Chapter 123 Undead Kingdom
Qin Yan really regretted not asking what the four beasts liked to eat before confirming the offering of rations!
and many more
Only the wordless book was eaten, and the previous hint said that the suitable treasure
Then in my backpack, will only the Wordless Heavenly Book meet the requirements for enshrining?
If this is the case, then you have started a gang and want to get the blessing of the gang patron saint.

He sighed regretfully, knowing that being targeted by the picky eaters is enough for the Wordless Heavenly Book to prove its upper limit of value.

Unfortunately, there is no chance to verify its extreme value.

Qin Yan was very curious about what it would be like if there were words in the Wordless Book of Heaven.

Waiting for the four beasts to chew and digest, Qin Yan just hoped that he would give these four greedy guys such a good thing, so he must arrange it properly, right?
In the previous life, Le Doumen enshrined the four gods and beasts as patron saints. Although it is necessary to offer treasures to the four gods and beasts every day, there will be corresponding pressure on the sect's expenses, but the benefits obtained are excellent.

As long as they are disciples of Le Doumen, they are all within the scope of enjoyment.

Four divine beasts and their corresponding attribute blessings:
Qinglong: Improve the strength of all members of the gang.

Suzaku: Improve the agility of all members of the gang.

White Tiger: Increase the speed of all members of the gang.

Xuanwu: Improve the defense of all members of the gang.

Four ancestors, do your best, and give the little brother some benefits when he is full.

Qin Yan bowed his hands forward and saluted.

It seems that Qin Yan's sincerity satisfied the four beasts. When their mouths stopped moving, Qin Yan saw the absolutely worthwhile harvest from feeding on the Wordless Heavenly Book.

A totem slowly rises.

This is the spiritual symbol of the Le Dou Gang!
From the previous life to Qin Yan's generation, because everyone in Le Doumen was working hard to one day be able to step into the ranks of the God of War, so the totem at that time was called the God of War.

The main pattern is based on the back of the most ferocious ancestor of the God of War in Le Doumen, which is mighty and domineering.

As for the gang created by Qin Yan in this world, as the patron saint was full, the totem symbolizing the gang's spiritual meaning also appeared.

Totem name: Immortal!
The figure in the pattern seems to be bathed in raging fire against thousands of enemies, but still stands proudly, as if no one can defeat him.

Qin Yan felt that the figure really resembled himself.

But since he is the leader of this gang, it is quite normal to use his own shadow outline.

Immortal? !
Qin Yan suddenly thought of something from the name of the totem, frowned and lowered his head to think.

The legend that Grandpa Feng Zheng once told him was quickly recalled in Qin Yan's mind.

Immortal skill
Is this totem called Immortality?

Qin Yan raised his head in surprise.

Could it be that this is a real hammer?
Could the Wordless Heavenly Book really be the carrier of the Immortal Art?

Otherwise, why is the totem raised up by the four divine beasts that ate the wordless heavenly scriptures called immortality?
"Maybe it's just a coincidence. If you think about it too much, immortality doesn't necessarily have to be a magic skill of immortality. It's also a kind of heroic performance."

Since the Immortal Art is extremely mysterious to the strong men in this world, there is very little information, so little that there is only one name circulating, so it is even more impossible for Qin Yan, a big newcomer, to track down and investigate.

That being the case, Qin Yan felt that it was almost enough.

What is more comfortable is that the value of the Wordless Book has at least been reflected to a large extent.

At present, it may be the only treasure that is qualified to be fed to the four gods and beasts, so it can be seen that the potential value is extremely high.

It is also related to the word Immortality, the book is gone, but Qin Yan can still partly transfer his curiosity about the wordless book to the totem.

This may or may not be the magic skill of immortality, but it is completely his own, and he is the only guild leader, so it is impossible for it to slip away.

After letting go of the undying totem for the time being, the blessings that the four gods and beasts can bring to oneself will appear on the stage!
Looking in the direction of the four divine beasts, Qin Yan paused for a moment, and then once again sighed with emotion at the terrible upper limit of the wordless book.

Hunger degree of gang patron saint: at full value, can play the maximum ability value (never decline)

A book without words, in exchange for the eternal satiation of the four gods and beasts?
It's worth it, it's so damn worth it!

Seeing the blessings given to him by the four divine beasts, Qin Yan smiled.

Qinglong: Increase the strength of all members of the gang by 1 level.

Suzaku: Increase the agility of all members of the gang by 1 level.

White Tiger: Increase the speed of all members of the gang by 1 level.

Xuanwu: Increase the defense of all members of the gang by 1 level.

Immediately opening his Happy Dou panel, Qin Yan found that his four attributes had undergone an exaggerated qualitative improvement!
Strength: Advanced, Agility: Advanced, Speed: Advanced, Defense: Advanced

As the blessing effect said, all the attributes have been raised by a big level!

Moreover, it is not only this attribute that is blessed.

There is another important reason why I worked hard to enshrine the patron saint in my previous life, and that is to let the disciples of Quanle Doumen enjoy the powerful skills taught by the patron saint.

Because of feeding the Wordless Heavenly Book, the four gods and beasts came directly to a state where they would never be hungry, and the gang's level was also stretched to level eight.

Therefore, so many disciples worked so hard to collect treasures in the previous life, just to feed the patron saint, and the multiple gang skills that can only be obtained after a long period of accumulation, are now all open at once!

Let Qin Yan, the gang leader, use it!

Qin Yan stared at the skill panel of the eight major gangs already filled with information, and swallowed heavily.

[Hidden weapon master]:
Level/Nature: Level 1 Gang Skill, Passive
Instructor: Le Fighting Sheep Demon King

Skill description: Master kills, throws light from dark weapons, increases the damage of throwing weapons by 25%, once it is turned on, when throwing weapons are used, a phantom will emerge to assist the battle.

[Knowing blow]:
Level/Nature: Level 2 gang skill, passive
Instructor: Master Le Dou
Skill description: Concentrate your mind and strike with all your might. There is a 10% chance that one strike will cause 1.5 times the damage. Once it is activated, when the knowing strike effect is triggered, a mighty phantom will emerge from the leader of Le Dou.

【Life notes】:
Level/Nature: Level 3 gang skill, active
Instructor: Le Dou Shuai Shuai
Skill description: Listen to good music, the blood is smooth and full of vitality, which can increase the combat vitality by 20%.

【Pegasus Meteor Fist】:
Level/Nature: Level 4 Gang Skill, Active/Passive
Instructor: Le Dou Jiang Gong
Skill description: Putting death to life, in times of crisis, Le Dou Jiang Guild emerges a phantom, rides a winged Pegasus to descend, and can perform a Meteor Fist attack first, after which the attack power increases by 100%, and lasts for 3 shots.

Level/Nature: Level 5 gang skill, passive
Instructor: Sister Yuexuan Le Dou
Skill description: The vision is far and accurate. Once it is turned on, the hit rate of all attacks will be increased. Continuously aim at the enemy's vital parts and hit successfully. The beautiful Le Dou Yuexuan will appear in phantom to praise you.

【Bone Bone Palm】:
Level/Nature: Level 6 gang skill, passive
Instructor: Le Douyuan Hero

Skill description: The damage factor of the Knowing Blow is increased by 50% again. Once it is turned on, the effect of the Knowing Blow is triggered, and when the effect of the Bone Spinning Palm is triggered, the hero Le Douyuan will emerge a majestic phantom.

【Early death and early birth】:
Level/Nature: Level 7 gang skill, passive
Instructor: Master Le Dou Ma

Skill description: Possess the ability to kill people, adding power to the power of Le Dou in the form of instant kill, can increase the trigger probability by 1%, once it is activated, when the effect of early death and early super life is triggered, Le Dou Ma The master will emerge a phantom to tell you that this is about martial arts.

【Evil God Dafa】:
Level/Nature: Level 8 gang skill, passive
Instructor: Le Dou Evil God Brother Chang
Skill description: Extremely against the sky, perfect skill!Forcibly reduce all the healing effects of the enemy by 90%. Once it is turned on, the enemy will use his own means to recover and heal. When the effect of the evil god Dafa is triggered, Le Dou evil god Chang will appear phantom to warn the enemy not to do any more useless work.

After reading it over and over again, the effects of the skills of the eight major gangs are much stronger than those in the previous life!

So for Qin Yan, these are all new skills!
All of them are extremely powerful!

After being blessed by the four gods and beasts to fully increase the four basic attributes, Qin Yan gained eight skills covering all aspects at once!
It's so comfortable too!
However, Qin Yan soon realized that the skills of the eight major gangs, which are mostly passive skills, did not mean that he could always activate them unscrupulously when he was fighting.

Whether it is to think about it with normal psychology, or the words once it is activated in the skill description, it is to let Qin Yan understand that such powerful skills of the eight major gangs must be activated as appropriate.

It must be accompanied by terrible consumption.

Regardless of whether it is a Le fighter or a martial artist in this world, the power in the body is limited after all.

Every time Qin Yan takes out a weapon or releases a skill, it will consume a certain amount of Le Dou's power.

If these passive skills have been enabled by default, I am afraid that I will be drained alive, right?
Qin Yan tried it, and activated all the passive skills except Tianma Meteor Fist, which is both active and passive, and soon felt the huge consumption of the power of Yue Dou in his body.

Turn it off immediately, Qin Yan took a deep breath and muttered.

"Wordless Heavenly Book made my gang complete in an instant, but so many skills are actually a kind of trouble."


Qin Yan shook his head and sighed, if he was seen by others, he would be scolded and disgusted.

No way, Qin Yan's fighting methods are too many.

With the addition of so many new skills, Qin Yan firmly recorded the corresponding effects.

Soon they will participate in the main match of the Freshman Hope Competition, and at that time, they can choose their moves according to the actual combat strength of their opponents.

Before officially representing Youyu Mountain Villa in the competition, Qin Yan's level 25 Le Dou power, after the upgrade and the bonus of the gang part, the level of hero power finally broke through to the junior hero!
Although this made Qin Yan very happy, Xiajun, the lowest junior Xiajun in the big class, is still not enough to be considered in the finalists of the Freshman Hope Competition.

Especially the Huabai Shuangshao, who are said to have the strength of a mid-level chivalrous man on the bright side.

Considering the cards and explosions, maybe they can even temporarily possess the attack level of a chivalrous emperor.
The excitement gradually declined, and Qin Yan realized that he had to go further in the Freshman Hope Competition and was ready to improve his strength, and this mentality should not leave too many distracting thoughts.

Slow down and get ready for the challenge!
Before quitting, Qin Yan chose a name for the self-built force he created in this new world.

The Immortal Art is related to the Wordless Book of Heaven, and the gang totem is also called Immortal, so Qin Yan chose a four-character name.
Undead Kingdom!

Only, now the gang looks shabby.

On the list of members, there is only Qin Yan, a solitary bald gang leader, in place, which is very similar to Qin Yan's pitiful situation in this freshman hope competition.

However, new members will be added soon!

there are two outside
The attribute blessing of the patron saint, as well as the blessing of the skills of the eight major gangs, Qin Yan will let the people around him enjoy it as soon as possible!
"Master, why did you take so long to wash?"

Outside the door, Chai Mi's shouts came in.

After she shyly slipped away, Qin Yan, who was actually well washed, stayed in the toilet for such a long time.

Chai Mi didn't know that Qin Yan had completed the upgrade in it, and also liked the opportunity to start the gang, so after slowly dispelling the embarrassing thoughts from her mind, she approached the toilet and asked with concern.

"Come out, come out!"

Qin Yan responded quickly, telling Xiao Chaimi not to think that he had lost his mind.

After putting on pajamas and going out, Qin Yan saw Chai Mi's eyes dodging, he smiled, stepped forward and put his arms around her waist, and went to the big bed room.

"Little father, little mother!"

On the bed, You Yan cried out happily.


"Little Yanyan, when I was taking a bath, did you obediently not bother your little mother so much?" Qin Yan asked with a smile.

"No, no, the little mother said she was going to help the little father take a bath, so I just played by myself and didn't pester the little mother!" You Yan said honestly.

She was very happy when she said these words, because in her opinion now, these are independent tests given to her by her little father and mother.

Well done, of course she will be happy.

When it came to helping with the bath again, Chai Mi's face turned aside, and she couldn't help but blushed.

Master at that time.
Don't you just want to do that directly?

Chai Mi held her hot cheeks in both hands, and didn't dare to think about it any further.

On Qin Yan's side, since there were two beauties sitting on the bed in front of him, they all changed into pajamas and nightdresses after taking a shower.

No matter how gentlemanly the eyes are, most of the eyes are fair skin exposed in the air
The good smell on them stimulated Qin Yan all the time.

After realizing that Chai Mi was showing shame again, Qin Yan remembered what had just happened on the toilet sink, and felt a flame burning in his lower abdomen.

In the past, it was obvious that he could suppress it, but today, because of the foreplay, Qin Yan took the lead for the first time.

One couldn't hold it back, he let out a low growl, and with a big movement, he suddenly suppressed Chai Mi and fell down on the bed.

Still pinching Chai Mi's skirt with her hands, she lifted it up substantially, and a pair of slender legs were immediately exposed to the air, slippery.

Qin Yan's sudden move scared the unprepared Chai Mi, she exclaimed, and then saw something called desire burning in the eyes of the man in front of her.

"Master. Don't. Master!" Chai Mi's voice was trembling.

It's not that she doesn't want to, but that Miss's situation really is.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw You Yan tilting his head, showing a bewildered look at his behavior, Qin Yan was still suppressed by his inexplicable whim.

Right in front of Xiao Yanyan?
with Xiaochai Mi
Do? !

It's too exciting!

Gritting his teeth and pinching his thigh, Qin Yan shook his head.

Cutting off some unsuitable and inappropriate thoughts, Qin Yan turned over and lay down on the bed beside him, panting heavily, and slowly adjusted.

Chai Mi hurriedly sat up, straightened the pajamas messed up by Qin Yan, and said in a low voice, "Master, I'm sorry. Wait a little longer, miss."

"My, my, I'm sorry, Xiao Chai Mi, I scared you." Qin Yan quickly stretched out his hand and waved it lightly.

This time it was clearly his fault, and Chai Mi couldn't be blamed.

You Yan's cute questioning calmed down the sudden situation: "Little dad, what are you doing holding down the little mom? Do you want to help the little mom change her clothes?"

"Your face is still so red, eh."

"Uh, this...that, Chai Mi, explain to your daughter, I don't understand!" Qin Yan felt that his brain was about to explode, so he simply rolled up a quilt to sleep.

So, through the quilt, Qin Yan heard Chai Mi's serious nonsense.

What a way of expressing love between parents.

When he just traveled through time, he still fooled Xiao Chaimi.

Now Qin Yan can see that Xiao Chai Mi is fooling others.

Fun fun!

Qin Yan snickered while listening.

 Kingdom of Immortality is a gang I created when I was playing Q Pet Dale Dou in junior high school. The rewriting of youth, hehe, has a different feeling!

(End of this chapter)

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