
Chapter 867 Engineering 2

Chapter 867 Engineering II

In Zixiao Palace, Yi Tian revealed the participation of the Four Great Demon Kings in the construction of the Ascension Platform, and then attached corresponding conditions.

After hearing this, everyone was also relieved. With their participation, the cost of construction would be greatly reduced, and the expressions on everyone's faces became more relaxed in public.Only Du Ziheng lowered his head and kept weighing the pros and cons. Later, he raised his head and asked, "May I ask Sect Master Yi how many times this Ascension Platform can be used after it is completed?"

As expected of the mid-week formation, everyone found out the key points at a glance.Every time the Ascension Platform is used, it needs a huge amount of spiritual support to open the space crack and connect to the upper realm.

To say that the Ascension Platform is actually a consumable item, but there are not many people who can use it, but it is also a scarce item after all.

Yi Tian laughed dumbfounded when he heard the words: "The Flying Body Platform is composed of two parts, the base of the Flying Platform below and the Wheel of the Six Realms above. The base is connected to the earth veins and can be used back and forth as long as you buy low-cost spiritual power."

"What about the wheel of the six realms? If I'm not mistaken, this part is because the consumables are used one time less?" Du Ziheng asked anxiously.

Yi Tian twitched his lips and said, "Your fellow Taoist really has unique insight, and he is worthy of being the first mage in Zhongzhou. It is true that the six realm wheel is the key to the Ascension Platform, and it can usually be used ten times. After that, it needs to be replaced with new components. "

"Ten times, that's still negotiable," Du Ziheng relaxed after hearing this. After the four demon kings used it four times, the remaining six times are enough for the human monks on Tianlan Continent.

"Everyone, please listen to this sect." Yi Tian coughed lightly and pulled everyone's attention back again, and said, "I will keep the refining method of the six realm wheels in the sect. Even if it is exhausted in the future As long as there are talented and intelligent people who can inherit my mantle, they can refine it again."

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere on the scene immediately became more relaxed. After all, Li Huozong didn't keep this matter too secretive, as long as they learned these clues, they could still make a new one.

And counting it, there are many monks above the border of Zhongzhou who have the opportunity to ascend.Speaking of the great monks in the late Yuanying period alone, there are three old demons from the Hehuan Sect, Yu Xiang from the Tiandao Sect, and Abbot Wuyin from the Banruo Temple.

And the Master Miaoyin of Cihang Jingzhai, who is also a Buddhist sect, is in the middle stage of cultivation, but it is well known that the people of the Buddhist sect are the most hopeful to break through the natural barrier. Maybe when the master Miaoyin will advance to the later stage.And it is much easier for Buddhist monks to break through the Heavenly Moat of Huashen than ordinary monks.

In this matter, monk Huiyuan said: "The abbot of Bisi once told the young monk that we, Banruo Temple, will definitely help with the construction of the Ascension Platform. If there is anything sent by Sect Master Yi, please come to Bisi to the best of our ability. Will do my best to oblige.”

Yi Tian clasped his hands together and said to Huiyuan: "This sect would like to thank Master Huiyuan and Abbot Wuyin. From now on, I will give a little thought and distribute the treasures created to each sect in batches."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly frowned and looked outside Zixiao Hall, then turned his head and said to Qu Yifeng: "There is a guest coming from afar, you, as the young master, go out and greet me, please come with the distinguished guests The Zixiao Palace discusses matters."

Qu Yifeng immediately stood up and responded, then hurried out of the main hall to greet him, and all the monks present showed a little strange expression on their faces.This time, I was invited by Li Huozong to discuss the construction of the Ascension Platform, but I didn't hear that anyone else came back.

Could it be that the person who came was under the command of the Four Great Demon Kings, so everyone also looked solemn and waited quietly.

In Shaoqing's spiritual thoughts, he realized that the young patriarch Qu Yifeng was leading two human monks towards Zixiao Palace.Seeing that the two of them are both in the early stage of Yuanying, their breath is calm and their spiritual power is restrained, they don't look like casual cultivators, but they are disciples of those big sects.

After they walked into the main hall, Yi Tian hurriedly got up and cupped his hands towards the two of them, "My brother Dugu, it's just the right time for you to come from a long way, please take your seat quickly."

After seeing them, everyone showed a thoughtful look on their faces, while those who knew them lowered their heads and began to transmit voices in private.

It was Dugu Ao and Xing Yuan who came here, and they also represented Dugu Tianfeng of Xihuang Tianmomen and Bei Mingkongjing of Excalibur Sect.

Before the meeting, Yi Tian contacted the two old guys directly after receiving the summons from the Zongmen.The number of monks on the Tianlan Continent can be counted, and the two old ghosts in Xihuang are two of them.

Yi Tian is also planning to get the two of them in first, as for whether they can be used in the future, it depends on whether they have the ability to break through the Heavenly Moat of Huashen.

But before that, it's not a bad thing to show them a clear way to participate together, anyway, it's their own advantage to collect money first and then do things.

After the two sat down, Yu Jianjian, who glanced at the ground, showed a hint of excitement. Anyway, he didn't intend to hide this matter from them, so he let them see it.

After they sat down, Yi Tiancai introduced the identities of the two of them as many monks who were present together, and at the same time brought out Dugu Tianfeng and Beimingkongjing that they represented behind them.

Now the expression of the monks who were present became even more exciting.Since all the monks from Xihuang participated in this matter, they must occupy two places.

Hao Ji and the others glanced at Dugu Ao and the others, and then turned to look at Shi Qianwei. Just now, the two sects have spoken, only the Qianlingzong did not speak out. I don’t want Qianlingyuan and He Weiming to say this Nothing happened.

Suddenly, Shi Qianwei said, "My Qianlingzong will also participate in this matter, and there are two reservations. Sect Master Yi, please."

After Yi Tian raised his head and made eye contact with his teacher Qianwei, he knew what it meant and immediately replied politely: "It's natural, Qian Lingzong is the number one sect master in Zhongzhou, and you will naturally take it to heart."

Now that the three major sects of Zhongzhou have expressed their views, the next sects are no problem.Immediately, Yitian allocated the share of treasures required for investment to the home in detail.Because Tiandaozong has Du Ziheng as the person in charge of the construction, most of the quota materials can be reduced naturally.

But Yi Tian wouldn't let them take advantage of it, so he selected a few rare Level [-] treasures for them to collect.Du Ziheng is also a sensible person, knowing that they have already made a lot of profit, and he agreed to the rest.

This time there are four demon kings on the bright side, Yu Xiang, Abbot Wuyin, Hehuan Laomo, Dugu Tianfeng, Beimingkongjing, Qianlingyuan, He Weiming and himself, a total of 11 people are all scheduled to use the Ascension Platform.But Yi Tian knew in his heart that Qian Lingyuan was actually going to be taken away, so He Weiming and the two of them.

In addition, Cui Zhen, the flying female corpse whom I promised Wan Lihai back then, really looks like ten people.However, it is unknown how many of these ten people can break through the Heavenly Moat of Transforming Gods.As far as I know, there are basically no monks on the Tianlan Continent who have been able to survive the God Transformation Tribulation in the past 3000 years.

At present, it is just to draw a cake to show them, whether it can be used is still a question.

(End of this chapter)

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