I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1011 He cheated, doesn't the Dao of Heaven care?

Yinzi already knew Lin Fei's identity during the journey.

This is also impossible.

Ye Wudi said "Tianzun" one by one, and Tian Yichen's avatar appeared, and he also said that it was "Tianzun", without looking at the others at all.

Lin Fei didn't hide his identity, and generously admitted his identity.

Halloween God!

Needless to say, these four words alone are enough to drive Yinzi crazy.

The supreme myth of the entire multiverse!

Although Yinzi has never heard of the term "groupies", it does not affect that she is one of them.Of course, there are also extremely realistic considerations in this-fuck, I will be a mount for the Ten Thousand Saints, so wouldn't the future be bright? !

Thinking of Lin Fei's generosity to his own people, Yin Zi was flattered and felt an unprecedented strong sense of identity and pride: Wan Sheng Tianzun treated me so well, my parents, grandparents, ancestors... my mother, I The cowhide is big!

Yinzi's blood boiled for a moment, wishing to be overwhelmed by Lin Fei, follow him all the way to disdain the prehistoric, mighty people, only two words in his heart - fight.

So, this is how she took control of the body of the heavenly demon at the expense of her soul and risked her life along the way to defend against powerful enemies.

Working hard with Wansheng Tianzun... Although Yinzi is not a man, he also feels passionate.

Is this the romance of men?It is also too passionate and passionate. I have never felt so exciting to be alive. I am full of hope and expectation for tomorrow and the future!

And now... ahem, look at the appearance of Wansheng Tianzun without clothes, isn't it also very passionate?

"Yes, it's passion." Yinzi convinced himself in his heart, "It's not lust, it's just doing something very passionate."

Just kidding, that's quite a feat.I have seen the appearance of Wansheng Tianzun without clothes, how much face will I have to blow it out in the future?Thinking of the scene where other people were shocked, admired, and curious, and couldn't help asking what was going on and how Lin Fei was doing, Yin Zi laughed out loud.

Her eyes looked all the way down from Lin Fei's strong chest, to an unspeakable place.



"Hehehe..." Yinzi didn't know the term "rotten girl", but she was obviously one of those types.

He thought he was very passionate, but in fact his smile became more and more evil.

"Ha Lazi, take it away, okay?" Ye Wudi looked at her with a strange look on his face.

Yinzi wiped his mouth quickly, and looked at Ji Yaoguang with a guilty face, as if he was caught and raped in bed, extremely nervous.

Ji Yaoguang hesitated to speak, but finally had nothing to say.

This kind of thing...it's shameful to say anything!

Could it be that with a murderous look on his face, he warned her, "Don't look at my man?"

What kind of tiger-wolf words is this, is it too tough and outrageous?

Perhaps influenced by the cultures of the Great Desolate Continent, Demon Realm, and Earth Cultivation Realm, and even the "assistance" of Empress Yaoguang, Ji Yaoguang always feels that Lin Fei's relationship with other women is not as contradictory as before.

Even though she didn't say anything, there was a trace of guilt in her heart.

Looking at the prehistoric strong men, both men and women are good, which one is not full of wives and concubines with countless faces?

On the contrary, it is the majestic Wansheng Tianzun who sticks to the end... This makes her heart warm, and she feels as if she is sorry for Lin Fei.

It's just that Lin Fei really wants to marry a wife and take a concubine, how she will feel is debatable.

A woman's mind has always been so complicated and elusive.

But this is the real person.

Lin Fei doesn't have so much love for his sons and daughters.

His cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has reached the first and ninth floor of the Earth Immortal.

After the initial shock, Yinzi became numb.

This also means that the natural materials and earthly treasures in a mountain are being consumed sharply, and Lin Fei is enduring unimaginable hardships and trials.

The misty mist around Lin Fei spread out, washing his body with chaotic breath, trying his best to expel the poison from his body.

If you do this alone, you may be able to defeat many prehistoric beasts, but you can't trouble Lin Fei.

It's a pity that he is facing too many problems now.

One is the thunder calamity that has never stopped since the beginning, one after another, roaring and raging, it seems to turn him into ashes;

The second is the power of refining in the formation. The high temperature seemed to ignite the void, making him scald frighteningly.All the bluestones under the seat were "chi chi" emitting blue smoke, red as fire;

The third is to absorb the essence of heaven, material and earth treasures, circulate around the sky, and refine it for your own use, and the fourth is to expel toxins from the body.

One after another of violent thunderbolts, the thickness of a bucket in just one strand, struck towards Lin Fei incessantly.

"Pfft!" He spat out a mouthful of dirty blood, which contained a lot of toxins, and the stagnation in his chest was finally relieved.

But at this moment, a catastrophe far larger than the previous one is already brewing in the sky.

Thousands of layers of thunderclouds rolled, and a large number of thunderstorms gathered like liquid, forming the image of many fierce beasts in the wild.

Yinzi is different from Ye Wudi and Ji Yaoguang who are "well-informed" and knows a lot about Lin Feidujie's vision, so he said "Oh my god!"

What kind of catastrophe is this?Is it too exaggerated?

Could it be that Duoyuan Tiandao really caught him cheating and wanted to kill him on the spot?

But soon, Yinzi realized that he was wrong.

And it's horribly wrong.


Around Lin Fei, crystal clear golden lotuses swayed and bloomed, and the aura of chaos surged like a wave, forming a lotus pond.

A pair of chaotic eyes opened, and a thunder roc that was coming to kill disappeared in an instant!

Not only did Lin Fei endure such a terrifying catastrophe, he even acted like a bandit, "robbing" the way of heaven and stealing good fortune from the thunder pool.

Yinzi suddenly felt that he couldn't breathe, his heart was greatly shocked and shaken, and he even questioned himself, and his belief in practice was about to collapse.

"Concentrate!" Ye Wudi scolded, and immediately cast the spell of clearing the heart, which made Yinzi wake up suddenly.

She was already in a cold sweat, and she was terrified.

This is the gap in experience.

Even if Ye Wudi's cultivation was far inferior to Yinzi, the latter could crush him to death with a single finger.But two times before and after, it was he who relied on his own experience and knowledge to save Yin Zi.

"Don't look, let's hurry up and practice." Ye Wudi sighed.


Just when Lin Fei broke through to the second level of Earth Immortal, the two Golden Immortals had already arrived at the Plant Alliance.

The hundredth clan of the prehistoric, the clan of the Tengu, the Gou clan.

Prehistoric No.90 The three clans, the Nadir, the Heavenly Demon, and the Nine Spirits.

The arrival of the two golden celestial beings naturally caused a sensation in the Plant Alliance, and Shu Changtian received them respectfully and fearfully.

"Have you ever seen a silver-winged roc or a golden fairy of the Kunpeng clan?" You Jiuling didn't waste any extra nonsense, and went straight to the point.

Shu Changtian still didn't know what kind of big event happened outside, he was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "Yes! They borrowed the teleportation formation to leave, two lords..."

Before he could finish his words, the two golden immortals showed surprise and descended on the teleportation formation in an instant.

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