Martial arts life starting from the boundless sea

Chapter 113 Going to the Holy Capital

Chapter 113 Going to the Holy Capital (Subscribe)

"Little Daddy, why am I so strong?"

"Little mother, you are going to sleep with my little father tonight!"

"La la la la la!!!"

On the bed in the room, You Yan, who had changed into pajamas, played with Qin Yan and Chai Mi innocently with a smile.

Originally, after Qin Yan's one-night emperor experience card expired, he always slept in turns, but now because of You Yan's amnesia, he was forced to experience it.

It's just that the situation changed too quickly and too strangely. Although Qin Yan lamented the reason why the three of them shared the bed again, he had already lost those thoughts.

After teasing the cutest lady in history, Chai Mi covered her mouth and looked at Qin Yan with a smile.

Tonight, Qin Yan's performance is her source of happiness.

When she took a bath with You Yan, the domineering Qin Yan showed in front of her completely disappeared.

The whole body of the stripped You Yan dazzled people's eyes, and she, who was also a woman, was admiring, but Qin Yan's gaze and hand movements were extremely gentlemanly.

She knew that if this man hadn't cherished them enough, she wouldn't have behaved like that at that moment.

"What are you laughing at?" Qin Yan looked ferociously at Chai Mi who was still laughing, thinking in his heart that this girl was about to ride on his head.

"Master, you are really funny!" Of course, Chai Mi knew that Qin Yan was not the real murderer, so she who was poked into a bigger smile, after You Yan gave a puzzled "Huh", she knelt down on the bed and smiled. Waisted.

"Ha ha.!"

"Little mother, don't laugh at little daddy, okay, little daddy is going to cry!" You Yan pulled Chaimi's arm and shook it.

That delicate face was rosy after washing white, sticking together with chaimi, so that Qin Yan, the only person who could climb into the bed, could smell the good smell all the time.

Seeing You Yan, who has lost her memory, knows how to care about herself, Qin Yan's eyes softened, and she became more determined to help her recover as soon as possible.

"Okay, let me stop laughing!" Chai Mi stopped, and then hugged You Yan affectionately, "Miss, when do you like to sleep?"

"I like to sleep right away, I'm sleepy!" You Yan thought for a while, then said.

"Master, let's go to sleep." Chai Mi looked at Qin Yan.

Qin Yan nodded.

Just as I was about to turn off the lights, a phone call came suddenly.

Qin Yan was a little puzzled.

After he got the mobile phone issued by the villa, he didn't save many contacts.

It's about nine o'clock in the evening, which is not the time for Qin Yan to sleep normally.

But You Yan should go to bed early if she wants to sleep, she is also quite tired recently.

Qin Yan was naturally a little surprised when someone called at this hour of the night.

"Little dad, your phone!" Seeing that Qin Yan was thinking about something and didn't respond, You Yan wanted to crawl over to help Qin Yan get the phone.

Qin Yan hurriedly said no, and after Chai Mi coaxed You Yan to lie down, he picked up his mobile phone to connect.

"Is it Qin Yan? I'm sorry to disturb you at night. I'm the person in charge of dealing with the affairs of the Freshmen's Hope Competition in Guangming Shengdu. Now the main match is on the schedule, but... didn't there be an accident on your side?"

"So now I want to confirm, are you still willing to represent Yuyu Villa and directly participate in the main match?"

Qin Yan was stunned when he heard that.

Recently, I have really been troubled by too many things, all of which were caused by the trendy banshee's revenge.

Youyu Villa was destroyed, Youyan Chaimi and his two daughters all suffered misfortunes, and he himself was busy with these things.

Therefore, Qin Yan had actually forgotten about the Freshman Hope Competition who had only participated in the first round of qualifiers for a while.

Now this confirmation call just reminded Qin Yan that there is still such a thing.

Speaking of it, Qin Yan didn't immediately say to participate after hearing the intention of coming. In fact, it was because of all the troubles that caused hesitation.

He knew that the temporary loneliness of Youyu Villa would definitely cause this freshman hope to lose a strong competitive force from the northwest. If he stood up, he would at least be able to protect the face of Youyu Villa.

But if this is the case, what should they do?
Qin Yan turned his head silently, looking at Chai Mi who was coaxing You Yan with soft words.

"Hey, Qin Yan, is there any difficulty?"

"I can tell you here that because of an accident, we can only get the contact information of some young warriors who have been issued mobile phones from the Yuyu Villa official."

"Among them, there are very few who meet the conditions and can directly participate in the main competition, and then confirmed with us that they want to participate, so far none."

"As for our director Lan, I really want to see someone from Youyu Villa stand up. Leaving aside the achievements, at least don't let other people look down on you."

"He spent a lot of effort in order to keep your quota. You came second in the first round of qualifiers in Northwest China. Before I contacted you, I thought you wouldn't disappoint Director Lan, but I didn't expect that."

"Excuse me, what is the reward for the ranking in the main competition?" Qin Yan wanted to refuse, because he decided to put his family first, and it was none of his business to stand up.

But suddenly he thought that this kind of national competition should set up rewards, so if the rewards can
So Qin Yan held back the refusal he wanted to say, and tried first.

"Don't you understand?" The tone over there was very surprised, thinking that this is the number one powerful young warrior in Youyu Villa after all, how could he not be clear about Dabi's reward.

He thought for a while, and then said: "As far as I know, if you can enter the first eight sequences, you can choose one of the items in the treasure house of our Bright Temple, whether it is for cultivating the power of a chivalrous man or for strengthening a warrior. His physical fitness is of great help.”

"As for the top three, the top three in the last competition all received a promise to send the Hero Emperor, and the Bright Temple will provide resources for them to practice until they break through to the junior Hero Emperor. At the same time, there will be temple powerhouses Guide yourself."

"I said Qin Yan, aren't you tempted by this?"

Qin Yan's arm trembled slightly.

treasure house?

The Temple of Light is the center of power for warriors in Huaguo today, and the things stored there must be good!
If you go all out and get a good ranking, then maybe you can find good things in the treasure house that are good for You Yan or firewood!

Qin Yan didn't care much about the temptation of the top three being sent to the level of Xiadi.

This is because Qin Yan is confident that he can break through to Emperor Xia by himself.

"Okay, I'll take part. I would like to ask if there is any assistance with accommodation and accommodation when going to participate in the competition in the Holy City of Light." Qin Yan replied to participate, but did not forget to ask for more complete information.

This is because, since he decided to participate, he must bring You Yan and Chai Mi to the Holy City of Light.

In the holy city of light, Qin Yan has nothing to do with it. The unknown there forces Qin Yan to make the most appropriate arrangements.

So if the official can help arrange the board and lodging, then Qin Yan will have a stable foothold, and he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

"This was originally paid for by your respective participating regions, but Director Lan thought carefully. Considering that your warriors in the northwest have no organization, he specially applied for a public fee. As long as one person nods to participate, it will be arranged properly. .”

Very good!
Qin Yan was overjoyed, and somehow had a good impression of Director Lan.

In fact, he was also a little puzzled.

Could it be that Director Lan was born in Youyu Villa, and then worked in the Holy City of Light?

From this person's words, it seems that because of the destruction of Yuyu Mountain Villa, the quota for the freshmen's hope competition was almost lost.

It was Director Lan who fought to get them back, and even sent someone to call to inquire about them one by one.

Qin Yan was a little emotional.

Those who have only participated in one round of the qualifiers can directly participate in the main competition. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

But in any case, this directly participates in the main competition, and he can be one step closer to the reward that must be of great use.

After finishing the call, Chai Mi, who listened to the whole call, smiled slightly: "Master, I support you!"

She paused, then looked at Qin Yan quite seriously and said, "Master, I know that you may refuse some things that require your attention because of us. You can stop doing this in the future, okay?"

Chai Mi is sometimes quite silly, but when Qin Yan just answered the phone, she could feel that the man's original intention was to refuse.

She felt that there was no need to do this. Even if this competition did not have any rewards, but it could prove her strength among the younger generation of warriors across the country, she could do it.

Chai Mi didn't want to see Qin Yan being restrained too much as a warrior. As his woman, she would support everything.

With the power of joy to nourish her body, she has gradually improved, and the small piece of demonization in her chest can no longer erode her originally weak physique.

Although You Yan has amnesia, she is safe and sound, and every sound of her little father and mother is sweet to her heart.

It's rare for her to talk to Qin Yan so seriously, and that's what she meant.

Let go and do things, people I love.

Qin Yan didn't speak, went to bed and lay down on his side, then stroked Chai Mi's warm face, and finally saw that she was so cute that she didn't change her expression just to highlight the meaning of her words, so she couldn't help but pinch her.


You Yan opened his eyes in a daze, and after seeing Qin Yan's intimate movements, he said, "Little Daddy, what are you doing by pinching the little mother's face?"

Qin Yan also pinched You Yan's milky side face lovingly: "Because I like little mothers."

"Oh, that little daddy likes me too!" You Yan's understanding level has been reduced to a very simple and naive level along with amnesia.

"I like them all." Qin Yan supported his cheeks with one hand, and stroked down Youyan's beautiful hair lying on the jade back with the other.

He remembered the amazement he felt when he saw You Yan for the first time.

After seeing the front face, when she turned around, apart from sighing at the curve of her back, Qin Yan saw this beautiful hair.

Untie the shackles and let it fall completely, and it is draped around the waist, which is really beautiful.

"Well, little dad, you and little mom hug me to sleep!" You Yan was sleepy, with her eyes downcast, she leaned her head into Qin Yan's arms, coquettishly.

"Okay." This is not a difficult request, and Qin Yan will of course agree.

After adjusting his posture and embracing You Yan, Chai Mi also leaned over to stick to it, as if sandwiching You Yan into a sandwich biscuit.

But because the space Qin Yan and Chai Mi intentionally left was just right, You Yan would not feel crowded, but would feel very warm and comfortable.

With her eyes closed, the corners of her mouth slightly raised showed her mood at the moment.

Seeing this, Qin Yan also slowly fell asleep.

The night passed.

Qin Yan who woke up the next day gathered the quilt for the two girls who were still sleeping soundly.

Telling them to sleep late, Qin Yan, who went out, announced to Chai Meili and the others a decision that would have a greater impact on their current lives.

He is going to the Holy City of Light to participate in the New Hope Competition.

To put it more formally, it was because Qin Yan knew that the decision he made would not only affect himself, but also affect Chai Meili and the others.

Normal people, how can they be like them, who just returned to Youyu Mountain Villa from the city, only to return to the city when they encounter disasters, and then rush to the Guangming Holy City, which they are not familiar with.

For those who can't stand such a toss, this is simply a bigger disaster.

So Qin Yan, who has already regarded them all as family members, of course will put the matter out and let them all know, instead of making decisions for them.

"Young Master Qin, if you want to travel this time, then we will help you guard this home." Chai Meili did not object to Qin Yan's decision to make another major transfer.

Compared with the favors I received and the fortunes my two precious daughters received, these tosses are really nothing.

"Okay, then I'll go out this time, and I'll ask you to stay and take care of the family. Chaimi's body is no longer in discomfort, so it's no problem for her to take care of You Yan."

"Well, Xiaojuan Xiaoshu's strength is still improving. To be on the safe side, I will hire a female warrior to help you. If there is anything, please contact me in time." Qin Yan immediately made arrangements.

"Brother Qin Yan, when will you come back?" Yunjuan Yunshu reluctantly left Qin Yan temporarily.

"I'll be back when I finish my work, Xiaojuan Xiaoshu, remember what I said to you, you are already a little adult, you have to protect this home with the bodyguard sister." Qin Yan smiled.

"Well, it will be!" Yunjuan Yunshu replied confidently.

Qin Yan nodded, and then looked at Xia Shiyu: "Sister, you have been busy with your aunt during this period of hard work. During the time I go to the Holy Capital, you can take a break and take care of your own affairs."

Xia Shiyu gave Qin Yan a blank look: "Qin Yan, I won't be lazy!"

Shrugging his shoulders and returning a smile, Qin Yan, who had made all the arrangements, began to call Feng Zheng.

After telling him that he would go directly to Guangming Holy City to participate in the competition on behalf of Youyu Villa, Feng Zheng praised Qin Yan's decision to stand up at this time.

"Xiao Yan, our main task now is to rebuild the villa, and we are really busy, but I assure you, if you are good enough, you can come to the back of the big competition, and I will apply to the owner of the villa no matter what. Bring out a group of relatives and friends to go to the holy capital to cheer for you."

"But you also know that there are too many murlocs in the circle of warriors who are declining now. I guess there will be very few warriors who can accompany you to participate, and the audience is also Xiaoyan. Can you bear it?"

Qin Yan had already decided to participate, and he could predict that Yuyu Mountain Villa would be overwhelmed because of so many bad things before in this competition, so he gave Feng Zheng a very affirmative answer.

"Haha, okay, Xiaoyan, grandpa will cheer for you!"

At the end of the chat with Feng Zheng, Qin Yan remembered the doubts he had after receiving the phone call last night, and then took the opportunity to simply tell Feng Zheng the doubts.

Feng Zheng understood after listening for a while, and he said in a very mysterious tone: "Xiao Yan, you just need to know that we have some long-term arrangements for people outside the villa."

"Otherwise, if we go out of the northwest, we murlocs will be unable to move an inch, understand?"

Qin Yan was a little dazed, but he probably grasped a little bit.

In other words, Director Lan didn't treat Youyu Villa well for no reason?
It seems that there are not many things that I can come into contact with.

Without further questioning, Qin Yan knew that there was only so much Feng Zheng could reveal.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yan returned to the bed and sat down.

At this time, a pair of tender white arms wrapped around his waist.

The back was pressed against You Yan's small face by just waking up, and it was warm and moist.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yan felt his heart soften, turned his head and asked softly.

"Little daddy carried me to the bathroom."

"Ugh I need to pee!"

"Uh alright."

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(End of this chapter)

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