I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1032 The power of one punch is enough to break the three views!


The sound of the long bell ringing resounded through the heavens and the earth, and just the spread of the fluctuations it emitted caused all the tangible things on the four sides of the mountain to explode and be turned into ashes and annihilated.

Whether towering ancient trees or tens of thousands of catties of boulders, even mountain peaks were not spared, and rivers evaporated and dried up in an instant.

The dense jungle that was originally full of wild atmosphere is now barren.

In this situation, it really seems like the end of the world is coming, and everything in the world will be destroyed.

Lin Fei was the first to bear the brunt, and suffered an unimaginable fatal attack.

The golden bell vibrated, and golden ripples turned into terrifying sharp blades;

The big bell emitting earthy yellow light descended from the sky, crushing the void, and was about to suppress Lin Fei;

Covering the mysterious ice, the big clock exuding an extremely cold breath rippled and fluctuated, causing the chaotic lotus pond to cover and spread the mysterious ice at a high speed, sweeping towards Lin Fei;

The ancient clock surrounded by the blazing fairy fire shook, and more fire dragons roared out, burning the void, and slammed into Lin Fei violently.

And the ancient clock full of endless vitality swayed with vast emerald green light amidst the tremors, covering and protecting the five golden immortals.

The most important thing is that the Five Elements Clock is completely natural, with its roots in one body. It is the treasure of the Dao level, and there is not even the slightest sign of restraint.The black ice and the cold air failed to extinguish the flaming mad dragon, and the fire dragon also failed to melt the black ice, they all rushed towards Lin Fei without hesitation!

Almost at the moment of the shot, the five golden immortals showed cruel and excited smiles, almost foreseeing Lin Fei's tragic death.

The many triangle bull demons on the mountain were also extremely excited, and all kinds of thoughts couldn't help popping up in their hearts.The Jinxian of the family hid the news of the Five Elements Clock very carefully. After all, everyone understands the truth that "every man is innocent but he is guilty".They don't want to let all races know, causing covetousness and misfortune.

And when the Five Elements Clock appeared in the world, they were immediately pleasantly surprised.

That's the five-element clock!Branded with too many brilliant achievements, he showed great power in the Ten Thousand Clans War, which once caused Han Qiling a headache.Because of miscalculation of its power, several Golden Immortals of all races who participated in the battle on that part of the battlefield fell, almost pulling Han Qiling down from the position of commander in chief!

"It's stable now, Lin Fei is dead!"

"The five golden immortals attack together, and the two backgrounds complement each other. Under the immortal emperor, who can resist?!"

"There is no need for the Ten Thousand Clans Alliance, just me, the Triangle Bull Demon Clan, is enough to kill Lin Fei!"

Countless triangular bull demons roared in their hearts, feeling their blood boil.


The sky and the earth are full of splendor, and many energy storms are raging. It seems like a dream, but it is full of endless destruction and murder.

Lin Fei annihilated the wave of golden sword energy with his chaotic eyes, and the chaotic lotus pond behind him boiled violently, completely suppressing the mysterious ice aura.

"Chi Chi Chi—"

The crystal-clear golden lotuses spit out blazing sword light like a fairy sword, tearing apart the void, and directly attacking the ancient black and yellow clock suppressed from above.

"Dangdangdang——" the deafening bell rang, extremely fast.A large number of monks of the Bull Demon Race were terrified, and even the best among the immortals had their Qi and blood surging against the sky, bleeding from their seven orifices.And the other monks exploded into a blood mist amidst screams, unable to bear the fluctuations, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed!

At the same time, Lin Fei took a picture of the six extinctions of yin and yang, and absorbed all the fire dragons on it, and he could clearly hear the terrified and furious roar of the dragon, and it could be seen that the fire dragon was gradually annihilated!


"This is impossible!"

"He actually blocked the joint attack of the Five Elements Clock!"

The expressions of the five golden immortals all changed, and they couldn't believe what they saw before them. They only felt that there was a turbulent wave in their hearts, which could not be calmed down.

How can there be the invincible demeanor of being sure of winning before?

"The Five Elements Clock can be regarded as extraordinary, even if Han Qiling is here, if he doesn't have the Qilin family background in his hands, he can only die of hatred, but..."

Lin Fei raised his head slightly, showing a cold smile: "The person you are facing is me!"

His long black hair danced wildly in the strong wind, his clothes fluttered, and his eyes were determined.

"Six Paths..." Lin Fei raised his right hand high, and in an instant, the extremely solid Six Paths of Reincarnation patterns emerged in the air, overlapped and condensed in the palm of his hand.

"Heavenly Destroyer!" He yelled violently, and endless repulsive force burst out from around him, causing the five ancient bells to tremble sharply, making a sharp and piercing sound.

In an instant, all the monks below the Golden Immortal in the mountain were wiped out and shattered into blood mist on the spot, no one survived!

boom -

At this moment, time and space seem to be frozen.The sky and the earth turned pale, and the evil spirit in the sky seemed to evaporate out of thin air, disappearing without a trace.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation shattered in an instant, bursting out with unparalleled destructive power.

Lin Fei's figure remained the same without any change.But under the astonished eyes of the five golden immortals, it seemed that the world was vast, and there was nothing else but Lin Fei's stalwart figure waving his iron fist.

And in a trance, that figure seemed to be towering and shocked to the extreme, as if going up to the blue sky and stepping down on the earth, it was about to break through this prehistoric world!

The five golden immortals understood that it was not Lin Fei's supernatural powers, but... an overwhelming terrifying aura.

This is the spirit of the suzerain, heaven and earth, ancient and modern worlds, I am the only one!

Heaven's Extinction doesn't weigh shapes, it can be palms, swords, fists, knives, spears, halberds, or even heads, elbows, knees, or even the wings, sharp teeth, and carapaces of foreign races...

The focus is on the spirit, or in other words, rhyme and spirit.Regardless of whether it is a fairy or a demon, as long as you master this trick thoroughly, you can turn it into the power to destroy the sky, but the divine will determines the destructive power it can exert.

And when it comes to the spirit of "disregarding the multiverse and being the only one who respects me", who can beat Lin Fei and the Demon Lord of the Six Paths?


Amidst the terrifying bangs that split the sky and the earth, the ancient clock surrounded by the flaming mad dragon was hit by a punch.


With a loud noise, even Jin Xian's eardrums hurt and blood oozed out.

There was a crisp "crack" sound, which almost made the hearts of the five golden immortals clenched tightly into a ball, and their eyeballs were about to pop out.

What prehistoric jokes are you making about your mother!

This is the five-element clock, isn't it said that "non-immortal emperors can't be destroyed", is it possible that there are "false advertisements" in heaven? !

But there is no doubt that the fire-attribute ancient clock was deeply sunken inward, and a bowl-sized fist shadow emerged, which was extremely clear.And the gap split open in an instant, and fragments shot out immediately, even directly defeating the defense of a golden fairy, tearing his flesh and blood!

The golden fairy who used this clock could no longer control it, and let the ancient metal clock fly backwards.

And Tian Mie's punch also landed in his face...


The golden fairy of the bull demon clan was wiped out on the spot.

There was a sudden deathly silence...

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