
Chapter 85 Assistance

Chapter 85 Assistance
Looking at Dingyan Dan Yitian on the table, he was speechless. After returning with Ning Ning to Heilongtan and his party half a month ago, he sent it back to Dantang.

Ning Ning and the steward of Qidian said, "I'm going to retreat."

The little girl got into her alchemy room and started alchemy as soon as the door was closed.

Yi Tian knew what she was going to do, so he didn't stay anymore.

He is considered to be entrusted by others, and the matter of loyalty will be easy to explain when he meets Ning Yuxuan in the future.

After returning home, Yi Tian began to devote himself to intense cultivation again.

There is still about a year and a half left, and his main tasks during this time are still to draw talismans and improve his cultivation.

Recently, there have been more talisman paintings, and I also have a feeling for it.

The success rate is also increasing, although there is no problem in drawing the most basic fireball charms on medium-grade rune paper.

However, the success rate of drawing a renju fireball is only over [-]%.

According to Yi Tian's experience, spiritual power cannot be output stably for a long time, which leads to a linear increase in the failure rate in the later stage of the talisman.

When I just found some feeling after practicing for half a month, I was interrupted by Ning Ning again.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling person, not to mention seeing the jade box in her hand, you know it's here to send favors.

This time, Ning Ning's character has also exploded, and the rate of each pill is ten full.

Thinking of Yi Tian's efforts in guarding a lot this time, he took two and sent them here.

Originally, Yi Tian didn't want to accept it, and he continued to cultivate and improve like this.

After the foundation is established, the life span extends to [-] years old.

It's really unnecessary, even if his appearance changes after a long time of cultivation, it doesn't matter if he becomes a middle-aged greasy man.

At the beginning of Jindan, you can reshape your face, but then you can change it back.

But looking back, thinking that even Ye Qingchen in the Golden Core stage wants this thing, so he has no reason not to take it, but if he takes it back, he must return the courtesy.

Ning Ning looked happy when she went out that day, and there were ten more Lianzhu fireball charms in her storage bag.

In his mouth, he also praised Yi Tian and said that he still knows the world, but he is much more generous than his cousin.

After sending Ning Ning away, Yi Tian found a time to take the Dingyan Dan in the jade box.

Then I felt that the skin on the whole body was full of vitality, and my appearance was fixed like this.

According to Ning Ning, it will not change even after a hundred years.

A day later, Yi Tian hung a wooden sign of retreat at the door, and thanked the guests behind closed doors, and he could no longer be abandoned in about a year and a half.

Everyone who wants to participate in the six sect trials is trying to find a way to improve their cultivation, and they can't pull it down.

But it backfired. After the second month of training, Yi Tian received an urgent message from the Hall of Qi, saying that there was a very important task that required Yi Tian to go to the mission hall of the sect to wait for dispatch.

After receiving the subpoena, Yi Tian did not dare to neglect, and after packing up his things, he hurried to report.

This is the second time Yi Tian has received such a summons, and the first time was when the East China Sea battle was broken.

Walking on the road, Yi Tian kept thinking about it, and estimated that this time it was also related to the formation and breaking of the formation.

In the mission hall, Gao Shou waited absent-mindedly, and a magician was arranged to assist in this mission.

But he doesn't have a clue in his own heart. Generally, the wizards of the formation are all five scumbags.

In the end, those who live to the end still want him to come.

Seeing that the steward in the mission hall was leading Yi Tianlai, his eyes lit up, everyone was old friends, and his subordinates would take care of him.

After saying hello to Gao Shou, Yi Tian was also delighted, and it was much more advantageous to go on missions with people he knew than to those who were novices.

There is no need to run in, everyone has a count on their hands, and with just one look, they know what to do next.

After listening to the steward's introduction, Yi Tiantian knew that the Gao Shou in front of him had retreated to attack the foundation before the East China Sea War.

I can't help but tease him and call him senior, but fortunately Gao Shou doesn't care about this, so let Yi Tian not see outsiders, what he used to call him now is fine.

In addition, the steward also informed Yi Tian of the requirements of this mission: "The action is that you need to be trapped by the cloth, then assisted by Gao Shou, and the captain is responsible for the main attack."

After listening to it, Yi Tian couldn't help but be surprised, the masters in the early stage of foundation building were the assistants.

What kind of cultivation should the other captain have?

Moreover, this task requires at least two foundation-building cultivators to take action, and also to set up a trap. What kind of talent needs such a big battle to deal with.

Gao Shou, who was on the side, didn't care so much, just told Yi Tian to follow him, and he would know when he got to the destination.

After the two received the mission slips, they entered the dedicated passage in the mission hall.

This passage is also spacious, with a radius of about ten feet, and you can fly directly inside it.

After the two got on the magic weapon, they sprinted for a while, and after flying out of the passage, they flew towards the Tianya Pavilion.

Along the way, Gao Shou deliberately showed off his cultivation and controlled Feijian to gradually speed up, wanting to see if Yi Tian had improved over the years.

He was tricked by him a few times back then. He could fly on his own, but he had to sit behind him. I still remember these little dirty things.

Yi Tian, ​​who followed behind, also felt Gao Shou's intention, but remained silent.

Drive the flywheel to follow along, not necessarily pulling the hind legs.

What Gao Shou saw was also a burst of joy for Yi Tian. This kid seems to be not weak in kung fu, and he also cultivates formations.

With such a talent, it is no wonder that he was accepted as the apprentice by the first person in the Hall of Instruments.

After that, Gao Shou didn't hold back, and urged Feijian with all his strength, trying to convince Yi Tian to be soft.

But the two of them knew that they flew to Tianya Pavilion, and Gao Shou did not see Yi Tian being dropped by him.

Instead, Yi Tian kept a distance of twenty feet from him, not far or near.

After arriving at the destination, I didn't see any lack of spiritual power in Yi Tian, ​​so I couldn't help looking at him.

After the two entered the tutelary mansion, they saw that Yan Jungang was already waiting.

Seeing that the two of them came, they didn't talk much. After asking Gao Shou to take a look at the task, Yujian, he waved his hand and gave his assistant and Angel Gao Shouyi a wink, and the four of them set off together.

After leaving Tianya Pavilion, the four of them flew north for more than a hundred miles before landing on a small hillside.

Yan Jungang said the content of this mission with a serious face: "Since the spies of Baigumen were found in Tianya Pavilion three years ago, the Discipline Hall has sent more people to investigate secretly. It is unexpectedly found that the cultivator attached to the Chiyang faction The family, Qishan Tao Anru, has a secret connection with Baigumen, and three months ago, he found me a letter of fornicating with Baigumen."

This time, in order not to startle the snake, Yan Jungang decided to recruit elites after discussing with the head of the Discipline Hall and uproot the Tao family in one fell swoop.

This time, Yi Tian's task was to set up a trapped formation after the three people entered, and seal them up within a radius of ten miles to facilitate the movement of the three people inside.

And Gao Shou was also aggrieved after listening to it, it turned out that he was just a chorus.

Unexpectedly, I asked Yan Jungang how he found the two of them. Unexpectedly, Yan Jungang smiled on his expressionless face, explaining that for the sake of confidentiality this time, the backgrounds of all the actors had been investigated.

Now Yan Jungang suspects that there are a group of hidden secrets from other sects within the sect, so he carefully considers when recruiting.

The reason why Gao Shou was chosen was because the relationship between the Gao family and the sect was too deeply tied.

Moreover, Gao Shou is also a person with developed limbs and a simple mind, which is impossible for the difficult job of undercover.

Gao Shou's face became even more ugly after listening to it, and he even clamored for Yan Jungang to explain what difficult life is.

Ignoring Gao Shou's complaint, Yan Jungang turned to Yi Tian again and said, "I have checked your background and experience in the past few years since you got started. Fortunately, there are no major flaws."

Except for the Ice Soul Cave and the killing of the White Bone Gate Anko, the other things are almost inseparable.

After listening to it, Yi Tian was only scared out of a cold sweat. It seems that the precepts hall has really investigated itself in detail.

Yan Jun just relayed his views, and now there are still many hidden enemies in the sect.

Therefore, if he wants to use people, he needs to undergo a strict review, and Gao Shou and Yi Tian belong to the group of people who have passed the review.

Seeing that the two of them were very worried, Yan Jungang didn't say more, and introduced him to him.

That assistant was called Shen Peiqi, who was in the middle stage of foundation building and had been following Yan Jungang for more than ten years.

He is very skilled, and he is also a direct disciple of Chiyang Zhenhuo, who belongs to the sect, and is an apprentice of the head of the sect, Yang Yanzi.

After the two of them heard it, they also came forward to greet him. This Shen Peiqi's identity was much higher than his own, and they would have to deal with each other in the future.

There is still enough work on the face, but who can know the thoughts in the heart.

The group of four agreed that Yan Jungang and Gao Shou would attack directly, and Shen Peiqi would enter at the back door of Tao's house.

Yi Tian distributed the three formation bases to them. As long as the three of them put the formation base into the ground in the designated area, he could launch the formation plate in the air with his weapon, and not a single fly could fly out by then.

After the negotiation was completed, the four took advantage of the darkness to split up, and Yi Tian stepped on the flywheel and flew high in the sky to hide above the clouds.

The right hand holds the array plate, and the left hand gathers aura just waiting for the signal from the three of them.

After a while, I saw flashing red lights in the three areas of the equilateral triangle on the periphery of the entire Taojiazhuang.

Seeing this situation, Yi Tian hurriedly poured his spiritual energy into the formation plate, and after launching it, he saw the three formation bases echoing the formation plate above.

Then a layer of white light film extended from each other to cover the entire ground.

Yi Tian in the sky immediately transmitted his voice to Yan Jungang, and within three breaths, he heard a roar of chickens and dogs in Taojiazhuang below.

Then the front door and the back door flashed at the same time, it is estimated that three people should start.

Yi Tian only saw two mid-foundation cultivators and three ninth-level Qi cultivators flying out of the Tao family's main house below, yelling at Yan Jungang and others, and then the two sides started to fight.

It was only when Yi Tian saw the horror of the late foundation-building cultivators that he saw that Yan Jun just took out the small hammer from the storage bag, and the mana surged on the small hammer, and there was a burst of thunder on the small hammer.

It turns out that he has practiced Thunder Art, no wonder he is so powerful, the general foundation-building monks of the Bone Sect and the Yin Corpse Sect.

Under the same cultivation level, the attributes of the exercises are completely restrained by the thunder spells, and most of them will not be the opponents of Yan Jungang.

And Tao Anru below is also biting the bullet and resisting.

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(End of this chapter)

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