
Chapter 784 Raising

Chapter 784 Raising
In a cave of the foundation-building disciples in the Qianling Mountains, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the cave alone, carefully reviewing a large number of jade slips in front of him.After negotiating with He Weiming before, the two reached an agreement that the trip to Tianya Haige will be dispatched jointly.

Afterwards, Yi Tian even proposed to sneak into Qianlingzong directly. During this period of time, he should hide as much as possible, besides thinking about how to break the formation, he should also avoid the eyes and ears of all parties, and Qianlingzong is the most ideal place.

After hearing this suggestion, He Weiming immediately gave Yi Tian a jade card as a foundation disciple. This person was originally his disciple and grandson. After falling many years ago, he has not been expelled from the sect, so this place happens to be Yi Tian's temporary residence. living place.

And He Weiming also took advantage of Qian Lingyuan's absence to go outside Kunwu Cave to expand the prohibition pattern.It is not difficult for him to break the restriction, but it is extremely difficult to do it without being discovered by Qian Lingyuan.

But for Yi Tian, ​​it is still possible to achieve this matter. After getting the jade slip of the forbidden pattern, he began to evolve silently in the cave.

It was almost as I expected. This restriction should be the formation pattern left by Qian Lingzi back then, and the influence of him and Luo Que on the tip of the sword also proved that the two of them did pass through the teleportation formation directly from Kunwu Cave. Go to Tianyahai Pavilion.

As for the purpose of their trip, it is not difficult to guess, the spiritual power on Tianlan Continent is absolutely difficult to maintain the consumption of the power of the upper realm, so finding another way out is the only choice.

And put yourself in their shoes and think that the two of them just want to find a way to return to the spirit world. Could it be that there are some clues at the end of the Yahai Sea, and Yi Tian also has a strong interest in that place in his heart.

Fortunately, these prohibition formations were all engraved with spiritual world text extensions, and Yi Tian finally figured out a way after evolving in the cave for a long time.It's just that if you want to break the ban without alarming Qian Lingyuan, I'm afraid it will take some planning. At the same time, you will record all the items you need to break the ban on the jade slips, and then use the technique of communication to send them directly to the jade slips. This jade slip was handed over to He Weiming.

After doing all this, Yi Tian came back to his senses and opened a layer of restriction to practice in seclusion in the cave.Another unique advantage of this layout is that the period of the lunar eclipse coincides with the beginning of the chaotic period of heaven and earth aura. In this way, I can't help but rejoice that as long as everything goes well and Qian Lingyuan comes out of the ruins of Qige, only I am afraid that I have already arrived at Tianyahai Pavilion.

Sitting in the cave and practicing silently for a few years, suddenly a message flew in front of him from the restriction outside the cave.Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the middle of the meditation, opened his eyes and reached out to take the jade slip, then immersed himself in it with his spiritual consciousness and read it again, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

Judging from the information He Weiming gave himself, the progress of his collection of treasures for breaking the formation has been going smoothly in the past few years, and he will gradually gather the many parts he needs in some inconspicuous ways on weekdays.

It is just mentioned in the Jade Slips that there is a material called "Phantom Array Stone" with a very large gap. In addition, there are very few such materials in Qianlingzong. The material for alchemy has not been found in the entire Qianling Sect, not even in the shops in the major cities and towns in the Zhongzhou Continent.

He Weiming couldn't take away all these existing materials clearly, lest Qian Lingyuan would become suspicious. Fortunately, his avatar searched around and found some clues.

Yi Tian felt dizzy after reading it. The phantom stone is the key to breaking the ban, and alchemy is used to stabilize the formation when setting up the formation. These two treasures are indispensable, and he couldn't help thinking how to find them. Ideas for clues.

You must know that the original intention was to use the characteristics of the phantom formation stone to re-arrange the Absolute Spirit Formation around the restriction of Kunwu Cave to block the induction of Qianlingyuan from the restriction of the cave.

If this step is missing, Qian Lingyuan, who is far away in the Qi Pavilion, will be the first to notice that someone has entered his cave once he starts to break the seal.

After reading the information, Yi Tian couldn't sit still any longer, he took out the communication talisman and told He Wei after knowing it, he put away the restraint in the cave and got up and went out of the cave.

The gaps in these "Phantom Stones" still need to be solved by yourself. As for alchemy, you have to spread your eyes and ears to find out. Fortunately, there is still some time before the lunar eclipse period. Do a search on the mainland.

After leaving the cave, Yi Tian transformed into a disciple of Qianling Sect. After receiving a mission in the Zongmen Foreign Affairs Hall, he hurried out of Qianling Mountain.

Now with He Weiming, the super grand nephew, it is very convenient for him to enter and exit Qianlingzong.After flying out of the Thousand Spirit Sect, Yi Tian flew over three hundred miles to the predetermined location on top of a mountain.At this time, He Weiming's avatar was already waiting. The task of collecting the "Phantom Stone" this time could not be released in several major companies in Zhongzhou, let alone look for clues in Qianlingzong to avoid unexpected twists and turns.

After the communication with He Weiming, the two also discussed and searched together, but He Weiming could only use the avatar to assist, but it was enough for Yi Tian, ​​at least this early Yuanying cultivator of He Weiming's magic avatar sometimes Unexpected effects can be achieved.

After the cloud head fell, Yi Tian arched his hands towards He Weiming: "This time, I don't know if Fellow Daoist He has any clues about phantom stones and alchemy?"

He Weiming showed a trace of melancholy on his face and said: "The materials that fellow Taoists need are really rare things. I have been searching around for the past few years and only found the whereabouts of the dream stone. As for the ultimate alchemy, there is really nowhere to be found. .”

Yi Tian was not discouraged after hearing this, but said kindly: "You might as well get the phantom stone first, and I will think about the whereabouts of the top-grade alchemy."

"Do fellow daoists have something to use instead?" He Weiming asked.

"Not yet," Yi Tian shook his head and replied, "But alchemy is the excrement excreted by fire ants. As long as you find the place where fire ants gather, you can definitely find the whereabouts of alchemy."

After hearing this, He Weiming showed a worried look on his face and said: "I think the fire ants live in groups, and their individual strength is only at the fourth or fifth level, but there are at least tens of thousands of them in a nest, and they like to eat positive minerals." He Lingzhi, if you want to go deep into the ant's nest, fellow Taoist, I'm afraid it's risking your life."

Yi Tian said with a helpless face: "There is no way to do that. Fortunately, the fire ant also has weaknesses. As long as it is used a little bit, it may really be able to make money out of the fire."

"Okay, so I will be responsible for finding the whereabouts of the fire ants, and I will contact you directly if I have any clues," He Weiming replied: "As for the whereabouts of the phantom stone, you need to find it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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