I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1035 1 Everything is as expected

Zhenbei City.

The buildings are patchwork, the streets are full of people coming and going, and the sound of hawking and shouting can be heard endlessly.Unlike the barrenness before Lin Fei arrived, it is now full of fireworks.

In the restaurants and teahouses, monks from all ethnic groups toasted and drank together, and the voices of high-spirited talk were endless;

In the Spring Breeze Building, there are even more melodious strings and bamboos, and red sleeves fluttering.At the door, there is a woman dressed in cool clothes and holding a round fan, who is looking at her with eyes, warmly hugging the passing man, coquettishly, and rubbing her bulging breasts on the man's arm.

The man was so fascinated, he smiled and hugged the girl's slender waist, and followed her in, intending to have fun;

There was a queue at the door of the pill shop, and everyone brought enough spirit stones and treasures of heaven and earth, waiting for their turn to make an appointment.It is said that the three alchemy masters in the store are all busy, and the work at hand will not be completed until next month;

In the Lingtian planting area, the aura is dense, and the fragrance of medicine is tangy.In each piece of spiritual fields, exotic flowers and plants are competing for splendor, and trees are thriving.There are monks watering, catching insects, fertilizing, and taking good care of it;

And among the Eighty Nine Profound Soldiers, the flames soared into the sky, and the immortal light was endless.Rays of light were incomparably gorgeous, whizzing through the air like a fairy sword.Dao sound roared, amidst a burst of excited shouts, another Heavenly Immortal Dao Yun Ship was refined and formed.

"I'm here, you've all tested it, it's my turn!" A Xuanyin jellyfish was so excited that its soft tentacles were dancing wildly.

"Fuck you, you don't even know how to operate!" A bloodthirsty shark scolded with a smile on the spot.

"You teach me, won't I know how to do it?" Xuanyin jellyfish refused to accept, and immediately stared.

It has to be said that the production capacity of the Bajiu Xuanbing Land is extremely terrifying.After all, it is the largest "arsenal" of the Great Desolate Heavenly Court, and even armed most of the Heavenly Court monks.

In a short period of time, with enough resources, this is already the eighth Tianxian Daoyun ship produced!

Of course, that kind of consumption of resources is simply terrifying.That is to say, the Kunpeng Alliance has a deep foundation to withstand such a toss.If it falls into the hands of a race that ranks below five hundred, I'm afraid that refining a Heavenly Immortal Dao Yun ship will be painful to the point of bleeding.

At the moment when everyone was scrambling to pilot the Tianxian Daoyun Ship, a terrifying aura that seemed to overwhelm the universe, the sun and the moon suddenly descended!


The Sun Moon Human Sovereign Formation was activated, and on the east and west sides of the city, a scorching golden sun and a peaceful silver moon rose respectively.And in the sky above the central position, there is even a blurry phantom of the Emperor soaring into the sky.

In an instant, the whole city was shocked, and countless residents looked at the sky outside the city gate in unison.

The ethereal hymns are intertwined into pieces, causing the void to mourn, and the heavens and the earth tremble.Even though the Sun, Moon and Human Emperor formations separated the residents of the city from feeling the destructive coercion, they were still so frightened that their scalps went numb and their hearts trembled with fear.

Someone was frightened and slumped on the ground with a "plop" sound;

Someone was trembling all over, his face was pale, and the teacup in his hand smashed to the ground with a "slap", and the tea leaves, tea water, and broken tiles were all over the ground;

There was a happy man in the Chunfeng Deyi Building, who was so frightened that he rolled off the bed with a bang on the spot, and the thing was soft...

The boundless atmosphere of fear completely shrouded Zhenbei City.The rhythm of life and work is broken almost instantly.

"Calm down!" A clear shout resounded through the city, Cai Beiyu was the first to climb to the top of the city, his eyes were extremely awe-inspiring, watching the incomparably magnificent lineup of the allied forces of all races.

After her, the other eight golden immortals in the Kunpeng Alliance also came to the top of the city.They exuded indescribable mental fluctuations, which made people feel at ease and stabilized the emotions of the residents of Zhenbei City.

But looking at the formation of the coalition of all races, no one can't help being shocked.

More than 200 golden immortals lined up in front, and the presence in the front row can scare people to death just by their reputation.

The figure of the man who was shrouded in the gorgeous fairy light and stepped on the map of the stars was indistinct.Just taking a look at it makes one's primordial spirit and sea of ​​consciousness sting extremely, as if it is about to explode.

Xianzu, Taixuan first.

As for the figure shrouded in fiery devilish energy, the space around it is constantly repeating the process of fragmentation and reorganization.He is extremely burly, with a pair of blood-colored eyes that seem to be able to devour the soul of a person's primordial spirit.Even if someone is protected by the emperor's sun and moon array, the monks in the city will feel boundless fear surge at a glance.Some people even screamed, went crazy, and lost their minds after being frightened, and some even went into shock on the spot and passed out...

Mo Zu, Mo Taixu.

The luxurious chariot pulled by the nine celestial serpents in the heavenly fairyland is golden and magnificent, and the dragon's might is majestic.Among them must be Long Zu, Long Aotian;

The wooden boat pulled by the nine phoenix birds is full of purple clouds. Among them, the graceful and graceful figure in feather clothes is naturally Feng Zu, Feng Hechu...

The figures, just standing in the void, are like Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi, which is daunting.

After more than 200 golden immortals, there are endless monks of all races.Real dragons, fire phoenixes, unicorns, nine-tailed foxes, golden crows, black tigers, sky-cracking demon butterflies and other wild beasts, as well as various chariots and warships, the scene is extremely shocking.

"Cai Beiyu, the majestic ancestor of Kunpeng, why seek his own death?" Feng Hechu said lightly, his voice was extremely pleasant, like the breeze in a mountain stream, or the clear spring on a stone.

"It's not me who is looking for death, but you. To be an enemy of Tianzun, there is only one way to die." Cai Beiyu was extremely calm, and looked at him calmly, "You used to be my defeated opponent, but now it seems... you Not only is his strength weak, but his vision is also problematic."

Feng Hechu sneered, showing mockery and sympathy, as if mocking Cai Beiyu's stupidity.

The ancestor of Xuanhu showed a cruel smile and leaned forward slightly: "Cai Beiyu, wait for Lin Fei to hand you over to me, I hope you can maintain your current attitude."

Different from the detachment of many golden immortals, Han Qiling frowned slightly, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

Because he didn't see Lin Fei's figure.

On the contrary, it was a pitifully weak little human cultivator who followed in the footsteps of the Golden Immortal of the Kunpeng Alliance, and also set foot on the top of the city.

Cai Beiyu even pointed out a soft aura, which enveloped the ant, allowing him to face up to the many golden fairies in front of him.

"Where is Lin Fei? If you want these 600 million human beings to survive, you can exchange them with Cai Beiyu!" Xianzu sneered and swept his sleeves away.

In an instant, countless Golden Immortals released human captives. Although most of them were imprisoned in space instruments, there were still nearly 100 million human beings falling directly to the ground like dumplings.

The sky was full of darkness, and the screams of human beings were endless.

At a glance, the crowds were densely packed, like hills piled up on the ground.

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