
Chapter 76 Auction

Chapter 76 Auction
The auction in Donghai City is still going on, but the auction for the monks in the foundation-building period here is separate from the Qi-refining period.

The main reason is that the City Lord's Mansion does not want to make it too complicated, and to prevent the situation that the monks in the Foundation Establishment period will suppress people by force.

The entire auction is going on in an orderly manner, and within the next month, the three major sects will withdraw from East Sea City one after another.

The six who played this time will return to the sect to report the situation, and the two Jindan ancestors sitting in Donghai City are on their way.

For the disciples of the three sects, it is now to exchange a large number of contribution points on hand into spiritual stones or magic weapons.

Who will come to Donghai City in the future?

If the exchange is not complete, you can go to your own sect and directly double it for sect contribution points, which is not a loss at all.

This time, it was also helpless to be dragged by Huang Ziang to participate in the auction.

After trading the Asura Spirit Transformation Technique, Yi Tian's Zongmen token did not have any contribution points from Donghai City.

After returning to the sect, it will still be used in large quantities.

The most important thing for the disciples of the Artifact Hall is the spirit stone. As long as some magical instruments are refined and sold, the spirit stones will come rolling in.

The most fearful thing is that there is no opportunity to sell a large number of magic weapons. Once the opportunity is seen, the things in the inventory will be cleared directly.

This time, Yi Tian was dragged to participate in the auction with this idea in mind. Since the last time, Huashi City has used two sets of armor and axe very easily.

I also talked to Yi Tian, ​​and a few fellow Taoists asked him where it was sold, so he found Yi Tian.

Yi Tian was also ruthless. He found ten corpses of third-order crab shell monsters in the material pile of Huashi City, and then refined ten sets of equipment of the same style and gave them to Huashi City.

After half a day, I received [-] contribution points. I heard that the Huashi City was sold in [-] sets. The two of them split it evenly, staring Huang Zian with envy.

He also hurriedly took out five sets of Tier 120 Magical Artifacts he refined and asked Huashi City to sell them, but he only got back [-] contribution points.

Hua Shicheng also said after the fact that the quality was not good enough, but fortunately, the old customer's half-sale half-delivery transaction was over, and Huang Ziang turned his head and went to refine the magic weapon.

This time, Huashi City also paid special attention to those third-order shrimp essences, and specially picked fresh shrimp brains for collection.

This is also what Yi Tian told him, it is best to have the shrimp brain of the fourth-order shrimp general, this wine has better effect.

Ke Huashi City has not seen the corpses of those fourth-order sea beasts for a few days.

Only when I asked about it did I know that this was a foundation-building stage item, and if you wanted to collect it, you had to go to the foundation-building stage auction.

But how can I be qualified, and I don't care about it after talking to Yi Tian.

If you want to go to the Foundation Establishment auction without an invitation, every cultivator of the Foundation Establishment can bring a friend from the Qi training period to the venue.

The first thing Yi Tian thought of was Qi Haosi, but unfortunately this second senior brother had already been invited, and it was Ning Ning after inquiring.

It seems that he still takes good care of his little sister.

However, Yi Tian didn't know the news that Ning Ning was also in Donghai City, but unfortunately, he was too busy with tasks during this time, so he didn't have time to say hello.

After thinking about it, I had to ask Mo Mingjun for help, thinking that the two were old partners before.

And this time they belong to the first power, everyone is a little bit of friendship.

Fortunately, Mo Mingjun was also free, so he agreed.

The Foundation Establishment Auction was held on the second day. It was the same venue, but there was no need to sit in the box when there were fewer people.

Everyone gathered in front of the stage, the first was auctioned by the organizer of the city lord's mansion, and then the items were exchanged among the foundation-building cultivators.

There are not many things that Mo Mingjun wants to trade, and they are basically medicine pills and inner pills from the corpses of fourth-order sea beasts.

It turns out that after the sea beast enters the fourth rank, a thumb-sized inner pill will be formed in the body, which is used as the main medicine for refining the condensing essence pill.

This is the main medicine pill that Foundation Establishment cultivators usually take to increase their cultivation.

Yi Tian listened to the side thoughtfully, this drug addict is still everywhere, consider whether he wants to join in the future.

At the auction, I also saw Qi Haosi and Ning Ning. After nodding to each other, everyone concentrated on choosing their favorite items.

But what Yi Tian couldn't think of was that He Xinsheng, who had been silent for a long time, also appeared at the auction.

However, he was following behind a cultivator in the early stage of the foundation building of the Xuanling faction, and Yi Tian became suspicious. It seems that these two people also have problems.

After I asked Mo Mingjun, I found out that the Xuanling Sect foundation-building cultivator was named He Shiwo, and he was the uncle of He Xinsheng.

Both of them belonged to the monks of the He Family of the Immortal Cultivation Clan within the Xuanling Sect, but only He Xinsheng's Huo Linggen would worship the Chiyang Sect.

This news aroused the vigilance of Yi Tian. The relationship between He Xinsheng and Baigumen was unclear.

And He Shiwo is from the same family, so it is impossible to guarantee that he will not be in the same boat.

And half of them may be the secret sons of the White Bone Gate. Maybe the He family of this comprehension family is also secretly supported by the White Bone Gate.

When they participated in the auction, Yi Tian paid extra attention. He Shiwo made a direct bid, bought the body of a fourth-order jellyfish, and took out the inner alchemy in public.

The corpse that was left was collected by He Xinsheng. It was not surprising to others that it was normal for a refiner to take the corpse of a fourth-order sea beast back for refining.

Yi Tian thinks so too, but when he thinks about it, he thinks it's strange.

There is one more valuable thing in the body of this jellyfish, that is, the jellyfish sac.

The toxins in it can easily knock a cultivator of the ninth level of Qi to the ground with a stick of incense.

And the effect will last for more than an hour, and the antidote is very simple, just mix and extract the blood of jellyfish and some refreshing herbs.

Seeing like this, He Xinsheng was going to attack someone. Could it be that he killed Sun Haojie by himself last time and was suspected by him, so he made a move after preparation.

Looking back on Yi Tian's last process, he didn't reveal any clues, and it shouldn't be for himself.

But this kind of defense is indispensable. Go back to Huashi City to get some third-order jellyfish corpses, and draw some blood to refine some antidote.

Yi Tian and Mo Mingjun, who were sitting in the back, said, "I want to buy the brains of a fourth-order shrimp general. As for the inner alchemy, you don't need it, you can take it directly."

When the two of them are together, they will look for opportunities. Mo Mingjun only takes the inner elixir, and the rest are given to Yi Tian.

Fortunately, luck was also good, and two shrimp corpses appeared in the subsequent auction.

After Mo Mingjun shot the next one, the two took it to the side to share.

When Qi Haosi saw that Yi Tian only took the shrimp body, he smiled deliberately, and the story of Yi Tian eating live shrimp sashimi at the Qidian station had already spread.

The brothers in the same sect all said that he only cared about his appetite, and after Qi Haosi also came to eat a few times, these noises gradually lessened.

After the auction, Yi Tian thanked Mo Mingjun, and then went to Huashi City to get the bodies of two third-order jellyfish.

After that, he went to the Dantang station to find Ning Ning and asked her to help refine a few bottles of hemolysing agent.

Under the coercion of Ning Ning, Yi Tian promised to treat her to a big meal after receiving the goods.

After Ning Ning brought the hemolytic agent two days later, Yi Tian forgot to ask how the toxin was effective against the fourth-order jellyfish.

The answer I got also made Yi Tian depressed. The effect of the first-order difference must be a bit poor. It is estimated that it takes two bottles to be effective.

But Ning Ning didn't care so much, and was clamoring for a meal on the spot, but Yi Tian had no choice but to perform his unique skills again.

Half of the prawns were sashimi, and then a pot was made of cast iron and filled with water on the refining stove, and Huang Zian, Hua Shicheng, and Ning Ning made a beef slice with water.

It made the entire Qidian station foggy.

Half a month later, Yi Tian, ​​as the second batch of disciples who returned to the sect, stayed on the sky survey boat for a long time before he vaguely saw the sect's station.

It's no wonder that when he went there, the mission was urgent. Ning Qingyuan accelerated his voyage with all his strength, and when he came back after winning the battle, he was slow. Anyway, he wasn't in a hurry.

And he also told Yi Tian not to forget to go to the Hall of Instruments for registration when he went back, and he would be the last disciple of Ning Qingyuan in the future.

After returning home, I hadn't seen Wu Xing and Tang Lin for nearly two years, and their cultivation was not slow.

Tang Lin looked like he had reached the top of the sixth floor, and Wu Xing was already at the beginning of the seventh floor of Qi training.

This made Yi Tian have to sigh again that the cultivation speed of the alchemist was no slower than that of the monks fighting on the front line.

This unique advantage also allows Wu Xing to spend more time on cultivation.

Alchemy is also a practice, and meditation is also a practice, unless you don't want to practice.

Otherwise, there are ten hours a day in practice, and one or two hours to be in a daze, or to do some other private work.

In the evening, when Yi Tian and the others were all gone, they closed the door and pulled Wu Xing to ask about Zhao Xinmeng in the past two years.

Then I also took the records of the No. 27 practice room from Hua Yan. Compared with the two, it was found that in the two years after Yi Tian left, Zhao Xinmeng obviously visited less frequently.

And every time he was next to Guo Wenliang.

Wu Xing's impression of Zhao Xinmeng is still good, and he also said: "In the past few years, I have been in contact with Dantang a lot. I have become familiar with her since we visited and talked a lot, but it also angered the brothers next to me. Point to point."

But because of Yi Tian's warning back then, Wu Xing had an indescribable feeling about Zhao Xinmeng.

After listening to Wu Xing's words, Yi Tian was also confused for a while. He originally told him to be on guard, but now it is better to get closer and closer. It seems that it is really dangerous to develop further.

So he quietly told Wu Xing about his suspicions and Sun Haojie's use of the White Bone Gate spell, and he was so frightened that he said he would move to Dantang.

But Yitian didn't agree, such a good bait was placed to lure these secret crawlers out.

If Wu Xing went to live in the Dantang, what else would they talk about arresting people?

He was exhausted with the White Bone Gate, on the bright side, he had a grudge against the Seven Devils, and secretly he had to eradicate the undercover agent of the White Bone Gate.

After listening to Yi Tian's words, Wu Xing almost wet his pants.

Now I know my worth. Fortunately, there is a friend Yi Tian to help. At least the enemy is on the bright side, and it is not difficult to guard against it.

The idea of ​​co-authoring Yi Tian is to play hard to catch. If there is no chance, then create opportunities for opponents to make them think they succeed.

Seeing the opportunity to join the siege, Wu Xing finally made a request to Yi Tian, ​​that is, let Zhao Xinmeng go.

The two people have been in contact in the past few years, and Wu Xing feels that the other party is not so ulterior, and the one who came out to be an undercover agent has no difficulties.

Seeing Wu Xing begging like this, Yi Tian was also annoyed by him, and scolded him for ignoring sex over friends.

In the end, he had to agree, and said that it would make him find a helper. As for who, Wu Xing would not care.

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(End of this chapter)

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