then spread on the acacia bell At the gap of the collapse, the pre-purified meteorite iron and obsidian black iron were burnt into juice and easily attached to the extension of the gap.

The place where a three-inch-sized golden bell collapsed was no more than a fingernail-sized gap, but the repairable material used a dozen drops of purified meteorite iron and obsidian black iron.

After filling the gap, Yi Tian gently placed the acacia bell in the air, put away Nanming Lihuo on his fingertips, took out some elixir from the storage ring, chewed it in his mouth, and swallowed it like a jujube.Then he hastily exercised his kung fu to dissipate the power of the medicine, only to feel that the lost spiritual power was replenished continuously.

Later, after repairing Yi Tian to replenish his spiritual power, he stretched out his right hand to pick up the Ruiguang pen on one side, and lightly dipped a little dragon blood inscription liquid.With his left hand, he controlled the Acacia bell and began to carve the inscription not far in front of him.

I don't know how long the whole inscription process lasted, but Yi Tian silently counted in his heart that he spent more than half of his spiritual energy to complete the inscription.

After the last stroke was made, a golden light suddenly appeared on the entire acacia bell, and then the acacia bell came out of its hand and circled in the air while making a crisp jingle sound, and flew back to stop after a while. In front of Yi Tian.

After three breaths, the voice of Qi Ling came again: "I didn't expect that your cultivation level is not bad, but the level of refining equipment is higher than your strength."

Yi Tian didn't get angry after hearing this, anyway, he had already turned on the immune mode to Qi Ling's cynicism.Exhaled out of the mouth and said unhurriedly: "I have little talent and learning, and you will laugh at me if you try your best in everything."

"Seeing that your attitude is so sincere, and there is still room for improvement in your cultivation, I will show you a lot of kindness."

"It's just that I promised Hao Ji that I will return the property to the original owner after I repair you," Yi Tian asked tentatively.To be honest, it's best to keep this thing by your side, but I agreed to Haoji just to help.

But I feel a little bit reluctant to let him go, after all, the help of such a weapon spirit to my cultivation is no different from a good teacher and helpful friend.

A little later, the immature voice sounded: "You are a monk from the Fire Sect with too much fire spiritual power. I will be affected by your spiritual power if I stay by your side for a long time. You send me back to that little girl." Well, I am originally a Yin-type spiritual weapon that can be continuously nourished by placing it next to a woman."

"That's fine," Yi Tian couldn't see any joy or anger on his face, but there was still a little bit of reluctance in his expression.However, the risk of intercepting the Acacia bell is too great. Apart from the reason of the spirit weapon itself, it will also offend Hao Ji and the old devil of Acacia.

Hearing the sour taste in Yi Tian's words, Qi Ling said with a smile: "You don't want to be cheap, I will teach you the first trick of Lihuo Three Transformations."

Nodded and replied, "You said I remember something I don't understand, and I will ask you again." After listening, Qi Ling said the secret technique slowly without saying a word, and Yi Tian took out a jade slip to listen and listen At the same time, I was secretly deducing the secretarial skills in my heart.

After memorizing the secret technique, Yi Tian also learned from his mouth that the Lihuo Patriarch was just a true disciple of the Lihuo Palace in the upper realm.

And he has only learned the three success methods of Lihuo Palace, and he can dominate one side just by dispatching a clone of the lower realm. It is conceivable that if he ascends to the spirit world and worships under the Lihuo Palace, his strength will be improved to to what extent.

Although the matter of ascension is still very far away for him, but the current move of 'Zixiao Yaoli' is a real benefit.After Yi Tian deduced the secret technique word by word in his mind, he found that if he mastered this move, his strength would definitely rise to a higher level, and by then it would be possible to kill him at the Nascent Soul stage.

At least he is more confident in dealing with Qian Lingyuan and his like, but there is still a tricky preparation to do right now.If you want to use 'Zixiao Yaoli', you must at least refine Nanming Lihuo to a small degree, which is Yi Tian's current cultivation base, but the whole body's spiritual power will be consumed in one move, and the rest is only To escape.

If you want to fully display it, you must practice Nanming Lihuo to the level of Dacheng.

(End of this chapter)

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