
Chapter 780

Chapter 780
After Yi Tian stopped the black-faced man in the sky, he wanted to ask what happened, but the unexpected visitor at this time made his calculation temporarily vain.Looking at Duan Guang who came from afar, although he was a little upset, his face showed a very calm and composed look.

It's no wonder that even if these two people teamed up in front of them, they might not be their opponents, but the person in front of them was obviously not so calm.His strength is much weaker in comparison, the only thing he can rely on is his thousand years of spiritual power and deep understanding of spells.

Yi Tian stopped at a distance of more than 30 feet after seeing the light flying towards him, and then he appeared as an old man with short stature.I saw that this person's cultivation base was only the appearance of Yuanying's early stage, but he kept looking at the two people in front of him with a pair of evil eyebrows and mouse eyes. Although his cultivation base was not high, his courage was extraordinary.

Later, the old man opened his mouth and shouted: "Old man Xiao Dong, the two fellow Taoists are discussing whether they are going to participate in the auction in Zhongtian City during the day? I heard that this time there are two finale treasures about that The exact location from the forbidden node of Fire Zongqi Pavilion."

Yi Tian replied disdainfully: "So what, do I have a chance to bid for these auction items in front of the monks of the three major sects? question."

And the black-faced man didn't make a clear statement from the beginning to the end, but when he heard some words about the forbidden node of Lihuo Zongqi Pavilion, his face showed some displeasure.

Such a small detail makes Yi Tian see that there is a big problem with this person's origin. Ordinary people will show a little interest when they hear this, after all, it is a great opportunity in front of them.

Who knows that Xiao Dong said wretchedly with a smile: "Who says you can't take it away? Those who are destined to get the heavenly and earthly treasures on the Zhongzhou Continent will get it. Could it be that the three major sects can monopolize it? Besides, the Lihuo Sect dominated this world in the end. It’s not the same as falling apart, and so many precious resources collected are placed in those prohibitions and only have to be searched every 500 years.”

The black-faced man said in a deep voice, "Then what can you prove?"

"It's better for us casual cultivators to unite together. This time, we will compete with the three major sects, and we will definitely bid for a map," Xiao Dong induced.

"How many casual cultivators have you contacted this time, and what are their strengths? If there is a group of mobs, then the old man will not be interested in talking any further," the dark-faced man asked.

"Not many, besides the three early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators, if we get two mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators to join us, then the possibility of this matter will be even greater," Xiao Dong replied.

Yi Tian was a little stunned by the performance of the black-faced man in front of him, but when he looked back, he realized that he was alone, obviously not because his opponent had seen a turn for the better.Poor Xiao Dong doesn't know it yet, he really wants to use some rhetoric to win over the two of them, but he doesn't know that his life and death are all in his own thoughts.

After thinking about it, he directly interrupted the conversation between the two of them and said: "I have no interest in the auction item, and the place away from the Fire Zongqi Pavilion is definitely not easy to say. Maybe there is some danger hidden in it, so let's take it rashly." Not suitable."

After hearing Yi Tian's words, Xiao Dong obviously felt that the casual cultivator in front of him didn't seem to have much interest in the proposal, so he turned to the black-faced man and began to transmit his voice in private.

After the discussion, the two of Shaoqing confronted Yi Tian as if they had reached some kind of agreement and then slowly moved closer to stand in a united front.

Seeing this, Yi Tian just felt that this thousand-year-old monster was also a character, and he turned his disadvantage into an advantage so quickly, and he was afraid that something might happen next.

After a pause, he directly turned to Xiao Dong and said, "Daoist friend, if you come here uninvited, you can stay out of the matter now, so that you won't be bored for a while, but don't blame someone Yi for not reminding you earlier. "

After hearing this, Xiao Dong only showed a little bit of astonishment on his face, and then he opened his mouth and said: "This friend Yi Dao is serious, we are all casual cultivators who know how to choose, the biggest opportunity in front of us is to find the Lihuo Zongqi Pavilion In order to find opportunities after breaking into the nodes, do we have to fight and kill for some trivial matters?"

"I just want to ask this fellow Taoist about something?" Yi Tian said impatiently.

"Since that's the case, you can reply for now, Fellow Daoist Gu, we can leave quickly afterwards," Xiao Dong said, turning to the black-faced man.Although it was a bit of maintenance, it was obviously unwilling to turn against Yi Tianzhen directly.

Hearing that this person's surname was Gu Yitian's heart shook, even if he thought of Gu Hui, the head of the four direct disciples of the Lihuo Sect, if it wasn't for the pseudonym he used, he would have secretly matched it.

But if it was really Gu Hui himself who seized the house, then this matter would be interesting to watch. Unexpectedly, 3000 years later, a direct disciple of the Lihuo ancestor survived. Although the method used was not so glorious, but It is beneficial and harmless to his own plan, and maybe it can disturb Qian Lingyuan's sight.

A playful thought flashed through his mind, and he pointed at the black-faced man and yelled sharply: "Gu Daoyou, I see that you have a strong fire-type spiritual power, maybe you are the descendant of the Li-fire sect, as long as you take my trick, no matter what!" No matter what the result is, I will leave without saying a word."

Regardless of whether he agrees or not, he directly takes out the Taiyuan Sword and sacrifices a move. The most powerful move among the three masters of Yaojian is ready to be used.

The black-faced man showed a hint of surprise on his face when he saw it, then he opened his mouth and spat and said to Xiao Dong angrily: "He is a true disciple of Qianlingzong, making it the most powerful move among the three masters of Yaojian. I'm afraid it's hard to hear what you said just now, why don't you fight together, you know that Qianlingzong will not really let us loose practitioners come out to spoil their good deeds."

When Xiao Dong heard this, bitterness appeared on his face, but the fact is also the same, he is also a man of insight, although not as sharp-eyed as the black-faced man, but Qian Lingyao still has a little knowledge of swordsmanship, but This time, I have to personally experience that there is suffering in my heart and I know myself.

After a cyan halo flashed across the sky, Yi Tian waved his right hand to control the Taiyuan sword in his hand, turning it into a sharp filament, and then slashed towards the two people's positions.

At the same time, most of the spiritual consciousness locked onto the black-faced man. From what he said just now, he was already 3000 to [-]% sure that the person in front of him was what Gu Hui looked like after he lost his house.Although it didn't take long to seize the body, it didn't take long for him to fully control this body with his more than [-] years of practice.

In addition, in the phantom of the Zixiao Temple in Lihuo's ancestral land, he found that Gu Hui had already been possessed back then, so this person is also one of the first tasks he needs to deal with.Fortunately, he and Tianjizi generally used some kind of great supernatural powers such as secret techniques, but after the original body was exhausted, they had to come up with this bad strategy to seize others.

It's just that his time to seize the house should not be more than a hundred years, and it's unknown how much strength he can use.

(End of this chapter)

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