Martial arts life starting from the boundless sea

Chapter 128 Riding Other People's Horses

Chapter 128 Riding Other People's Horses

"Bai Shishu has also come, it must be the reason why Bai Rongrong is here." Yue Zaifei felt a little helpless.

Today, he and Wu Hanxue jointly acted as hosts, and did not invite the Huabai family. There were reasons for expressing their views on what happened last night, and there were more reasons for the younger generation of warriors who were invited to eliminate the influence of the Huabai family.

Although the main members of the Jagged Club are military warriors, anyone with sufficient status in the Holy City can come, so it is impossible for Yue Zaifei to drive Bai Shishu away because of the nature of today's event.

After realizing that Bai Shishu was staring at Qin Yan, Yue Zaifei reminded softly, "Brother Yan, don't bother him."

"Fly again, why do I feel that he is looking for me, not his sister?" Qin Yan has no evidence, but he can express serious doubts.

"Who knows, but I don't think he dares to fight in the Iron Blood Club, no matter whether he is the young master of the Bai family or the young man of the Hei family, whoever makes trouble, our military warriors will beat him up!" Yue Zaifei said domineeringly. Said.

After Qin Yan listened to it, he felt confident. After picking his nose, he felt a lot more comfortable breathing.

Over there, Bai Shishu no longer looked at Qin Yan, and no one saw him winking in a certain direction during the process of turning around.

"Oh, this bastard is so proud?!"

At the scene of horse selection, from time to time, warriors encountered hard ideas.

A horse with the power of a hero is considered a warrior among horses, so once you don't want to be ridden by someone, the resistance is really powerful.

Qin Yan observed it with great interest, and had a rough idea of ​​how difficult it is to ride a good horse.

On the side, many staff taught the guests by shouting.

If you are lucky, you can ride on it and go.

Unlucky enough not to meet a virtuous horse, coupled with the urging of a companion who wants to ride and play together, some warriors put down their heroic power a little bit aggrieved, and chose ordinary horses to follow.

All of a sudden, many galloping figures appeared on the racetrack.

"Brother Yan, let's go play." Yue Zaifei turned his head and said.

Qin Yan nodded, and was about to go with Yue Zaifei to select horses for the VIP customers who enjoyed the treatment of young and old, when a piercing voice rang out against him: "That Northwest guy over there, don't you know how to ride a horse!"

"Young Master Yue is today's master, you stick close to him as a baby? Are you so scared?!"

Qin Yan frowned, turned his head away, and saw that the owner of the voice was a fat man who had no impression.

He had a mean face, and when he opened his mouth to speak, a few yellow teeth were exposed.

If it wasn't for the relatively new riding equipment that covered the lower limit, otherwise he would really be 100% a villain in Qin Yan's eyes.

For no reason, he called himself when he opened his mouth, Qin Yan is not stupid, naturally he knows that he must have evil intentions.

Coincidentally, Yue Zaifei knew this person.

So, as soon as the words fell, Yue Zaifei said in disgust: "Liu Ba, today you are so shameless that you want to come and play with me, okay, I missed your father and retired from the military. I'm not stingy, so I'll bring you one , but what do you mean by inexplicably hurting my brother?"

"Where did you get the guts!"

"Hey, Young Master Yue, it's not like you don't know what you said. I, Liu Ba, admire tough men. Last night, I heard that a guy from the Northwest had met Hua Shao and Bai Shao. I thought it was really that fierce people!"

Liu Ba was actually holding back his laughter at this time: "But who knows, I was a little surprised when I saw it today. There are so many horses here, but he hasn't seen any movement for a long time, so he insists on following Young Master Yue, as if...he is Yue Shao. Without the baby you are taking care of with all your strength, it is not because you are really capable!"

Yue Zaifei narrowed his eyes.

This Liu Ba was born in the military Liu family.

Yue Zaifei respected him because his family gave birth to a school official surnamed Liu who was able to win first-class merit in the military.

A high-level chivalrous master, but on the northern anti-magic battlefield, he played a role corresponding to a chivalrous emperor-level warrior.

But it was precisely because of fighting too hard that he suffered a serious injury in the end and had no choice but to retire.

Because of this, Yue Zaifei was willing to bring this Liu Ba to this event to see the world. How much good luck he can accumulate depends entirely on himself.

Since Liu Ba was a relatively incompetent member of the Liu family, Yue Zaifei thought that he would be more uplifted by kindly bringing this unqualified person to participate in the activities he organized.

Now look at it again, if it is wrong, it should not be brought!

I don't know why, but this guy got sick with Qin Yan.

Are you stupid, Liu Ba!

Yue Zaifei also knew about Liu Ba's scandals in some circles below.

He especially likes to let people whose status is not as good as his keep calling him by that single name.

It is said that this will give him a sense of accomplishment.

Therefore, the name of Baba still has some weight in the circles that go down from the top floor, and it belongs to Liu Ba's name and achievements made by relying on his family's power and power.

Now here, the standard has reached the highest level, and Liu Ba cannot be so presumptuous.

But aggrieved, he thought that Qin Yan was the softest persimmon, so he wanted to pick it and squeeze it?
What a sickness this is!
Originally, he wanted to go over and send a few big mouths, but seeing Qin Yan's unaffected expression, Yue Zaifei decided to let Qin Yan play it by himself.

In his territory, tidying up small fish and shrimp is a simple matter.

It also happens to give Qin Yan a leg up!
"I'm indeed a baby. I haven't been weaned yet. I like to drink Nima's milk the most!" Qin Yan said with a smile.

Liu Ba was taken aback, and then sneered: "It's good to be brave, Northwest guy, from last night to today, people have been spreading rumors about your power, so it's just lip service!"

Qin Yan curled his lips: "Isn't it because of you that you are so talkative? You are the one who says I am afraid, and you are the one who says I can't ride a horse. You have the right to say anything, and you are the best."

"You!" Liu Ba didn't expect that Qin Yan seemed to be able to speak better than him, and was a little anxious.

But soon, he suppressed the anger of being stinky.

"Hmph, I've been watching this horse for a long time. It has the hottest temper. No one can ride it in front of you. If you don't agree with me, you can leave Yue Shao's side. Stop rubbing Yue Shao's light and show off your skills. Convince the crowd!" Liu Ba stretched out his finger, pointing at a big black horse.

Qin Yan smiled: "Are you pure cerebral palsy? If you ask me to show it, I will show it to you. Which sewer did you come from?!"

"It's not good, and it's not cool enough. Tell me, why should I do it?"

"If you really agree, I will become your patient friend!"

Yue Zaifei snickered beside him.

He sometimes has to protect the face of the Yue family, so when he has conflicts with insiders, he has to pay attention to his bad mouth all the time.

Unlike Qin Yan, who came from Yuyu Mountain Villa, Guangming Shengdu is actually just a place to play + participate in competitions for him.

Therefore, Qin Yan can spray people unscrupulously without worrying about anything.

"Tch, I knew that you, a Northwestern guy who has been rumored to be a god, have mixed up!" Liu Ba unexpectedly moved around at this time, and came to a yellow horse.

Not the grumpy big black horse.

"To be honest, I'm not sure about conquering that big black horse, so you Northwesterner won, because you have a sharp mouth, and I'm more pragmatic. I'm sure about this little yellow horse!"


I saw Liu Ba unleashed his warrior-level aura on the spot, and directly suppressed the yellow horse.

The yellow horse neighed, and then the horse lowered its head, expressing its willingness to be ridden.

Liu Ba laughed, jumped up, held the rope, and was about to ride!
But in the next second, he felt a gust of wind blowing sideways.

Only then could he turn his head away, but only saw a pair of soles mixed with grass mud.

"Get off me!"

Released Foshan Wuying Foot, but didn't use much force. Qin Yan, who just shot down the man, staged a good show of snatching the horse.

Bang bang bang! ! !
Liu Ba was kicked aside by Qin Yan.

Ah ah, there was a scream, the landing posture was not very graceful, and he ate a lot of mud while facing the ground!
Yue Zaifei watched the fun, as the host, he double-standard ignored Qin Yan's act of causing trouble in the club, and said with a smile: "Brother Yan is handsome!"

The corners of Qin Yan's mouth curled up, and he stood proudly on the horse's back, saying: "It's cool to steal your horse and make you have no horse to ride, and I'm willing to do this."

"Next time, don't be sick to provoke me, thank you for your horse!"

Qin Yan sat down, and the horse, which had just changed its owner, seemed to listen to Qin Yan's words more, and there was a kind of beauty in the steps it took.

The yellow horse carried Qin Yan like this, and galloped to the distance of the racetrack at an extremely fast speed.

"His horse is gone, his horse is gone!"


Liu Ba's embarrassment hit the point of laughter of some female warriors who hadn't chosen their horses yet. They gathered together to laugh and discuss, their voices were a bit loud, and Liu Ba's face was once again humiliated.

Speaking of it, [-]% of this was a small conflict without follow-up, and it made the warriors present realize Qin Yan's temperament.

It seems that he will endure, but he will not endure for too long.

No one thought that after Liu Ba gave up on himself, and did not choose the big black horse, but picked the inferior yellow horse, Qin Yan would choose to attack at that time.

It was just right.

There is also the coherence of the footwork and attack, which made some warriors who came here to play and realized that they would participate in the competition later, and put Qin Yan, who was in the limelight, into the list that should not be underestimated.

Liu Ba seemed to know how to save face, and it was impossible for him to take revenge on Qin Yan who had gone away.

His forehead was on the ground, and his butt was pouted, as if he hadn't recovered from the shame of being attacked.

No one noticed that he was actually smiling.

"Hey, Young Master Bai's judgment is really accurate!"

"To be on the safe side, I played tricks on both sides. Qin Yan, who do you think it's not good for you to offend? Young Master Bai? I'll open two paths for you, and you'll die either way, huh!"

Liu Ba is proud of being on the line of the Bai family by chance before.

Lao Tzu was disabled and retired, feeling the crisis, he felt that he could no longer entertain himself in the military system.

So, after successfully hooking up online, today he did something for Young Master Bai Shishu, personally proving that he is not a bully in the eyes of people in the upper circles.

He can also do things, and his relatively humble status is very suitable for doing things!

At first, when he received Bai Shishu's instructions, he quickly agreed.

If Yue Zaifei was the target of the diabolical trick, he might still hesitate as he was in the same system.

But Qin Yan is just an ignorant idiot from the northwest, and he offended Young Master Bai last night, so of course this promise can be said very quickly.

Tilting his head slightly, realizing that Qin Yan and the yellow horse were no longer in sight, he suppressed his joy, forcibly squeezed out a sad expression, and stood up.

"Master Liu, Mr. E Yue asked you to go out immediately, and can't come here again. Do you think?" The staff member who took the task came to Liu Ba, speaking a little awkwardly.

He was afraid that Liu Ba would vent his anger on him.

But there is no way.

The master didn't want to talk to Liu Ba anymore, so he could only come.

"Oh, then I got dirty, I'll take a bath at the club for the last time before leaving, okay?" Surprisingly, Liu Ba didn't get angry.

Also bargain with the staff.

The staff looked at Yue Zaifei tremblingly, and after getting a look, he exhaled, "Young Master Liu, that's not good."

"Okay, then I'll go!" Liu Ba left the horseback riding troupe in a dirty suit.

Many martial artists who participated in the event wanted to laugh.

This Liu Ba has fallen ill like this.

If you are more peaceful, choose horses and ride well, maybe you can make some useful friends in riding entertainment.

Who is to blame for running away in despair now?

Looking back, they suddenly found that Young Master Bai, who had a strong desire to get close to him, was nowhere to be seen.


Shaking their heads and sighing, they knew that the Wu and Yue families were the hosts today.

Even if you want to make friends with Young Master Bai, and Young Master Bai happens to be there at this time, you have to hold back.

The late conflict is to draw a line that can be seen on the bright side.

Da da da! ! !
The loud sound of the horse's hooves hitting the ground made Qin Yan, who had just slammed a bad pen, feel very comfortable.

Having not ridden a horse for a while, Qin Yan got a little familiar with it, and soon became proficient.

Qin Yan also admired the strength of this yellow horse with the power of a hero.

After the running speed reached a limit that could be clearly felt, he actually made a breakthrough after maintaining it for a while.

Running wildly in one direction.

It made Qin Yan, who enjoyed the pleasure of racing at extreme speed, more and more happy.

On the way, Qin Yan also saw Wu Hanxue and her horse who were resting and walking slowly.

The other side seemed to wave at him after noticing it, but the speed was too fast, and Qin Yan didn't bother to respond.

Therefore, Qin Yan only left Wu Hanxue a ruthless back that went away.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Qin Yan suddenly noticed something was wrong.

The racetrack of the Jagged Club is really big, and overall it is a vast racetrack.

There are large flat lands, and of course small trees are also planted.

Because the small woods will block the road, there is a specially set sprint section in front of the starting point, and the small woods that represent the boundary are behind.

And what caught Qin Yan's eyes at this moment was a small green forest.

It was this scene that became different, which finally made Qin Yan feel that something was wrong.

How did he rush so high.

It's all so deep.

He seemed to be thinking of rushing just now!
Looking back, because it was too far away, Qin Yan couldn't even see the starting point clearly, and the large army that usually rode and entertained near the starting point.

Just as he was about to stop, Qin Yan immediately noticed something bigger was wrong.

Nima, there is something wrong with this horse!
It is it rushing with its own head!

Afraid of hurting the precious property of the Jagged Club, Qin Yan didn't dare to brake hard, but the yellow horse, which was maintaining a super high speed, no longer listened to Qin Yan's words.

It took Qin Yan and plunged into the woods!
A slightly larger tree suddenly appeared in front of it, and the yellow horse didn't even have the intention of hiding, so it rushed straight over.

"It's broken!" There was no time left for Qin Yan to think about why the horse was on the top, but he was also on the top.

He had no choice but to give up the yellow horse.

The speed was really fast. With Qin Yan's strength, he forcibly abandoned the horse, and when he landed, he fell slightly.

The yellow horse is not only on the top, but also crazy!

One head hit the tree root, the yellow horse's limbs were broken, blood was sprayed, the thick tree root was smashed, and it was killed instantly!
Seeing this astonishing scene, Qin Yan realized that it was definitely not an accident, but it was too late.

Whoosh whoosh!
Several masked figures with strong coercion flew out.

Xia Zun Xia Zun Xia Zun!

All heroes!

"Kill!" The leader didn't talk nonsense, and directly issued an order to kill Qin Yan.

"Fuck, which dog is playing tricks on me!" Qin Yan immediately turned over and hid behind a tree for a while, his heart was full of MMP!

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(End of this chapter)

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