I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1023 Golden Immortal of Ten Thousand Races?mob

Lin Fei's palm was full of ferocious power, just the palm wind caused countless monks to fly upside down like kites with broken strings, vomiting blood on the spot.The fairy light is bright and blazing, shining brightly on the world like the scorching sun.

As for Han Qiling's sudden assassination, he didn't hold back at all.With one blow, the power of the yin is affected, and the yin and cold are extremely cold, causing the hundreds of feet of seawater to condense into black ice.The deep cold breath coming from the pavement turned countless monks into ice sculptures on the spot.

Waved with one palm.

Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drift!

Han Qiling's palm soared to the heavens, the mountain-sized sharp claws occupied the entire line of sight, filled with unparalleled oppressive force.In comparison, Lin Fei seemed too small, almost as insignificant as an ant.

And such a small "ant" stretched out a palm absurdly, wanting to forcibly regret such a terrifying blow, it seemed full of great visual contrast, as if Lin Fei would be ruthlessly crushed to death in the next moment .

But this is not the case.


With a loud noise like thunder, layers of ice burst and shattered, raging like ice knives all over the sky.Many golden immortals immediately changed their faces, and spread out their light shields to protect their monks.


The continuous blast of ice cubes slammed into the light curtain like a death storm, causing ripples.They were all crushed to pieces, turning into crystal clear ice crystals and falling down.

Without the protection of the golden immortals from both sides, just this frost storm that filled the sky would be enough to tear apart the heavenly monks and destroy them!

And under this palm fight, the Taiyin Immortal Gang covered by Han Qiling's giant claws unexpectedly shattered.The giant claw was even more bloody, and the blood gushed like a small river.

Han Qiling's figure standing in the void staggered even more, and took two steps back!

On the other hand, Lin Fei's expression remained as cold as ever, and he never frowned.Even though the boundless ice crystals suddenly rose up around her body, she was bathed in it... she didn't move at all!

It's all because at the moment of the confrontation, the wings of immortals and demons spread out behind him, and Fu immediately dissipated after a palm shot.

Immortal transformation in an instant!

"Halloween Heavenly Venerable!"

"how can that be?!"

"Patriarch Qilin... was knocked back by him!"

"The oppressive force at that moment just now is... the late Jinxian period?!"

All the Jinxians in the audience changed their complexions, and there was a roar of excitement.

Cai Beiyu opened his eyes and looked at Lin Fei in shock.At this moment, she suddenly felt that a soft place in her heart was touched severely, and her eyes turned red.

She had so many things she wanted to say to Lin Fei, but she didn't know where to start.

The dignified ancestor of Kunpeng burst into tears at this moment, hugged Lin Fei tightly, grabbed the clothes on his back tightly, and said hoarsely: "Tianzun..."

I know you will come!

You'll never drop a northern fish!

As long as there is Tianzun, there is... nothing to be afraid of!

Seeing such a scene, not to mention the coalition of foreign races, even the Kunpeng Alliance was in an uproar.Although it was extremely wrong on the battlefield, they were all deeply shocked by the scene in front of them.

Is this still the ancestor Kunpeng who is as steady as a mountain and powerful?Seriously, I believe even when you say that you are a little girl who is lovesick!

"It's not time to reminisce about the old days. I'll take you away first." Lin Fei's eyes were as sharp as lightning, and he didn't look at Cai Beiyu, but looked coldly at the group of hostile Jinxians in front of him.

"All the Golden Immortals of the Kunpeng Alliance listen to the order and lead everyone to retreat and go to the extreme north! I will cut off the heir alone!" Lin Fei's spiritual thoughts were like rolling thunder, shaking the waves, and resounding through the world.

Above the North Sea, the hustle and bustle was boiling.

"Arrogance! After one person is broken, do you really think you are an immortal emperor?"

"We are waiting for a total of 34 golden immortals, and even the ancestor Qilin is present, so what can you do? Cut off the empress? Heh, you are just looking for your own death!"

There was a lot of ridicule and sneering in the crusade against the coalition army, all of them were angered by Lin Fei's arrogant words.

Yes, that's right, you are the Ten Thousand Saints.You are very strong, so strong that there is no sky, we are all afraid of you, even Qilin Patriarch is not your opponent, but... so arrogant, do you really think we are paper tigers? !

We are golden immortals, which one is not the most powerful person who has the glory of the heavens and makes all living beings submit to worship!

And the Kunpeng Alliance was also skeptical, feeling that Lin Fei was too entrusted.How dangerous is the current situation?

But they have no choice.

There are a total of seventeen golden immortals in the Kunpeng Alliance, eight of which have been lost.Coupled with the fact that the surviving seven Kunpeng Clan Golden Immortals have exhausted their immortal energy, there are only two poor Golden Immortals who are truly capable of fighting...

In such a battlefield, staying is also a burden, and it only increases Lin Fei's burden.

The surviving creatures of the Kunpeng Alliance immediately looked at Cai Beiyu in unison, even the two golden immortals, Xuanyin Jellyfish and Leihuodianguangeel.

"Withdraw!" Cai Beiyu trembled, choosing to trust Lin Fei unconditionally.

The two golden immortals didn't dare to neglect immediately, and immediately used the supernatural power of mustard seed Nasumi, swallowing countless creatures of the Kunpeng Alliance into it, and wanted to take them away from here.

Countless creatures are trivial matters, the key point is that the size of the Golden Immortal is too amazing.Even they need to consume a lot of immortal energy to carry the size of the seven Kunpeng Clan Golden Immortals!

"Want to leave?!" Xuanhu Clan Golden Immortal yelled angrily, and instantly transformed into his original form and charged away.

This is a fierce tiger covered with colorful stripes. It is as huge as a mountain and has white wings. It roars and moves the world with overwhelming momentum.

"Mentally retarded." Han Qiling sneered, stopped the Jinxian who wanted to go up to help with one hand, and looked at the Xuanhu Clan Jinxian with an extremely mocking expression.

Lin Fei stepped down in the air.

It was another instant fairy transformation, only showing the power of Jinxian's late stage for a moment, and then completely restrained.

Heavenly Demon Sovereign!


Behind Lin Fei, a figure of a thousand-foot-high emperor emerged, with majestic power and majestic power, and the domineering meaning of the emperor filled the world.With one foot, the void shattered like a mirror, and the head of the Golden Immortal of the Xuanhu Clan burst into pieces with a scream, and the headless body fell into the bottom of the sea, startling a dragon-like jet of water.

"You may not understand the situation, so let me explain." Han Qiling said solemnly, "If you don't want to die, join me in fighting, and don't care about the Kunpeng Clan Alliance."

The audience was in an uproar, and the 32 golden immortals were all shocked and looked at Lin Fei in disbelief.

Is it really that scary?

Many golden fairies felt aggrieved and looked at Lin Fei angrily, wishing to eat his flesh and drink his blood!

They are all strong men who have shocked thousands of people, and they are gathered in one place at this moment, why should they still suffer from such uselessness?

Lin Fei stood proudly in the void, with a sneering arc on the corner of his mouth: "It's ridiculous, among the 33 golden immortals present, only Han Qiling can understand the situation?"

"Whether it was in the past, or now. After all, it is a group of mobs, and it is difficult to become a master."

During the crusade against the coalition forces, countless monks from other races were dumbfounded and scattered in the wind.

what's the situation?

The 33 golden immortals teamed up, and the momentum was actually at a disadvantage, and was demoted to nothing by Lin Fei? !

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