I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1018 Killing Die Feiyun

With Lin Fei's glance, Die Feiyun's right wing was wiped out.

He suddenly felt terrified, and a blazing body protection fairy burst out from his whole body.The rhombus-shaped body guards are layered on top of each other, completely protecting themselves.

However, even so, it can be seen that the body protection fairy is melting rapidly like solid ice meeting a hot knife.

Die Feiyun was even more astonished to realize that his injury had already involved the essence of immortality, no matter how he tried to use supernatural powers and activate the qi, blood and immortal essence, he could not make the dissipated right wing grow again!

Unless he can sleep peacefully for thousands of years, he will never recover from this injury.

However, Lin Fei, who caused him to suffer such severe injuries, still stood there calmly, never moving a bit!

Only those pupils were covered with complicated and mysterious patterns, and the misty mist spread like chaos, which was breathtaking.

"Kill!" Die Feiyun sensed the intense consumption of immortal energy, knowing that he couldn't hold on for a while, so he immediately used the killing technique.

Thousands of demons and butterflies dance!


The dark light in the sky is surging and surging, like the waves of the sea.It turned out to be a mass of black ink, which turned into tens of thousands of fierce black horses attacking directly, with a murderous aura soaring to the sky.

A little bit of stardust-like light particles spread out, containing strange magic power, which was enough to make Jin Xian feel soft all over and feel dizzy in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Fei did not retreat but advanced, stepping forward without haste.It was like stepping on invisible steps in the void, slowly approaching Die Feiyun.

The black death storm that hit him head-on was annihilated under his gaze, leaving nothing behind.

At this moment, Die Feiyun was suffocated by what he saw, and felt deep despair and fear!

Ten thousand dharmas do not touch the body, one glance can change the world!

How to fight this?It is simply unimaginable crushing!

He was completely overwhelmed, and the right wing covered with complicated dao patterns shone with light, outlining the appearance of a fairy sword.


A fairy sword shot out instantly, condensing the blazing sword energy as thick as a bucket.The whole body is black, causing the void to tremble and mourn, as if to cut open the sky.

The sword intent filled the space between the heaven and the earth, and even the extremely distant Ye Wudi and others felt the fatal danger, creating an illusion that they were about to perish under the sword intent.It was as if there were thousands of sword qi coming towards him, trying to tear him apart in an instant, destroying both body and spirit!

Several people turned pale in an instant, their breathing stopped suddenly, and they even fell into a state of suspended animation, all physiological functions temporarily stagnated!

This sword is called Killing Life.

Created by the ancestor of the Heaven Cracking Demon Butterfly, it is said that under the sword's edge, all living beings will be destroyed, and the golden fairy will not be spared.

However, such a terrifying sword shattered inch by inch under Lin Fei's gaze.When the last piece of the sword body disappeared, it almost reached Lin Fei's forehead.

The ferocious sword intent made Lin Fei feel a faint tingle between his brows.Under the oncoming strong wind, her long hair fluttered and danced wildly.

However, not only did his face remain unchanged, he didn't even blink his eyelids.

Even at the last section of the sword body, it was already close enough to occupy the entire field of vision for a moment.

"It's over here." Lin Fei said coldly, and stomped on his feet.


The space is distorted, shaking away layers of fluctuations visible to the naked eye.

With one step, he rushed out like a thunderbolt, and in an instant he came to Die Feiyun.

Lin Fei used his hand as the blade, and in an instant, he burst out a hundred-foot sword light, soaring to the sky, slashing down like a heavenly sword that judges the common people!

"No!" Die Feiyun let out a shrill scream, and immediately drew his left wing to block.

But in vain.


Amidst the sound of gold and iron shaking the world, Die Feiyun's left wing was cut off, and that palm even landed on top of his head.

The momentum was like a broken bamboo, and he was split into two parts.


Blood rushed like a waterfall, and Die Feiyun's huge corpse fell in the air, making a loud noise, stirring up a large cloud of smoke and dust, causing the ground to tremble violently.And his primordial spirit was also completely shattered in the blazing knife light, leaving nothing left.


Blood-colored dark clouds filled the sky in an instant, and scarlet blood rained pouring down, covering the No.20 eighth heaven.

"That's...dead?" Yin Zi was so startled that his mouth opened into an "O" shape, as if he could stuff an egg.

Jinxian strong!

It's not the bottom of the golden fairy like the Sky Mastiff King, it's the Sky-cracking Demon Butterfly from the No.11 tribe of the wild!

Lin Fei killed so simply and easily that she even had an absurd illusion for a moment - Die Feiyun looked weak?

Ji Yaoguang's heart was swaying, and his eyes were burning.

The complicated and mysterious patterns in Lin Fei's eyes dissipated, and he exited the state of fairy transformation, and all kinds of abnormal images converged.

At the same time, blood oozed from the corner of his eyes, and the sound of "crackling" bone explosions could be heard all over his body.

Lin Fei's body cracked like porcelain, and a lot of blood oozed out of it.

"What's wrong?!" Ji Yaoguang's heart tightened.

"It doesn't matter," Lin Fei felt the pain that was tearing his whole body, but he was surprisingly calm, "It's just a backlash."

His previous state was very bad, and there were two small realms that were almost castles in the air, crumbling - the time was too tight, in order to improve his cultivation as soon as possible to save Ye Wudi, this was unacceptable.

In addition, although Jinxian and Tianxian are only a difference in realm, they are already two completely different levels of life.When Lin Fei's cultivation foundation was unstable, he forcibly crossed over to the Golden Immortal Realm, which was simply shocking. No wonder Die Feiyun was frightened out of his wits.

Fortunately, the most indispensable thing in the 33 heavens is the treasures of heaven and earth, which can quickly make up for such problems.

Without any suspense, Die Feiyun's cultivation base was dissipated, received by the Dao of Heaven, and returned to the Great Desolate Continent—where it was obtained from, and where it will eventually return.

But his physical body is still there, and even though the sea of ​​energy is exhausted and the life essence contained in it is not as good as before, it is still majestic and vast, unimaginable.

Lin Fei put away Die Feiyun's corpse and led the crowd to No.20 Jiuchongtian.

He is going to completely consolidate his cultivation and officially break into the Golden Immortal Realm!

Lin Fei decided to swallow a Dao Linggen!

Ye Wudi was shocked when he heard his thoughts, and persuaded him: "Tianzun, it's not necessary, is it?"

How precious is the Dao Linggen?No matter how you think about it, you should keep breaking through the Golden Immortal Realm. How can you spend it in order to consolidate your foundation and hit the Great Perfection of the Celestial Immortal?

"That's right, is time so urgent?" Yin Zi couldn't help but speak, feeling his heart bleed just thinking about it.

"Yes." Lin Fei replied extremely firmly, and said coldly, "The Kunpeng clan has fallen to No.7. What do you think it means?"

Ye Wudi was shocked, and said in disbelief: "Perhaps the Kunpeng clan... two golden immortals fell?!"

Lin Fei nodded heavily, and even revealed the information he detected from the investigation of Die Feiyun's knowledge of the sea-the coalition forces of various ethnic groups besieged Beihai.

The Kunpeng clan can clean up their grievances and prove that they have nothing to do with this matter.

Now that it's in such a situation, what happened?

It goes without saying.

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