Chapter 91
Sitting in the camp, he glanced at Qu Yifeng, who was beside him, who couldn't open his eyes, and Yi Tian could only sigh.This kid's skills are good, but he is not deep in life, and he can't hold back when he is provoked by others. Now he is playing with the krypton gold mine ball with a big fist like a child.

Turning around, Yi Tian recalled the attitude of the seven evil witches just now, and it was really puzzling. Looking at the three-inch olive pit in his hand, it was an indescribable feeling.

An hour ago, Yi Tian helped Qu Yifeng to clear the siege, and then ignored the people at the White Bone Gate and threw the three thousand spirit stones to the seller. Seeing that the seller didn't dare to move, he had to take it out of the storage bag. A bottle of passion wine is included.The seller got the benefit before handing it over to Yi Tian, ​​then turned around and went back with Ouyang Mei and others.

The person from the White Bone Gate also left, but that Liu Piaopiao didn't ask Yi Tian to get the olive pit back, he looked at it thoughtfully, and finally smiled at Yi Tian.Now Yi Tian is also depressed for a while, why does it seem that the laughter of the seven evil witch has changed a little, it is not like a sneer, it is like the laughter that the enemy Jiu would only make when facing Wu Min, and he was scared to sweat on his back.

There's still an hour left in the ion time, and Yi Tian didn't want to make extra troubles, so he asked Qu Yifeng to sit behind him and meditate and wait to go in.On the contrary, Wu Xing came over to chat with Yi Tian, ​​and said that Sheng Kang from the Discipline Hall also came to ask him if he had bought a map of spirit grass, and even gave him a hundred spirit stones.

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​I didn't care, but suddenly I smelled a faint fragrance. I followed the smell to find the root cause, and it came from Wu Xing, so I asked him if he didn't put the medicinal materials properly.Unexpectedly, Wu Xing immediately jumped up and said that these alchemists all regarded medicinal materials as treasures, how could they put them in disorder, and looked at Yi Tian with suspicious eyes.

Then, seeing that Yi Tian was thinking, it was not easy to disturb him. After a while, Yi Tian sent a voice transmission to Qu Yifeng and asked them to help cover the front.Then I turned back and called Wu Xing and the two went to talk to no one. When they came back, Wu Xing's clothes were changed from Yi Tian's. They were similar in shape and could not be seen after changing.

From the first to the sixth sect, the Jindan cultivators led the disciples to gather at the entrance of the secret realm. I saw that the six people took out their tokens and stamped a magic formula, and the six tokens emitted white light and shot to the entrance of the secret realm. Open the entrance to about a person's height.

Before entering the secret realm, Bai Qingsong also specially instructed everyone to stay in it for a month, and it would be randomly teleported when entering, so there would definitely be some disciples of different sects around him.Seeing that the Tiejianmen and the Xuanling faction can cooperate, if the disciples of the Baigumen and the Yinshi faction can kill them, they will kill them, and if they can't, they will run away.

There is another important thing. If the foundation is successfully established in the secret realm, you will be forcibly sent out of the secret realm because your spiritual pressure is too strong, and the foundation-building catastrophe in the secret realm is more powerful than the outside world. Will give life in vain.

After remembering these things in his mind, Yi Tian lined up in the Chiyang faction's team and waited to enter in turn.According to the convention, people from the six sects will enter in turn, and one disciple will be released at a time until they all enter.

When queuing up, Yi Tian did not forget to instruct Wu Xing and Huashi City to find the medicinal materials after entering, don't be greedy to find a place to hide and wait until they are automatically sent out of the secret realm after a month.As for Qu Yifeng, the two also told them not to be too stubborn. There are at least a dozen people here who can easily settle them. After entering, they still have to be human with their tails tucked in, and don't overdo everything.

The teams entering the Six Sects were lined up in six columns. Yi Tian took a photo of the front of the Chiyang Sect team, and looked at the disciples of the other sects around with ignorant expressions.After Hu Tian, ​​the Jindan cultivator of Tiejianmen gave an order, the disciples of all sects got into the entrance one after another. Everyone's expressions were grim, and only those disciples who had confidence in their own strength would relax their expressions.

The first person from the Yin Corpse sent in was not Ouyang Mei, but the young disciple next to her.The first person to enter the White Bone Gate was Liu Piaopiao. Although she couldn't see her face clearly with her hat on, she did not forget to take a look at Yi Tian before entering.The people next to them all know what happened to the two people just now, so they are not optimistic about Yi Tian for a while, but Yi Tian is indifferent and calm.

After ten breaths, it was Yi Tian's turn, he nodded to the brothers behind him, and then Yi Tian plunged into the entrance of that chaotic secret realm.After being in a trance for a while, Yi Tian looked around in a daze, and he didn't look any different from the outside world.But the rich spiritual energy in the air made Yi Tian truly feel the benefits of the secret realm.

After thinking about it, if you practice here for hundreds of years, it is not impossible to advance to Jindan, but unfortunately it only takes a month.

Yi Tian came in to collect medicine this time, and he did it by hand, and the main task was to find the traitor of the sect.Smell the smell on the clothes, Yi Tian murmured in his heart, since this Sheng Kang is playing with the tricks, don't blame his subordinates for being merciless.

This secret realm is about a thousand miles in diameter. In addition to the high-quality century-old medicinal materials, there are hidden dangers everywhere. Those monsters that grow inside are the biggest obstacle.I heard that there are top-level fourth-order monsters in this central area. When I came in, I was told to try not to go there. I walked around a little bit, but almost all the medicinal materials in the periphery have been harvested, and the medicinal materials that took more than [-] years are basically If you want to go to the central area, you can only have it in a place of [-] miles at the farthest.

Each sect has drawn a map of the secret realm, and marked the locations where the medicinal materials were collected before, and the areas where monsters above the fourth rank were active.Try not to fly in it, if you want to fly, it is also a low-altitude flight.There are not one or two flying monsters in the sky, and flying out here is a living target, and will be directly attacked by opponents on the ground at any time.

Yi Tian stopped to look at the map of the secret realm, first determined his position, and then found a forest thirty miles away from him, and there was an open space about half a mile in the forest.With a smile in your heart, let’s start here.

A day later, two people quickly shuttled through the dense forest, one was wearing the clothes of a disciple of the Chiyang Sect, and the other was a disciple of the Xuanling Sect.I saw that the disciple of the Chiyang Sect was holding crystal bottles one by one, with a bee buzzing in it, and the two of them were led by the bee to a clearing deep in the jungle.

Looking into the middle, a disciple of the Chiyang Sect was meditating and cultivating. The two of them flanked at the same time with a smile on their faces. They were not magic, but two nooses.The people in the open space reacted quickly and avoided the noose in a flash, and the three of them faced each other like this.

Then I heard both sides shouting at the same time in surprise: "Why are you?"

The one who was ambushed was Yi Tian, ​​who was waiting for the rabbit, and the opponent was He Xinsheng. Another disciple looked a bit similar to him, and it was estimated that he belonged to his He family.In Yi Tian's opinion, the He family has infiltrated the Xuanling faction into a lot of people, He Shiwo, He Miao and the person in front of him.

Since they have torn their skin, they will shoot directly, and the three of them are too lazy to say anything.Yi Tian kept using the Fireball Talisman to attack the opponent, but he deliberately suppressed He Xinsheng and separated the two of them.

The Xuanling Sect disciple took out an awl in his hand, poured his spiritual energy into it, and flew to Yi Tian with a sound.Although it is one enemy and two, Yi Tian has already considered several plans. It was originally intended to be used on Sheng Kang, but now he will use these two people. What's more, He Xinsheng has a higher risk factor than Sheng Kang. .

Take out the shield from the storage bag, put in the aura and put it up with one hand, protecting it in front of you.The other hand kept urging the fireball charm to suppress He Xinsheng.Hearing a ding sound, the awl bounced back after hitting the shield. He Xinsheng over there suddenly felt relieved and hurriedly turned around to greet his companions.

What can be seen is that Yi Tian rushed to the vicinity of his companion with a gust of wind, and actually took out a long sword in his hand. After the fire flashed, the Chiyang Fire Sword directly split the person in half.

He Xinsheng saw a scream from his fallen companion, and the blue veins burst out on his head. He also took out a magic sword from the storage bag. After the spiritual energy was poured in, he also used the Chiyang Fire Sword, and controlled the flying sword to shoot Yi Tian directly. .

The two people's instruments slammed a few times in the air and then flew back to their master's hands.The next moment, He Xinsheng started to attack with all his strength. He took out a large amount of flying shuttles from the storage bag, and after attaching his fire aura, he directed the flying shuttles to attack.Yi Tian also just controlled the shield defense, and fought back with fireballs from time to time, and the two sides were deadlocked for a while.

I saw Yi Tian slowly moving towards the edge of the woods, and it seemed that he was about to run away. He Xinsheng would let Yi Tian go so easily and followed him. After walking a few steps, he saw Yi Tian's mouth smiling, and he immediately realized that. Not good.Suddenly, the fire and spiritual energy surged within five feet of his feet. After a wave of spiritual energy, He Xinsheng was enveloped by the connecting fireball charm buried on the ground, and he hurriedly opened the defensive cover with all his strength.

After seeing a burst of fire, Yi Tian took a breath and rushed forward with the fire sword.He Xinsheng, who ran out of the firelight, was also in tatters at this time. Although the protective cover was broken, fortunately, he still wore a piece of armor. In addition to being a little embarrassed, he was only slightly injured.Seeing Yi Tian rushing up with the sword, the two were close at hand, so they had to bite the bullet and hold the sword with both hands.

The two people changed from a long-range attack to a melee combat. After a crisp sound, the two flaming swords attacked. Yi Tian relied on his own momentum to suppress the other party.What made He Xinsheng even more stunned was that the flame on Yi Tian's fire sword was rapidly eroding his own fire sword, and it became an overwhelming advantage in less than five breaths.

After blurting out that you are not practicing Chiyang True Fire, he was slashed by Yi Tian's fire sword. He smelled the smell of burnt meat. He Xinsheng felt that his vitality was draining. It fell straight down.When I was about to die, I heard Yi Tian disdainfully say, "Don't be an undercover agent in your next life. This life is too difficult and not suitable for you."

Now Yi Tian urgently needs to find a place to restore his spiritual energy. It seemed easy just now, but in fact, the spiritual energy in his body has been consumed by more than half, and he must use the killer to fight.There are still many opponents in this secret realm, and now Yi Tian's state is enough to drink a pot of himself when he encounters a powerful one.

But this time, He Miao's method was used, and the effect was really good. After searching the storage bag of the Xuanling Sect disciple, it was discovered that it was really from his He family, and it was He Xinsheng's younger brother named He Jingsheng.Have you recently gone wrong with their He family and killed three disciples of the younger generation in a row? You have to be careful when facing He Shiwo in the future.

Yi Tian immediately tidied up the storage bags of the two of them, then destroyed the bodies with two fireballs, and left in a hurry.

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(End of this chapter)

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