
Chapter 729

Chapter 729
A dark underground ice cave bottom reveals a faint light that is moving fast, and the center of the light source is Yi Tian and Su Jin flying in the air.

Obviously Biting Gold is familiar with the environment here, and after a while, he brought Yi Tian directly to the vicinity of the sealing formation.

It's just that the surrounding temperature is already below freezing point, and there are strings of crystal clear ice flowers hanging on the stone walls.Biting Jin pointed at the square stone platform in front of him and said, "That's it, you'd better hurry up, as the temperature here is getting lower and lower and our spiritual power consumption will also increase accordingly. If three hours If you can't repair it completely, you have to retreat first."

Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense and scanned it, and then his face showed a gleam of joy. The formation here was exactly what he had seen in the secret book of Yunxiaozong. It is not difficult to repair.

Just looking back at Su Jin, it is obvious that the three hours he proposed is still quite urgent for him.But after thinking about what he was referring to, the low temperature here made it impossible to stay any longer, then the corner of his mouth twitched and he stretched out his hand to touch the spirit beast pouch, and murmured, "Come out."

A blue-white aura flew out from the spirit beast pouch around his waist and circled a few times in the air before slowly landing beside him. After the blue light faded, he showed a lazy look of a 'fat dog'.

I only heard him shout happily: "When did you find such a good place, didn't you let me out earlier."

Cheating Gold next to him looked around in surprise, and saw a blue halo slowly extending out from Fat Dog to cover the surrounding area of ​​ten feet.

Standing in this blue halo, Su Jin suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature was not as cold as before, and the spiritual power consumption in his body was reduced by as much as [-]%.

Staring at 'Fat Dog' for a while, he blurted out: "Ice Soul Fox, no, it's a mutated species."

'Fat Dog' proudly raised his head and replied: "You have good eyesight," and then followed Yi Tian one step at a time.

Biting gold stared at 'Fat Dog' and was stunned for a while, but in Yitian, he didn't have time to care so much. Although the ice halo of 'Fat Dog' can help resist the low temperature, it is only half effective at most. Right now, I still need to repair the sealing formation here as soon as possible.

Glancing over the damaged seal formation, he saw that the square formation disk was about one foot in radius. Yi Tian knew that these formation disks would usually be made as small as possible for easy portability.

And such a large array can only show that the strength of the spirit beasts sealed below is extraordinary, but there are such monsters on Tianlan Continent that even Patriarch Lihuo can't deal with.

Although there are still many doubts in it, Yi Tian knows that now is not the time to explore, and the gold digger in front of him seems to know something, but it is estimated that it will take a lot of money to get some valuable news from him cost.

However, Yi Tian found that at this time, Su Jin seemed to be focusing all his attention on Fat Dog, and secretly said in his heart, "I'm not afraid of your strict mouth, but I'm afraid you don't have hobbies. This matter probably has to fall on Fat Dog." '

After picking up his mood, Yi Tian took out many materials in the storage bracelet, and then compared the size of the original seal to start refining the repair components.

This stone platform array looks simple, but it is actually made of a whole ice marrow stone, and looking at the cold environment in the ground, it must be an environment that restrains the spirit beast attribute.

In this way, the existing materials on hand had to be removed from the three series of wood, fire and earth materials, and there were not many usable ones left.After selecting a few water-attributed materials, Yi Tian also took out a deep-sea ice crystal the size of a jujube pit out of his own pocket.

This thing is still repairing the acacia bell, which was withheld and used here, it is more appropriate than it is.Stretching out his right hand and raising his index finger, he sacrificed a wisp of white flame, and then murmured a word, seeing that the flame rapidly swelled up and turned into a cluster the size of a fist, and then Yi Tian put several materials in his hand into it one by one to start the sacrifice stand up.

Qin Jin, who was teasing the 'fat dog', also stopped his hand movements at this time, and stared at the white flame for a long time with a little joy on his face.

Just looking at Yi Tianji's method of refining the materials of the sealing array, he sighed and shook his head helplessly, with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

It took nearly two hours for Yi Tian to complete the preparatory work, and then slowly walked forward to approach the damaged part of the seal to start repairing.

Suddenly, the strong wind coming from the eye of the formation in the middle of the stone platform in front of him suddenly increased by three points, and the strong wind blew out to form a rapidly rotating vortex that enveloped the entire formation sealing platform.

Biting Jin's face darkened and said: "This demon spirit has already sensed our movements, he seems to be unwilling to be sealed again, and is anxious to break the seal and get out of trouble."

"Then what should we do?" Yi Tian asked.

"What to do, what to do," Su Jin thought for a while before saying: "You need to watch the wind to repair and seal the formation, I will try to mobilize the big formation to weaken the power of the wind, remember you only have one chance It's all up to you."

Although he didn't know what a chance meant in the words of Biting Gold, Yi Tian could roughly guess that the means to mobilize the formation should be one-off.

Biting Jin took out a simple palm-sized disc and hit it with a magic formula, and immediately the pattern of yin and yang fish appeared on the disc.With the continuous infusion of spiritual power, the round card seems to echo the formation disk of the stone platform.

Immediately, all the formations on the stone platform were activated and flashed a dazzling golden light, and after ten breaths, the strong wind blowing from the eyes weakened somewhat.Biting Jin saw it and shouted: "Now you have a quarter of an hour to repair the seal formation."

After hearing this, Yi Tian didn't say much and opened the protective cover around his body to the maximum. At the same time, he sacrificed the secret method of body skills and strode up towards the damaged part of the formation.

Against the strong wind in front of him, he came to the damaged part of the sealing formation, and Yi Tianyi reached out and took out the refined formation disk components one by one and began to inlay them in according to the original proportion.

At the same time, a wisp of Nanming Lihuo was used to refine the deep sea ice crystals into liquid, and then apply a layer on the joints of the formation plate.

As those components were glued together piece by piece, the spiritual power fluctuations on the entire stone platform sealing formation became smoother and smoother, and the tuyere at the center of the formation became smaller and smaller.

After Yi Tian pressed the last component up, the whole stone platform shook a few times, and after a while the formation patterns on the stone platform were all activated, and the gap at the eye of the formation slowly began to close.

It didn't take long for the two of them to be happy, and a roar sounded from the eyes: "Soul Eater, you, a creature from the lower world, dare to offend Tian Wei, I will definitely smash you into pieces after I go out, and you, Li Huo Heir, when my master returns, I swear to kill you all."

After speaking, a white light flew out from the eyes, wanting to take advantage of the remaining power of the gang wind and rush to the sky, but Su Jin stepped in front of him and grabbed him firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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