
Chapter 786

Chapter 786
The Illusory Array Stone is also called the Illusory Heart Stone. In addition to being used to set up formations, this object can also be used to reflect the demons deep in the monk's heart, so as to temper the state of mind and eradicate the demons.

What puzzled Yi Tian deeply was that the Buddhist sect's kung fu method is to restrain the demon way, and it has a unique restraint method for these inner demons.

Only at the stage when the demons affect the very eyes, will the magic heart stone be used as an aid. In other words, Yun Mengyao must have been troubled by the demons for a long time, and Miaoyin Shitai will personally help her get rid of the demons.

In this way, it is not the right time for me to seek the magic heart stone this time. The process of getting rid of the demons can be as fast as a few days or as long as decades.

This made Yi Tian secretly feel irritable, but since he wanted something from others, he couldn't get angry in front of Miaoyu.After holding his breath a little later, he said, "I don't know what kind of troubles Daoist Yun encountered so that the demons will be aroused. Teacher Miaoyin needs to take action in person."

"At this time, I don't know much about it. Nephew Mengyao seldom came out of the sect, and I didn't see anything unusual about her in the early years. It just appeared in the past few years. However, the poor nun heard that she suddenly died in Zhongzhou in the past hundred years. Fellow Daoist Yi's reputation has suddenly risen, he doesn't look like a casual cultivator, and nephew Mengyao has mentioned your deeds in front of his senior sister several times," Miao Yu said meaningfully while looking at Yi Tian.

"Are you talking about yourself?" Yi Tian was stunned and replied: "Maybe I rescued Fellow Daoist Yun when I was in Beiyuan Snow Palace, and I met her a few times by chance and helped her a little bit, but it was just that I was rescued by Yun Dao." It's frightening for you to attach so much importance to me."

Miao Yu curled her lips and said, "I'm afraid that fellow Taoists should also contribute to Mengyao's knots."

Yi Tian asked in confusion: "How do you say that?"

"Nephew Mengyao grew up in Cihang Jingzhai, and his mind has been tempered since he was a child, and he has never had any problems," Miaoyu explained: "Only in the past hundred years have I had the opportunity to go out several times, and when I return to the sect Afterwards, the whole talent gradually changed, and it should be the people she met outside who left some gaps in her Dao heart."

At that moment, Yi Tian understood what Miaoyu was referring to, and after covering up the embarrassment on his face a little bit, he asked again: "Fellow Daoist, can you contact Mrs. Miaoyin, I really need to exchange for the phantom formation stone for other purposes. I would like to exchange this matter with the method of intruding into the secret realm of the Lihuo Sect of Zhongzhou, and I would like to ask my master to complete it."

Miaoyu was shocked when she heard this, and then secretly looked at Yi Tian for a long time before replying: "In this case, please wait for a while, fellow daoist," and then took out a communication jade slip to activate it and sent it out directly.

Half an hour later, in Yi Tian's consciousness, he found a wave of spiritual pressure that was not weaker than his own, flying out from the back mountain of Cihang Jingzhai and heading straight to where he was.

I was happy in my heart, secretly thinking about how to face Mrs. Miaoyin's remarks at that time, just as I was thinking, the door outside the hall was opened with a sound of "Zhi acridine", and a beautiful nun in her thirties walked in. It's Miao Yinist who is too personal.

She came forward and looked at Yi Tian with a blank expression on her face, and then she and her junior sister Miaoyu had a few voice transmissions in private before walking slowly in front of Yi Tian and sat down on the floor.

Before Yi Tian could ask, Mrs. Miaoyin took the lead and said, "This is the third time we have met, Fellow Daoist Yi, so don't come here without any problems."

Dazed in his heart, Yi Tian felt awkward when he noticed something in Master Miaoyin's words, and then he just replied indifferently: "The master has also cultivated more diligently in the past hundred years than he did in the battle against demons back then."

"You also remember the battle against demons?" Master Miaoyin said with a smile: "Then should I call you Master Huitian or Fellow Yitian?"

It turned out that the other party had seen through his identity a long time ago, so it's not surprising that he used Huitian's name to participate in the battle against demons back then, which was already eye-catching.Coupled with the many deeds of myself in Zhongzhou in the past hundred years, as long as people who have been in contact with me can easily find clues from a few clues.

Moreover, the appearance of himself and Chi Yanju during the last beast riot calmed down the original outbreak of beast tide, and Master Miaoyin was also there at that time.Even if she didn't find any clues on the spot, it's not difficult to find out that her aura is surprisingly similar to the monk Huitian back then as long as she speculates a little afterwards.

So to talk nonsense in front of these people is really to treat them as fools, Yi Tian straightened his expression immediately, then took out two jade slips and gently pushed them in front of Teacher Miaoyin and said: "I am eager to exchange for the magic formation stone, and I would like to use this to leave The node map of the Fire Zongqi Pavilion and the law of breaking the ban are the most exchangeable, and I ask the master to complete it."

Master Miaoyin couldn't see any joy, anger, sorrow or joy on her face, she just asked indifferently: "Is Daoist Yi a descendant of Lihuo?"


"How can the things of the ancestors be easily placed on others?" Master Miaoyin flashed a stern look in his eyes and continued.

"Times have changed, and I don't want things in these sects to be banned anymore," Yi Tian replied cheekily.

"Yi Daoyou deceived me to be ignorant of current affairs. How can you give up the things of the sect so easily? You must have a big plan in this way. Please tell me whether I am wrong or not," Master Miaoyin's tone changed suddenly. You're welcome.

After hearing this, Yi Tian knew that if he couldn't give a reasonable explanation for this matter, he might not be able to pass this test.With a sullen face, he calmly told the things he had planned with Tian Yunzi in recent years, but he directly skipped the matter of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi.

Mrs. Miaoyin is also a person who has lived for hundreds of years. After listening to Yi Tian's speech, the expression on her face finally eased. Although there was not much doubt left, deep worry appeared on her face immediately Said: "Since Sect Master Yi has such a comprehensive plan, then the planned matter must have a greater impact. Forgive the poor nun for inferring whether it is related to the great power that fell from the upper realm?"

Yi Tian didn't change his face, but the surprise in his eyes was fleeting, and he thought in his heart that this old nun is so powerful that she knows the secrets of this world, but since she asked her, she didn't know how to respond.

Just as I was thinking about it, Master Miaoyin said again: "Sect Master Yi, you don't need to explain, I already understand what you mean. I have already recorded what happened in Tianlan Continent in my Buddhist sect. Since Tian Yunzi also helped you , then I have every reason to believe that what you do is also in accordance with the destiny. Since this is the case, I, Cihang Jingzhai, would like to help."

"So that teacher agreed to exchange the phantom stone for me," Yi Tian asked hastily.

Master Miaoyin seemed to reach out and put away the two jade slips in front of him, and then replied: "The poor nun wants to ask Master Yi for help. After the matter is completed, I will exchange the magic array stone for you."

Yi Tian frowned and asked casually: "Could it be about Yun Mengyao?"


(End of this chapter)

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