I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1029 Expand the battlefield and go to the territory of ten thousand races

Shu Zimo thought it over.

As long as Lin Fei is not in the city and sees the situation where all races are pressing against each other, he doesn't need to choose.

Didn't Wanzu want Tianzun to be a sinner who gave up countless lives?I want him to surprise the enemy's rear, first to attack all races, and second, to save more human beings in the world!

Soldiers take risks, win by odds, and cooperate with each other!

Shu Zimo made up his mind, and without any hesitation, he immediately left his room and asked to see Lin Fei.

Unlike Shu Zimo, Lin Fei didn't think about these things at all, but focused on his practice.After all, Shu Zimo is in charge of strategic planning.

He is not fighting alone, and some of his subordinates are talented people, so there is no need to worry.In contrast, he is the strongest killer in Zhenbei City, so he must ensure his own strength.

"Come in." Lin Fei immediately opened his eyes when he heard that Shu Zimo was begging to see him.

After a period of recovery, his consumption of running tens of millions of light years has recovered.After all, he is a strong man in the Golden Immortal Realm, known as "the golden nature is immortal, and the immortal power is endless".The golden light in Yuanshen is still there, as long as the immortal essence is not completely exhausted, it will not be difficult to recover.

It is also the cultivation of the golden nature that makes it extremely difficult for the strong golden immortals to be killed, often just being knocked out of shape.And if a strong golden fairy falls, it can only explain a cruel problem-the opponent is more than one level stronger.

Shu Zimo was about to bow down when he entered the door, but Lin Fei waved his hand to stop him: "You don't need to be polite when you see me later."

"Yes." Shu Zimo replied, and immediately confessed his guess and plan.

Lin Fei frowned slightly, and immediately sneered.

He thought of Han Qiling's "glorious deeds" in the battle to destroy the Heavenly Court, and thought that the latter was very likely to do such a crazy thing.

But again... Shu Zimo is not a fuel-efficient lamp. When it comes to "sacrificing tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of people", he didn't even blink his eyelids.

Seeing that Lin Fei was silent, Shu Zimo hunched his back slightly, and said in a deep voice: "This is forced by the situation. Kindness does not command soldiers, so please don't blame Tianzun. If Tianzun is deprived of blood and luck, this is the biggest problem of the prehistoric human race." Danger."

"In order to take the overall situation into consideration, someone must be sacrificed! Tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people die, it is better than the entire prehistoric human race completely falling into despair and being driven to extinction in the following years, until..."

He paused, raised his head and looked directly into Lin Fei's eyes, and his voice became heavier by two points: "Mie Clan!"

Lin Fei was noncommittal and motioned him to continue talking.

Shu Zimo's thinking was very clear, and he talked eloquently: "If Tianzun is not in Zhenbei City, there is no need to face a choice, but the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Races will be in a dilemma-this human captive, kill? Or not?"

"If you kill someone whose blood flows like a river, it will only increase the total amount of bloody luck in human beings, and Tianzun will benefit accordingly. If you don't kill them, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance will make such a big battle, and it looks like it is bound to win, but the thunder Heavy rain and little rain...wouldn't it shake the morale of the army and damage morale?"

"Based on weighing the pros and cons, I think it is more likely not to kill!" Shu Zimo's voice was sonorous and powerful, echoing in the room.

Filled with unparalleled confidence, he said resolutely and firmly: "This move looks like putting tens of millions of lives at risk, but in fact it is the best way to save them!"

Lin Fei took a deep look at him, finally showed a smile, and sighed softly: "The enemy is the first to take the opportunity, it really is a hero who makes a boy."

Shu Zimo rubbed his nose, wanting to argue that he is over 900 years old and definitely not a teenager.But thinking about the years Lin Fei lived, he still didn't say anything.

Forget it, it would be nice not to say "heroes give birth to babies".

"Tianzun's praise, I'm definitely not a hero." Shu Zimo sighed, "I'm more than 900 years old, and I'm still in the realm of crossing the catastrophe, but I'm nothing more than a dust."

He has long recognized the reality, and he is not the material for cultivation.Even if the authorities have exhausted their efforts and tried their best to obtain a lot of cultivation resources, it is still difficult to make progress in cultivation and stagnate.

"When I conquer the ancestral land of the Feng Clan in the future, I will send you a nirvana." Lin Fei's understated words made Shu Zimo suddenly raise his head, and the expression of surprise was beyond words.

"Thank you Tianzun!" Shu Zimo immediately knelt down to thank him.

"Didn't I already say that? You don't need to salute in the future, what's the point?" Lin Fei helped him up, and encouraged him, "During my absence, you will be fully responsible for making decisions about the general direction of Zhenbei City."

Shu Zimo was shocked: "Tianzun, is there something wrong with this move? With my cultivation and identity, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

"I've made up my mind, so there's no need to say anything." After Lin Fei finished speaking, he immediately took out a jade token, cut off a wisp of Yuanshen and stored it in it, and threw it to Shu Zimo casually.

He had already stepped out of the room, but Shu Zimo was still standing there blankly.

The jade token in his hand seemed to be healed, making his palms tremble slightly.

Wansheng Tianzun did not hesitate to damage his own immortality, and cut off a wisp of soul and gave it to himself!

"For the rise of the human race, for the high hopes of the Heavenly Lord..." Shu Zimo clenched the jade token tightly, his palms were hot and sweaty, and he almost gritted his teeth, "I will do my best, and I will never hesitate to die!"


A shocking news spread in Zhenbei City.

When Shu Zimo first entered the city lord's mansion, he came to power!

With the jade order given by Lin Fei, even Ye Wudi and Cai Beiyu had no doubts about his decision.

Shu Zimo's first order was to completely seal off the city, stop all external activities, and even stop mining the Spirit Mine.

The second is to suspend loans to the public and other measures to benefit the people, and invest a large amount of resources in the treasury into the Eighty-Nine Xuanbing land to maximize productivity.

The third is to recruit think tanks, conduct sand table simulations, and deduce battles with all races again and again.

With such a deduction, the faces of the members of the think tank became more and more ugly.

Some of their hair has been scratched into a mess and started to fall out; some squatted directly on the chair, gnawed on the cheap elixir, while staring viciously at the sand table; some looked desperate and in a trance.

There are various reactions.

"The gap in strength is too great, we are fighting against all races with the strength of one city!"

"These strong clans must have hidden cards, and we failed to count them! Even if we don't need to use these cards, we will still lose out of ten battles!"

"There is no hope of winning at all. As long as the Sun Moon Emperor Formation is broken, everyone in the city will die here!"

Shu Zimo crossed his fingers together, his joints were exposed, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Everyone, you have missed a little bit. Tens of thousands of races can slaughter human beings, but we humans can't kill them so that they can't sit still?"

All the counselors were shocked, and they all showed sudden expressions.

No wonder Lin Fei didn't show up, everything was handled by Shu Zimo.

It turned out that he was not practicing in seclusion, but had left Zhenbei City, which was protected by the Sun Moon Emperor Formation.

This is playing with one's life...

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