I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 102 The Heavenly Tribulation

Lin Fei took a step forward, and his figure disappeared out of Ye Qiu's sight.

This shocked him deeply, and a terrible word flashed in his mind-shrink to an inch!

Lin Fei soon arrived at Qing's house, and both Qing Fen and Qing Lixue went out to greet him in person.

It's just that this time Qing Lixue no longer called him a "magic stick", but looked complicated, and didn't know what to say.

She is still not sure if Lin Fei is a magic stick, but there is no doubt that he has the power to shock the entire ancient martial arts world in Rongcheng.In any case, it was impossible for her to yell that "magic stick" again.

In contrast, Qing Fen didn't have so many thoughts, and said anxiously: "Master Immortal, you are finally here! How are you doing, have you got all the ingredients?"

Lin Fei gave a "hmm" and said directly: "It's not too late, let me see Qing Mingyu's situation."

Qing Fen hastily made a gesture of invitation, leading the way: "This way please, Master Immortal!"

Lin Fei quickly followed him to a large room, where all kinds of medical equipment were readily available.Not only that, but there are also doctors and nurses who specialize in shifts, presumably they are all at the top level of medical groups in Rongcheng, and even Xishu.

It's a pity that they were helpless against Qing Mingyu's illness.For a time, I even felt that my three views were severely refreshed, and I felt my powerlessness and despair.

In this world, such poison should not exist at all.With the current medical development, it cannot be explained at all!

A top expert in a white coat and a mask saw Lin Fei and immediately asked suspiciously, "Director Qing, who is he?"

Qing Fen said briefly: "He saw a doctor for my son."

Under the eyes of the medical staff with different expressions, Lin Fei walked directly to Qing Mingyu's hospital bed and lifted the white sheet.

What I saw before my eyes was simply horrifying.

The pores of Qing Mingyu's body actually secreted black spider silk.They were intertwined with each other, gradually enveloping Qing Mingyu, and even the naked eye could see them wriggling as if they were alive.

The medical staff present are very professional, and they have tried to collect materials and analyze them.It's a pity that these silks seem to be aggressive and can recognize threats.Any tool that touches it will be corroded and melted immediately!

Not only that, the spider silk will also wind up along the tweezers.If it weren't for the timely response of the medical staff, I'm afraid they would have become the next victim on the spot.

It's so terrifying that it makes your scalp tingle, and you're completely helpless!

"Director Qing, even if you are not satisfied with our medical results, you don't have to go to the doctor in such a hurry, right?" The doctor frowned, "What if something goes wrong with such a young man?"

Qing Fen said decisively: "Expert Zheng, you don't have to worry too much, I make my own decisions."

Expert Zheng's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't say anything.Seeing that Qing Mingyu was about to die, their team was worried that Qing Fen would turn his anger on them.

Now here comes an unidentified Lengtouqing, isn't he the perfect choice to take the blame?

"Everyone go out." Lin Fei frowned and said.

Qing Fen immediately asked everyone to go out with him. Expert Zheng was happy to see the result, and immediately reminded: "Director Qing, if something goes wrong, you can't blame us!"

Qing Fen sneered unhappily, and saw through his thoughts at a glance: "I know it well."

Expert Zheng chuckled and said nothing more.

In the ward, Lin Fei closed the door, a faint light flashed on the ring, and when he turned over in his hand, a simple and simple tripod appeared in his palm.

One tripod, two ears and three legs, which means "Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things".

There are engraved pictures of fish, insects, birds, animals, sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and rivers, which are full of traces of vicissitudes of time, but not blurred.

If the news of this cauldron spreads, it may drive the entire Chinese ancient martial arts world crazy, and even Long Yin can't sit idly by.

All because it is called...Shen Nong Ding.

Lin Fei put it on the ground, and threw all the elixir into the tripod, leaving only the hundred-year-old anaconda gall outside.Immediately, he used Samadhi real fire to make alchemy, uncovered the cauldron cover halfway, and added medicine to the anaconda snake gallbladder.

The whole process was extremely short, and the medicinal fragrance was already overflowing.

In a radius of [-] meters, you can smell a strong medicinal fragrance!

Just smelling the fragrance of the medicine, everyone felt a sense of peace of mind, and their mental state quickly reached an unprecedented height, and they became lively.

When Expert Zheng saw Qingfen's hair in front of him, he was so shocked that his tongue was in knots: "Qingqingqing...Qingdong, your hair!"

Qing Fen felt that his condition was surprisingly good, as if the whole person was a few years younger. Hearing this, he asked in wonder, "What's wrong with my hair?"

A female nurse also noticed it, and immediately exclaimed in surprise: "Director Qing, your hair has turned black!"

Shocked, Qing Fen took a look at the small mirror handed over by the female nurse, and found that part of her hair was gradually turning black at a speed visible to the naked eye.Not only that, but the wrinkles on the face are also a little less.

Just smelling the fragrance of the medicine has such a miraculous effect, so what kind of magic medicine is this? !

Everyone in the Qing Family Villa was stunned.

But things don't seem to be over.

Qing Lixue ran over in a hurry, and said nervously and urgently: "Dad, it's not good! The sky over our villa is full of dark clouds, it seems that thunder is about to strike!"

Qing Fen froze for a moment, then scolded: "Isn't it just thunder? It's a common thing when the weather changes, why panic?"

Qing Lixue was so anxious that she quickly said: "Only our Qing family has dark clouds over our heads!"

Qing Fen was dumbfounded: "What did you say?!"

This is too bizarre and absurd!

Several people ran to the window to look out at the same time, showing the same look of astonishment in an instant.

Thousands of heavy lead clouds hang down, making people feel heavy in their hearts.But in the area outside the Qing Family Villa, the sky is still clear.

"Isn't my Qing family going to be robbed?" Qing Fen's eyes widened, but he quickly calmed down, "The immortal master must have expected it a long time ago, so don't panic!"

However, Qing Lixue did not trust Lin Fei so much, and immediately asked Qing Fen to leave the villa with him, and the most important thing was to hide for a while.

As for Lin Fei in the ward, seeing that the sky was gloomy and the room was dark, he didn't even blink his eyelids.

The Seven Star Resurrection Pill can bring the dead back to life, practicing this pill is basically acting against the sky, and it is normal to be punished by heaven.

"The rules of heaven are really rigid," Lin Fei shook his head, "I've practiced so many times, can't you get used to it?"

After the words fell, he waved his sleeves casually.

In an instant, the layers of dark clouds in the sky were dispelled, and the sun shone down again.

Seeing such a change, except for Qing Fen who firmly believed that Lin Fei did it, everyone else was once again dumbfounded.

What's the matter with the weather, why is it like a joke?

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