
Chapter 850 Alliance 3

Chapter 850 Meeting Three

Yan Zhaoxue and Yi Tian are waiting for Beiming Kongjing in the backyard of the Girls' School.

In fact, Beiming Kongjing just came a few hours earlier, it happened that today's banquet just started, so as soon as he entered the inner court, he sat down with Yi Tian and chatted about the future.

During the conversation, the two also mentioned the divination at Tianyun Gate.Yi Tian briefly informed Xiaru that today Yunmen has returned to Lihuozong's sect, and senior Tianyunzi has also regained his freedom to temporarily live in Qianlingzong.

Beiming Kongjing was not too clear about the reason for this, but he also felt empathy for Tian Yunzi's situation.Since Tianyunmen was taken into the bag by Qianlingzong, there is no such thing as regaining freedom.

But looking at Yi Tian's appearance, the stunt is not lying, there is something strange about it.It's just that Yi Tian only briefly mentioned this matter, and said: "If you need divination, you can go directly to Zhongzhou Qianlingzong to ask Tian Yunzi for help."

Beiming Kongjing's eyelids twitched. It was a lie to go to Qianlingzong to find someone. That Qianlingyuan was also a veteran monk in the late Yuanying period, and there was even He Weiming, the number one monk in Zhongzhou.

I'm afraid I couldn't find anyone if I went there rashly. Seeing Yi Tian's understatement, Bei Mingkong's eyeballs rolled up and he raised the wine glass in his hand to play with it, but said in his mouth: "I don't know Yi Daoyou. I'm also on good terms with the monks of Qianlingzong, but I'm afraid I will be rejected if I take the liberty to come to the door."

Yi Tian knew the tentative meaning in his words, so he also raised the wine glass in his hand to toast and said with a smile: "To be honest, He Weiming and I are life-and-death friends, but it's a pity that his blessing is a little bit less."

Beiming Kongjing choked on this sentence, put down the wine glass in his hand and stared at Yi Tian for a long time.The amount of information contained in this sentence has exceeded imagination, what is a life-and-death friendship, and what is a blessing.

Being able to say such words from Yi Tian's mouth is enough to show that he has an extraordinary relationship with He Weiming, and even he can only be regarded as Yi Tian's confidant.

But having said that, the scene where He Weiming and Yi Tian became life-and-death friends is absolutely appalling.I'm afraid that Yi Tian in front of him has encountered some existences higher than the late Yuanying, no wonder he dared to send such an invitation and invite himself to come and talk directly.

Thinking of this, Beiming Kongjing also began to have some scruples in his heart, but seeing that Yi Tian was unwilling to reveal any more information, he had to deal with it face to face.

Later, Yi Tian suddenly said: "Zhaoxue quickly prepare another set of tableware, Fellow Daoist Dugu should be here soon."

Beiming Kongjing's expression remained unchanged, but he kept an eye on Yi Tian's move in his heart.Inviting both of the two giants of Xihuang at one time, I'm afraid it's time to talk about business, but I don't know what bargaining chips to give.

After three breaths, a white light flashed on the porch that connects the atrium, and then a hole was split through it, and a black shadow flashed through it and directly entered the door of the inner courtyard.

After he stood still, Yi Tian went straight up to meet him, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Dugu, who has not seen you for more than 200 years, you are indeed at the late stage of advancement. I am really happy to congratulate you."

"It's you boy, your cultivation has reached the late stage anyway, and," Dugu Tianfeng suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face, as if he felt that there was something wrong with Yi Tian in front of him, but he couldn't see clearly for a while.

"Fellow Daoist Dugu is serious, please hurry to the table. Today is a great day for me and Zhaoxue. I specially invite fellow Taoist to come here to have a talk, and to be a witness by the way," Yi Tian replied.

Hearing this, Dugu Tianfeng noticed that Yi Tian and Yan Zhaoxue were indeed wearing big red wedding gowns today, as if they had just finished worship.

It's just that there is something insincere in this sentence, at least Dugu Tianfeng doesn't think that Yi Tian sent the invitation this time because he wants him to really be a witness.With a glance, he caught sight of Beiming Kongjing sitting at the round table, and the two men looked at each other and could see the doubts in each other's hearts.

Since he came, An Zhi Dugu Tianfeng had never seen any scene in Jiuli Jianghu, and then he bowed his hands to compliment him, and then joined Yi Tian in the table.

After the three sat down, Yan Zhaoxue hurried forward to fill up the wine glasses one by one, and then retreated to sit beside Yi Tian.

Dugu Tianfeng and Beiming Kongjing glanced at each other, and fearing that they would coincidentally raise the wine glasses in front of them to Yi Tian and said, "Congratulations to Daoist Yi, you are very happy today. I never thought that I would have the opportunity to participate in such a grand event even at the age of a hundred." You deserve to drink."

"Fellow Daoist Dugu is too polite. This matter is the negligence of this sect. I couldn't send a message as soon as I was in a hurry."

Dugu Tianfeng didn't care when he heard it, but toasted the new couple three times in succession, and then sat down later.

This time, Yi Tian used the marriage as an excuse to invite both of the two giants of Xihuang to come. It will not be that simple.

Dugu Tianfeng is also an old man and knows that there must be a lot of articles behind this, so he is not in a hurry to chat with Beiming Kongjing while drinking.

After drinking for three rounds, Yi Tian also knew that it was time to get down to business. He originally wanted to see if Dugu Ao could break out of the trap he was stuck in, but after most of the time, there was no movement, and it seemed that he couldn't get out.

So there is no need to wait any longer, and then raised the wine glass in his hand to respect the two people: "It is really abrupt to invite the two of you this time, but the situation in the Western Wilderness is becoming more and more chaotic, it is time to redefine the universe."

Hearing the words, Beiming Kongjing glanced at Dugu Tianfeng, and after their eyes crossed, they both saw the doubts in the other's heart, and then asked, "Will Daoist Yi return to take charge of the Maiden School again?"

Yi Tian nodded irrefutably, then shook his head and said, "Yes and no."

To such an ambiguous answer, Dugu Tianfeng asked: "What is Daoyou Yi's plan?"

"The Maiden Sect is originally a branch of my Lihuo Sect living in the Western Wilderness. How could I, the new Lihuo Sect Master, just sit idly by?" Yi Tian said with a calm face, as if he was chatting homely.

But when these words reached the ears of the two, it was like a thunderstorm on the dry land. One must know that the revival of the Lihuo Sect in Zhongzhou had been widely circulated for a long time.And the head of the Lihuo Sect is even more mysterious, except for the top monks of the Zhongzhou Sect, even the famous Nascent Soul monks have no chance to meet.

At this time and here, Yi Tian showed his identity, but the two of them kept looking sideways, but they didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing that the scene was a little cold, Yi Tian knew that he must have an idea in his mind, so he took out the map jade slip and said: "I have calculated the existing spiritual veins of Xihuang and re-divided the spheres of influence of the next three factions. Just ask any questions."

Both realized that they had seen the division marks on the map in the Jade Slips, but they were deeply puzzled by Yi Tian's approach.The Maiden faction actually included all the unexplored places in the Western Wilderness, especially extending westward to the west coast.However, the spheres of influence of the original three sects were only maintained as they were, and the jurisdiction areas near the original sects that originally belonged to the Maiden Sect were clarified.

Basically, it gave up three points of territory, but circled more than ten times the area outside.

(End of this chapter)

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