
Chapter 83 Tokens

Chapter 83 Tokens
In the mission hall of the Chiyang faction, Wu Xing took Tang Lin and Huashicheng to hand in the mission.

Then the contribution points were equally divided, and the three of them were happily planning to go to Chiyangfang for a drink.

Zhao Xinmeng walked past them, nodded to each other, and went their separate ways.

Just outside the hall, a surprised He Xinsheng was seen, and the three of them pretended not to know each other and turned their heads towards Fangshi.

Standing in the distance, Yi Tian looked at He Xinsheng's slumped appearance, and felt a burst of joy in his heart.

Although there were some flaws in this plan, fortunately, it was made up in time and no catastrophe was caused.

But it was a mistake not to catch He Xinsheng all at once. After this time, before the secret realm trial, it was really difficult to find an opportunity.

Guo Wenliang is the strongest among the secret sons of the White Bone Gate, but He Xinsheng is the deepest.

Now that the grass has been stunned, it is better not to have more troubles in the near future.

And the other party is also doing a good job, it is difficult to have another chance to shoot.

Turning his head and looking at the three people, after this incident, the three of them also knew that their strength was a little worse.

So I hope they can cultivate well in the future, and strive to solve the next crisis with their own strength.

However, when it comes to dividing the spoils, these people are really unambiguous, and they can actually quarrel over a few spirit stones.

5000 yuan is [-] spirit stones per person. Yi Tian also gave Wu Xing the Chiyang True Fire Jue, the Thick Soil Jue to Huashicheng, and the Xuanling Jue to Tang Lin. I hope the three of them can make the best use of it.

On the contrary, Yi Tian scolded them badly.

Tang Lin also said: "You almost lost the lives of the three of us for your sleazy idea. This mental wound can't be wiped away by a thousand spiritual stones."

This time, it was three people who kept talking, and Yi Tian was so angry that he couldn't do anything about it.

In the end, they could only take out the spirit stones and give them [-] each, and take the remaining [-] to have a good meal.

One thing is one thing, and the three of them guarantee that they will have about two years to cultivate.

Everyone is over 26 years old, especially Huashicheng is [-] years old.

After missing this secret realm trial, it is very difficult to have another chance to obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Judging from the information in hand, the trials that take place every ten years are full of crises, and at least half of the people who enter the major sects are folded inside.

Yi Tian doesn't understand the situation in the secret realm, so he may not be able to take care of it comprehensively.

After explaining these things, Yi Tian also let them go. After returning to the sect, there is more important thing to do.

What Guo Wenliang said, Yi Tian has always kept it in his heart. When he uses his spiritual energy, there will still be residual spiritual energy leaking out from the bottom of his feet, which itself shows the lack of his own cultivation.

I took this opportunity to find the master Ning Qingyuan and asked about the main points of the ninth floor of the two qi and the method of building the foundation.

In addition, this time He Miao ambushed three people with a talisman, which also inspired Yi Tian, ​​so he simply asked all the questions together.

There are still two years to cultivate, and taking this opportunity to consolidate the cultivation base, the chance of survival will be even greater.

After returning from the master, Yi Tian stayed in the house for the next few months and never went out.

Apart from meditating and practicing at a fixed time every day, all the other time is spent on making talismans.

It's a pity that even the simplest fireball charm has not been made in one month.

It caused Yi Tian to lose confidence in his own talisman.

He asked himself, that He Miao could use talismans to hurt people, but he couldn't even draw a talisman, so what went wrong.

I remember going to ask the master about the ninth level of Qi training and foundation building a month ago, and the answer I got at that time was that it really made Yi Tian excited for a while.

The ninth level of Qi training lies in the absorption and control of spiritual energy. At this stage, it is no problem for Yi Tian to absorb it. The key is to control it.

From this, I think of Guo Wenliang's words, but he is lacking in spiritual power control.

Fortunately, the problem of making talismans later can be solved, using the precise control of the aura when making talismans.

By completely locking the spell on the talisman paper, it can be made into talisman paper, and for the talisman maker, this kind of control is also a practice, and it is the manipulation of combining the spiritual energy in the body with the spell.

Ning Qingyuan also told Yi Tian: "If you can make talismans proficiently at this stage, then it is not far from the peak of the ninth level of Qi training, and all the problems can be solved easily."

As for foundation building, it really cannot be replaced by others.

Everyone's situation when building a foundation is uncertain, and the aura in the dantian will tend to liquefy when it is saturated.

Foundation building is the process of completely liquefying the spiritual energy in the body. Foundation building Dan can help trigger this process, but it is still up to you.

As early as in the Middle Ages, the monks did not need to use the Foundation Building Pills, and relied on their own to compress the spiritual energy in their bodies and run them in the meridians to directly build the foundation.

So at that time, there were not many foundation-building cultivators, but as long as the foundation was established, they were all of extraordinary strength.

And most of them can be formed into a golden core, which is like the process of forcibly improving this process with a building core.

Even if the foundation is established successfully, at the Golden Core Stage, only one or two percent remains.

After listening to these teachings, Yi Tiancai realized that he had seriously underestimated the true fire of Xuanyang.

It turned out that the cultivation during the Qi Refining period was only to lay a solid foundation for foundation building.

And Xuanyang True Fire can directly raise the probability of foundation building to more than [-]%, which must be related to the True Fire Tempering Body in the Spirit Art.

I have been practicing according to the spiritual art, and I have already started the process of quenching the body when I practiced the eighth level of Qi.

At that time, it was purely thought to strengthen the bone meridians, but it turned out to be preparations for foundation building.

No wonder Xuanyang True Fire said that it could reach the eighth-level success rate.

In other words, as long as you use Xuanyang True Fire to quench your body in the next time, foundation building is a sure thing.

Although it is difficult to make a charm and the success rate is too low, Yi Tian still insists on it, even if it is not successful.

But the ability to accurately control the spiritual energy has improved a lot. As long as you spend a little more effort, I believe it will still be successful.

In this way, Yi Tian locked himself in the room and continued to make talismans. After he was free, he practiced.

Use Profound Yang Fire to temper yourself every ten days.

It was not until three months later that Ning Yuxuan came to the door and had to stop to go out to meet the guests.

After the two of them saw the ceremony, the host and guest sat down separately. After the tea was finished, Ning Yuxuan said, "This time Ning Ning is looking for someone to help, and she needs to go to the Black Dragon Pool of the Western Xuanling School to find a Dingyan grass to take it. Come back and refine Zhuyan Dan."

Seeing that Yi Tian didn't understand, Ning Yuxuan went on to explain: "This Yanzhuan Dan is the favorite of female cultivators, as long as you take one pill, you can keep your face unchanged, even if you are a hundred years old or when you are taking the pills. So this is what many female cultivators have been pursuing all the time. Originally, it was impossible to refine this herb, but Ye Qingchen recently went out and found three drops of Tianyi Shenshui. Now that the main medicine is available, as long as it is matched All materials can be refined.”

After listening to it, Yi Tiancai understood the matter of Zhu Yandan, but Ning Yuxuan came to find him.

Seeing that Yi Tian was still a little unclear, Ning Yuxuan had no choice but to say: "I'm almost 28 now. This time, my family ancestor had the cheek to ask the head of Dantang to ask for the foundation pill. After returning to me, he ordered to build it as soon as possible. Ji, don’t miss your own future.”

It turned out that Ning Ning came to him again this time for help, and she really had no time to do it.

So please Yi Tian to help take care of Ning Ning, and accompany him to go to Heilongtan to pick Dingyan grass.

Now Yi Tian can be considered to understand, the feeling is to find a bodyguard.

It just so happened that I was feeling bored from practicing at home recently, so it’s not bad to go out for a walk.

Moreover, in the realm of the Xuanling faction, the two factions are friendly, and there is no problem in thinking about it.

However, I heard that Ning Yuxuan was going to prepare the foundation. That was a big event, and it was just a matter of time to find out how he prepared.

The two discussed this issue for a long time.

Ning Yuxuan has also been preparing for the foundation for a long time. As early as the time he knew Yi Tian, ​​it was already in the early stage of the ninth floor.

After four or five years, training to the top of the ninth floor is not a very good qualification.

But whoever is called the second generation of cultivation, there is no shortage of medicinal herb sites for cultivation under the blessing of the ancestors.

Even the last Foundation Establishment Pill was requested. If it was replaced by Yi Tian, ​​the Foundation Establishment would have been successful.

Fortunately, Yi Tian is still very grateful to Ning Yuxuan, and he has also helped himself a lot in the sect.

It was only after hearing that I realized that Ning Yuxuan had not only one but two this time, and he himself was the true candidate of the Hall of Artifacts.

Therefore, he was given a quota for an artifact hall. In this way, the probability of his successful foundation building was over [-]%, which was really enviable.

Later, Yi Tian also asked Ning Yuxuan to make a talisman, and also took out his own set of talisman paper, talisman pen and drawn talisman, which made Ning Yuxuan sigh for a while.

He also praised Yi Tian for being so powerful, which made Yi Tian dizzy, but fortunately he realized it after explaining it.

It's no wonder that Yi Tian started refining the talismans without inquiring clearly. It's no wonder that he succeeded in making the talismans with the worst talisman pen and ink mixed with the blood of second-order monsters on the inferior talisman paper.

Fortunately, Ning Yuxuan also said that Yi Tian's ability to control spiritual power surpassed him. Even under such bad conditions, it is very powerful to replace the talisman with this.

If it is replaced with a high-grade talisman pen with fourth-grade monster blood and high-grade talisman paper, the success rate will be over [-]%.

After hearing these words, Yi Tian was also angry in his heart. He knew that he would buy some talisman paper and pens by himself, and he didn't need to be greedy for this little bit of cheapness.

However, I really admire He Miao. It is possible to make Fireball Talismans with such poor materials. Maybe only a few of them are successful. This Talisman sometimes depends on the character.

Ning Yuxuan also gave his opinion after reading the Zhenzhen Talisman. The basic Talisman refining methods recorded here are relatively standard.

Moreover, as long as Yi Tian has thoroughly understood these basic talismans, he will have the opportunity to meet advanced talismans in the future, as long as they are rubbed and researched, they can be used for their own use.

As for the selection of materials for refining high-grade talismans, you can use top-grade talisman paper made from rice ear stalks that produced pearl white corn in that year.

The tail hair of the fourth-order howling wolf is made into a talisman, and the blood of the fourth-order spirit beast is mixed with ink black essence to make ink.

This is the first time Yi Tian has heard of these things, and Ning Yuxuan also pointed out that he can go to the market and buy some inferior materials to practice.

Ordinary mid-grade talismans are fine.

If you want to refine talismans, you must at least reach the Jindan stage or the late stage of foundation building, and use more advanced materials.

These are also things that alchemists must understand.

After listening, Yi Tian squinted and looked at Ning Yuxuan and asked, "How do you know so clearly".

He was embarrassed to see it, so he had to confess.

It turns out that Yi Tian's three senior brothers have their own strengths. Pei Ming is specialized in refining tools and inscriptions, Qi Haosi is an array, and Ning Yuxuan is a talisman, but Yi Tian has never asked.

This time Yi Tian jumped up, and this third senior brother was too boring, he didn't say anything about the good things hidden in his hands.

I'm really sorry for not squeezing out a little bit, but instead smiled and promised to accompany Ning Ning no problem.

But this is fortunately how much it costs to get some dry goods.

When Ning Yuxuan saw this smile, he hurriedly covered the storage bag with his hand and said goodbye.

It took too long to come out, and there are still things to deal with in the hall, so I will not disturb Yi Tian.

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(End of this chapter)

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