I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1041 The truth behind the first family

The galaxy is brilliant, the moon is bright and clean, and the river is sparkling.

The river was already stained red with blood, and there were a large number of corpses of giant shrimp soldiers, crab generals, fish demons and other creatures.

There was a white figure standing on the river, it was Lin Fei.

Since he slaughtered the ancestral land of the Triangle Bull Demon, he has rushed all the way here, killing countless alien races and destroying many alien race territories along the way.More than 3 prehistoric human beings were rescued, all of whom were ingested into glass jade bottles made by themselves.

According to common sense, after Lin Fei flattened the ancestral land of the bull demon, the next place he should focus on conquering should be the territory of the nearest top [-] races - the ancestral land of the Xuanhu.

But he did the opposite and did not go to Xuanhu's ancestral land.

"Han Qiling knows that I am not in Zhenbei City, so he can definitely figure out that I have been to the ancestral land of the Bull Demon, and there is a great possibility that I will attack the ancestral land of the Xuanhu. I am afraid that a net has been laid at this moment, just waiting for me to enter the game."

"Even with his heart, I'm afraid that half of the troops will be allocated to wait for me in another ancestral land where I may go."

This was Lin Fei's idea.

In fact, this conjecture perfectly fits what Han Qiling did.Even if he knew that with Lin Fei's mind, he would never throw himself into a trap, but——he didn't want to gamble.

What if?

What if Lin Fei is so courageous that he is sure that Han Qiling won't do anything unnecessary, lays an ambush in two ancestral lands, and directly kills him, what should we do?

Lin Fei swept his sleeves away, and put away the corpses of many alien races floating on the river.One step out, the figure is already on the shore.

He sat cross-legged on the spot and decided to absorb 72 Dao Xianling Stones to practice first.

But at this moment, Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he looked up at the sky.

If someone else looks up here, they will feel baffled—there is nothing in the sky, why are they so surprised?

Lin Fei's eyes were extremely deep, seeing through the emptiness, and he saw the boundless blood-colored mist covering the sky.

In the vast mist of blood, there was a pair of cold eyes staring at him.

Inside the left eye, there is a bright sun;

In the right eye, there is a round of bright and clear moon.

A wave of coercion lingers over the sky, as if it has crushed the eternal blue sky. It is grand, majestic, and magnificent, revealing the aura of an emperor overlooking the world, everything and the common people.

"I found you." A man and woman's intertwined divine thoughts sounded, and they exploded in Lin Fei's mind like rolling thunder, "Although this prehistoric world is huge, you can't hide under my watchful eyes, and where can you escape? ?”

His voice was full of sarcasm, as if he had already grasped the general trend, and he believed that Lin Fei would never be able to stir up any trouble again.

"Poor Ye Wudi, as the Emperor of the Desolate Heaven, raised such an unfilial son like you." Lin Fei sneered, already seeing through the identity of the man behind him.

It is Ye Wudi's son, Ye Zhenbei.The beast who took the initiative to disintegrate the Sun Moon Human Emperor Formation from the inside, cooperated with the thousands of people inside and outside, and led to the fall of Zhenbei City!

"Oh? The chaotic eyes are really extraordinary, and they can see through the identity of the deity." The voice of the mysterious man came again, looking quite surprised, "Then tell me, who is the other one who merged with me?"

Lin Fei's eyes were cold, and he said with killing intent: "I don't know, I haven't seen it before. But you are from the Spirit Race...you actually left that place?"

Heaven on the other side!

The cosmic plane where the innate spirit race is located has been suppressed, and even without the suppression of the treasure of the inner universe, it is almost a dream come true to come to the Great Desolate Continent.There is only one possibility left for this woman's origin.

The prehistoric peoples knew very little about the Heaven on the Other Side, but Lin Fei knew it well.

On the other side, the starry sky zerg, starry sky dragon, and innate spirit race lived impressively!

Not only that, there are even many beings that Lin Fei has never seen outside. They are extremely weird and weird. They have never been born in any plane, and they have never seen the same kind in the Great Desolate Continent!

And the so-called Heavenly Capital, which seems to be extremely rich in resources, and even hides the opportunity of extreme fruit status, is like a cage in disguise, imprisoning these creatures.

This is not an illusion. All kinds of rich resources have great resistance and rejection to the creatures in them.Even the rules of heaven and earth are suppressing the creatures in Tiandu, making it extremely difficult for them to get anything in Baoshan, and they are forbidden to leave Tiandu for half a step.

This is actually a very weird thing.

After all, spirits, insects, and dragons, these three races are innate creatures and the darlings of the contemporary multiverse.But even such a darling, in which the restrictions are only reduced, it does not mean that there are no restrictions.

What's even weirder is that, on the one hand, the Heavenly Dao is suppressing the creatures in the Heavenly Capital on the other side, and on the other hand, it is trying its best to protect their safety.Lin Fei's attack on the Zerg in the starry sky at the beginning even aroused the fury of the multi-dimensional heaven, as if he did not hesitate to destroy the multi-verse, and wanted to fight Lin Fei desperately......

It is said that there must be demons in abnormal things, and Duoyuan Tiandao's attitude towards Tiandu on the other side is so contradictory and weird, no matter how you think about it, there is a problem.

And according to what the creatures in Tiandu say, they are the true darlings of multiple heavens, and being born in Tiandu on the other side is the test and practice given to them by the heavens.

But it's just their own statement, not necessarily the truth.

In any case, there is no doubt that the sky restricts these creatures, almost forcing them to be completely isolated from the outside world, and it is extremely difficult and dangerous to practice.

But now...there are spirit races who came out from the other side of the sky, not only came to the Great Desolate Continent, but even colluded with Ye Zhenbei, trying to plot the throne and covet the realm of the extreme!

"So that's how it is," Lin Fei sneered, and understood everything, "It's no wonder that the accumulation of such a deep blood luck has not completely integrated the human emperor's personality, and even trapped himself in it."

Half of the so-called mysterious people are not human at all!

"It was you who broke my plan!" The mysterious man said in a cold voice, "Without you diverting the bloody luck, this deity will become the emperor just around the corner! Now, you can die!"

boom -

After his words fell, black and white mist emerged out of thin air, forming an illusory figure.

"Wait!" Lin Fei raised his hand to stop.

"Why, are you afraid?" The mysterious man sneered and sarcastically said, "It's said that the Ten Thousand Saints are so great, but it seems that the reputation is really hard to live up to. Also, even if the deity is just a projection, it can also run a trace of human emperor. Weili, you are self-aware when you fear before fighting."

Lin Fei shook his head amusedly, and stood up slowly, with a fighting spirit.

"No, you are wrong."

"I just want to ask that woman how she escaped from the Heavenly Capital on the other side."

"After all...after this projection dies, we can only know the truth on the day when your body is destroyed."


Behind Lin Fei, the wings of the fairy and demon spread out, the chaotic lotus pond unfolded, and the crystal clear golden lotus made a clanging sound, and the dense golden sword light pierced the sky!

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