Chapter 121

"Little Daddy!"

When Qin Yan pushed the door open again, two delicate bodies crashed into his arms.

Qin Yan hugged each other, comforting him.

The crowd outside the room had dispersed, and a breaking news began to spread.

That is Huayi Qinghua, who can't even deal with a Northwestern guy who abolished his younger brother's family inheritance thing!
You know, this is the holy capital, and this is the territory of the Hua family.

As the prince, it's really not difficult for Hua Yiqing to be who he wants to be.

If the person who failed to deal with it was an important person in the forefront of the holy vein, then it would be understandable.

But how did a powerless and powerless Northwesterner from outside escaped the clutches of Emperor Qing?

Of course, many people who were not at the scene can only make various guesses.

And those who happened to witness the conflict made supplements to the explosive news, making it difficult for Qin Yan to keep a low profile.

Because it was not only Hua Yiqing who attacked Qin Yan on the spot, but also Bai Shishu from the Bai family!
That foot was stepped on fearlessly.

Afterwards, Miss Wu Family and Young Master Yue Family even supported her!

The princess of the Bai family was also rumored to have an affair with Qin Yan, otherwise people would not understand why the princess of the Bai family was willing to forcibly drag her brother away, leaving Hua Yiqing completely isolated on the scene.

After that, it's a matter of course.

It is impossible for the two sides to fight again, so they can only go back to their respective homes.

That is, Hua Yiqing's defeat in his own territory really exploded public opinion in the Shengdu circle.

It's the eve of the Freshman Hope Competition, the number one favorite player, and the most proud genius son of Shengjun today. Hua Yiqing has been so beautiful, who would have thought that he would suffer?
Therefore, attention to the tap water of Qin Yan, the northwesterner, gradually increased.

After learning that Qin Yan was the only contestant in Yuyu Villa, the Northwest Rebellion that happened just before made many people feel that there seemed to be traces of this conflict.

But it's a pity that the status I'm staying in is not good, I can't get into those upper-level circles, there is no extra gossip, everything can only be solved by guessing.

And Qin Yan, who seemed to have become a star of public opinion, asked Yue Zaifei for help after the smoke cleared, and went to the presidential suite that was completely booked out in this hotel.

It's unlucky that the room originally assigned by Dabi was missed by Huadonglai.

Moreover, Qin Yan paid for it himself, and what he bought for the change of place was to change his mood and improve his safety factor.

Most importantly, I like both Chaimi and Youyan.

When the luxury and spaciousness of the new room were displayed in front of the two of them, Qin Yan could see that their eyes were shining brightly.


"It's so big here, little daddy, I like it!" You Yan opened his hands and cheered.

"As long as you like it!" Qin Yan said with a smile.

"Hehehe." Chai Mi walked around the room with You Yan, checking every aspect of the presidential suite.

And Qin Yan walked out the door with Yue Zaifei and Wu Hanxue.

All three of them shared the rare harmony and peace after the conflict for a moment.

"Fly again, this time I really trouble you, thank you!" This presidential suite was originally reserved for Yue's family.

Although Qin Yan paid for it himself, asking Yue Zaifei to arrange such a room was more or less an advantage, so Qin Yan naturally wanted to thank him solemnly.

Yue Zaifei smiled and waved his hands. In his words, this is nothing serious at all.

It's just a broken room.

In terms of priority of use in their family, he is only behind his parents.

Since no one in the family needs to use it, it is easy to use it for the brothers.

If it weren't for Qin Yan's strong attitude, and knowing that Qin Yan has a certain amount of money, he would even keep the account on his own account.

"Brother Qin Yan, do you really only have brothers in your eyes?"

Immersed in his brotherhood with Yue Zaifei, Qin Yan was suddenly distracted by Wu Hanxue's grievances.

Seeing that bright and charming goblin face, Qin Yan secretly exclaimed that something was wrong, and then said: "No, no, thank you very much for Miss Wu's help tonight!"

"Qin Yan was originally an unknown boy in Youyu Villa, facing the Huabai family tonight, if it wasn't for Miss Wu and Zaifei's great help, Qin Yan might have been dragged to chop up and feed the dogs at this moment."

"You, as soon as you come to my place, speak so formally!" Wu Hanxue still expressed some dissatisfaction to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan was stunned, but didn't know what to say.

He didn't quite understand Wu Hanxue's abnormality.

However, when it comes to the help of the two families tonight, it is actually Yue Zaifei who is a bit abrupt.

Qin Yan got acquainted with Yue Zaifei, and he helped sign on the signing table once.

On Wu Hanxue's side, Qin Yan's heartfelt help in the matter of wind criticism is obviously more important.

But when Qin Yan met Wu Hanxue, he no longer spoke casually like Yue Zaifei.

This is also where Wu Hanxue felt treated differently.

Therefore, Wu Hanxue took advantage of Qin Yan's wife and daughter in the room, and she would still follow her own thoughts to find out.

"Why, did I just let you be so speechless?" Wu Hanxue put her hands on her hips and looked majestic.

At this moment, Yue Zaifei did something that reminded Qin Yan of You Hongyan.

He wiped off his sweat, then stepped forward with a smile on his face, and slipped away!

"Brother Yan, sister, you guys chat, you chat!"

"I'll go first!"

Qin Yan's eyes widened, he never thought that Yue Zaifei would slip away!
When he had to turn his gaze back to Wu Hanxue's face, Qin Yan smiled helplessly: "Miss Wu, let's make things clear here."

"Is there anything about me that bothers you?"

"I will try my best to repay your favor."

Qin Yan kept talking, as if he was responding to Wu Hanxue saying that he was less talkative to her.

Wu Hanxue laughed at this moment, but her eyes betrayed her true emotions.

She lowered her head, and said in a soft voice, "I'm very lucky today to meet a man who can speak for me."

"My assistant was very rude to him, but he didn't hold grudges and still spoke up for me."

"So I remember him, and I think he looks good, and he can participate in the main competition, he should be a good person, conditions are not bad."

"Later, I became a bitch. I knew he seemed to have a family, but I was still unwilling. But, in the eyes of so many people, I was that kind of person, so I was a bitch, so what?"

Wu Hanxue raised her head abruptly, and Qin Yan, who was listening intently quietly, trembled in fright.

Wu Hanxue didn't laugh at Qin Yan's gaffe, she kept her pace: "Qin Yan, let me tell you now, I help you because you can chat with Yue Zaifei, and I feel okay, the last thing is , Hua Yiqing and his gang can do whatever they want behind their backs, but don't bully women in front of me!"

If you don't understand at this time, you are an idiot.

After listening to the words, Qin Yan was silent for a while, then nodded slightly: "Thank you."

Wu Hanxue raised her hands and folded them in front of her body, as if she was hugging herself, she sneered: "I knew you would say thank you to me!"

"Qin Yan, where is Xie Nima!"

Such an elegant and beautiful Hua Guo dialect was spewed out from the mouth of a beautiful woman, which immediately frightened Xiao Qinyan for a moment.

Wu Hanxue wanted to say something more, when suddenly a low bell rang in her bag.

There's a call!
She coldly took out her mobile phone and connected it directly in front of Qin Yan.

The volume of the call was turned down so low that Qin Yan couldn't hear what the voice in the microphone was saying.

However, Qin Yan quickly discovered that something was wrong.

Wu Hanxue listened, stared at Qin Yan and laughed brightly.



Wu Hanxue, who almost bent over laughing, put away the phone she hung up, and then stared at Qin Yan with a look that I finally see through you.

Qin Yan felt that it was really inexplicable.

What the hell, this hair is not, no, no, what is this crazy woman laughing at?

What's so funny?
Although Qin Yan could take jokes, he couldn't accept being ridiculed for no reason by a woman with a strong aura like Wu Hanxue!
Very poor experience!

"Qin Yan, I thought you were some kind of peerless good man, a wife-protecting and daughter-protecting madman, an innocent little boy!"

"Haha. I didn't expect Qin Yan, you are such a wicked person!"

Because Wu Hanxue discovered a terrible thing, she laughed so much that she even reached out to hold Qin Yan's shoulder to continue laughing properly.

Qin Yan's head was full of black lines at the moment.

But soon, Wu Hanxue gave Qin Yan the answer.

"Daddy, daddy, little daddy!"

The stunning goblin in front of her actually put on a shy and cute look, and yelled sweetly at Qin Yan with an innocent girly voice.

Qin Yan was completely stunned.

"Does it sound good, are you excited?!"

Wu Hanxue slowly put away her smile, then approached Qin Yan and said, "Qin Yan, the two inside are both your women!"


"What a blessing!"

Wu Hanxue used yin and yang to form a real structure for Qin Yan's family.

"Qin Yan, what character game are you playing?"

"Speaking so formally to me, I thought you were really innocent before!"

Qin Yan's face darkened.

Didn't he know that Wu Hanxue was mocking him for having two women, who were obviously flirtatious, but kept a certain distance in front of her.

Wu Hanxue was taking the initiative, but he retreated innocently.

Yes, what are you pretending to be?

But what has he pretended to be?

You Yan has amnesia, he has completely taken the role of the little daddy who cares for You Yan.

So, so what if he is really the little daddy of Amnesia Wandering Smoke?
It's definitely not like Wu Hanxue deliberately called his father to mock him after knowing the truth, he just wanted to play the thrill of the island country.

One of Qin Yan's undefeated footholds in front of Wu Hanxue who knows the truth is that Qin Yan has never provoked Wu Hanxue from the beginning to the end, so that is enough!

"Since you know everything, then you must also understand that You Yan has lost her memory." Qin Yan opened Wu Hanxue's hand on his shoulder, looking a little unkind.

"Before she recovers, my identity will be like this, but who are you, why are you running around!"

Wu Hanxue can mock herself, and so can Qin Yan.

Qin Yan is bluntly speaking, this is his own family business, you Wu Hanxue is an out-and-out outsider, are you here to serve as a political instructor for your own family by saying such things?

Wu Hanxue was attacked by Qin Yan, and after knowing the truth, all the emotions in her superiors completely dissipated.

Her red lips were trembling, and she had already been angered by Qin Yan's reluctance to dance with her tonight, and her eyes were foggy.

Qin Yan was speechless for a moment.

Cry, cry, a woman knows how to cry!

How annoying!
"Qin Yan, you bastard!" Wu Hanxue roared hoarse.

Qin Yan, who was put on another disgusting hat by Wu Hanxue, couldn't bear it anymore, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Wu Hanxue's tender white arm, and squeezed her body hard, causing her body to twitch and scream in pain.

"Miss Wu, please pay attention, I am polite to you, and you should respect me as before!" Qin Yan's eyes were slightly red.

Shocked by Huabai's lineup tonight, he realized that he was not strong enough, so Qin Yan, who was a little aggrieved, found a punching bag.

Wu Hanxue, whose status is much higher than his, actually came to her to show her temper in front of her?

it is good!
Then let her know her mistake!

Seeing Wu Hanxue being pained by his grasp, Qin Yan suddenly felt a sense of joy explode in his heart.

How cool!

The dignified lady of the Wu family almost knelt on the ground when he exerted a little force!
"Qin Yan, let go, let go!"

Because of Qin Yan's strength on her arm, Wu Hanxue couldn't control her body to stand normally.

Focusing on the arm held by Qin Yan, the twisting and sobbing that she tried to break free but failed in the end became Qin Yan's source of happiness.

The slit under the black gold cheongsam provided Qin Yan with an additional benefit.

The legs wrapped in black silk were separated from the cover of the cheongsam, and every time they kicked outward, it was a stimulating visual impact.

"What the fuck, Wu Hanxue, say I play with avatars, but you don't see you dressed like this, aren't you just playing with your sexy avatars?!"

"Cheongsam? Black silk?"

Qin Yan smiled: "I take back what I said, you are really coquettish and profligate!"

"Ah!!!" Wu Hanxue yelled suddenly, making Qin Yan, who was tired of playing for a moment, let go of his hand.

Wu Hanxue fell miserably to the ground.

The hair that was originally tidied up for the party and never messed up during the conflict was all messed up at the moment.

There was too much movement, there were hurried footsteps in the room, and Qin Yan, who had made up his mind to not have too much contact with Wu Hanxue after repaying her favor, was about to go back to the room when he heard Wu Hanxue's low thoughts.

"Qin Yan, I'm sorry."

"What I told you about winning the Bai Shishu is still valid."

"including myself"

Mad woman!
Qin Yan immediately opened the door and slipped in.

What is a gentleman?
Dogs do it!
Inside, Wu Hanxue could roughly hear the performance of Qin Yan's other character.

She was wronged.

Because she wants it too.

Qin Yan inside is gentle.

"Xiao Chaimi, there's nothing going on outside, it's that Miss Wu, if you want me to be the one who doesn't repay favors, how could I be that kind of person!"

"I gave her a 'lesson', and then drove her away, hee hee!"

"Young master is doing well, we can't accept other people's favors for nothing!"

"Yeah, let's help Xiao Yanyan take a bath."

Walk away.

Wu Hanxue raised her arm and wiped her eye sockets, wiping away the teardrops that showed the weakness of a woman.

She licked her dry lips due to talking too much, her eyes regained their spirit, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Really overbearing"

She just muttered, then looked down and saw the ugly appearance of her cheongsam, she stretched out her hand to tidy it up.

Get up and leave.

 This book is going to let myself go, the plots that have never been written before, all the plots are arranged, hahahahaha! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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