I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1048 Qilin Clan, Night Tide Lake

In one night, major events occurred frequently in the Great Desolate Continent, and the shock was endless.

With the arrival of the four quarters of the child, the Ten Thousand Clans rankings were updated, and the Triangle Bull Demon Clan fell from 75th to 983rd, shocking the world.

"Three in 980?! Isn't it true that all the golden immortals have fallen, and there are not many heavenly immortals left?"

"Looking at this ranking, I'm afraid the ancestral land has been flattened!"

But compared to the ranking change of another race, this seems to be insignificant.

"The human race has soared to No. 11 in the prehistoric world, squeezing the sky-splitting demon butterfly!"

"Oh my god, the human race is only a strong man in the early stage of Golden Immortal, how can he be ranked No. 11?"

"The big thing is not good! If this trend continues, I'm afraid the sky will change!"

Following the change of the Ten Thousand Races Ranking, bloody massacres were ruthlessly carried out in the Great Desolate Continent.

The race that had hatred in the past is really cruel and merciless at this moment, without any mercy.

In the city of the Peng Clan, the Golden Immortal of the Heavenly Snake Clan descended.Without half a word of nonsense, it is directly massacring the city!Not only slaughtered the city, but even took advantage of the fire to loot all the resources in it.

Anyway, under the guise of obeying Han Qiling's plan, the Heavenly Snake Clan Golden Immortal is really unscrupulous.

Naturally, it was impossible for the Peng Clan to swallow this breath. Immediately afterwards, even the three territories of the Tutian Snake Clan looted them all by digging three feet into the ground.

Such bloody, brutal and inhuman massacres were carried out in many places.If it weren't for the head-on collision of the Golden Immortal powerhouse, people might think that the Ten Thousand Races Alliance has fallen apart and internal friction has begun.

From the point of view of Han Qiling leading the overall situation, the terrifying number of deaths kept jumping up, but it was just a number, and there was no shock in his heart.

And for the slaughtered creatures, this is the end, it is hell.

The Golden Immortals of all races did not care about so many people, no matter if they were old people or children, they would kill them all, which was extremely cruel.Even in such a process, some golden immortals of all races were killed red-eyed and resentful.

"You slaughtered my three cities, then I will destroy your six cities!"

"Bastard, you killed my great-great-grandson!"

"How do I know that your great-great-grandson is in that city?"

"This deity fights with you!"

Even though they are in the alliance of ten thousand races, these golden immortals were held back and failed to fight together, but the resentment in their hearts could not dissipate.

Such a big move naturally aroused the fear of all living beings.For a while, everyone was in danger, for fear of becoming a victim.A large number of bereaved dogs appeared in almost every race, running away in a hurry, just like the humans who were hunted down by thousands of races.

The irony is that it is not human beings who force them into such a situation, but the so-called "Alliance of Ten Thousand Races", with the consent of their own race, the Golden Immortal...

In addition, even in the process of massacring the creatures of all races like this, none of the golden immortals of all races dared to stand alone.Almost every group of 120 golden immortals is in a group, and all of them are strong men who are at the peak of golden immortals.

In Lin Fei's view, such a move is tantamount to jumping over a wall in a hurry.But it is undeniable that this is almost the only option for the Ten Thousand Races Alliance at the moment.

When the Ten Thousand Races Alliance was in action, he didn't hesitate to kill his carbine and head straight for Yechao Lake!

Went to seize the important territory under Han Qiling's rule, second only to Qilin's ancestral land!

"If the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races wants to accumulate blood luck, it must massacre the creatures of all races. The population of the Qilin tribe is sparse, and the night tide lake is even more elite. Most of them are monks from the fairyland of heaven and earth. It is absolutely impossible to exchange their sacrifices for blood aura. Luck, the gain outweighs the loss." Lin Fei sneered in his heart, without any hesitation, he was absolutely determined.

In the early hours of the morning, the travel-worn Lin Fei had already arrived at Yechao Lake.

Thousands of miles away, the blue lake is as clear as a mirror, and the water is shimmering, reflecting the stars in the sky.There are also cool mountain peaks standing in the lake, filled with fairy mist.

Looking at the entire Great Desolate Continent, this is also the place where the most Qilin tribe gathers, second only to the Qilin ancestral land.

The moment Lin Fei appeared in the distant sky, countless unicorns panicked. The lord tried to calm down, but he couldn't hide his panic in his spiritual thoughts: "Don't be afraid! Ke Lisi closes the door, the gate through which the formation enters and exits! He entered Not coming!"

Lin Fei always felt that these words were a bit familiar, as if he had heard them on Earth.

And just as he stepped out, the only entrance and exit of the entire formation was completely sealed and fully opened.

The Qilin tribe was born to grasp the power of the Taiyin, and the formation formed by several golden immortals in the tribe is even more extraordinary.The soft blue light curtain spread like a water curtain, covering the entire Yechao Lake, forming a time distortion layer!

Even a monk at the peak of Jinxian would be shocked by this defense. It is not easy to break through.Because this layer of light curtain has already distorted time, even if it is torn out a passage, it will probably return to the state before it was broken.

How could it be easy for the nine golden immortals of the Qilin tribe to move the formation laid down by the general trend of the night tide lake world?

This is the Hunyuan Taiyin Formation, which claims to be connected with heaven and earth, endless and indelible.

But unfortunately, it's just a name.

Under the uneasy and fearful gaze of countless Qilin tribes, Lin Fei made a fist mark and swung his iron fist.


With Lin Fei's blow, a berserk and destructive immortal energy was triggered, and even the Six Extermination Taiji Diagram blasted out.The so-called copper wall and iron wall were pierced in an instant, and the terrifying energy shot out like a dragon, causing hundreds of unicorns to burst into blood mist in an instant.

"What?!" The lord was terrified, almost scared out of his wits.


The terrifying roar of the unicorn sounded, and thousands of jets of water shot out from Yechao Lake, all as thick as millstones, and the momentum was huge.The water column seems to be alive, and countless water unicorns are condensed, which are lifelike and powerful.

At a glance, it seems to be a unicorn army stretching to the end of the sky.

They roared and rushed towards Lin Fei ferociously.Even if thousands of troops are rushing to kill on the battlefield, the momentum is beyond superficial.This terrifying force is destructive, sweeping away everything, causing the void to shatter and time to become chaotic.

The terrifying killing intent filled the sea, and the overwhelming momentum made it difficult for many unicorns to breathe. They only felt that they were as humble as a mustard ant, and they would be crushed to death in a round of charge, without causing any waves!

On the opposite side of such a terrifying unicorn army, there was only Lin Fei's lonely figure, which seemed extremely small and insignificant.

For a while, a small number of stupid Qilin cheered up again, full of hope and anticipation, wanting to see his demise.

And the clever Qilin is already running for his life at this moment...

Before the water unicorn army could be killed, the violent wind set off a raging wave, uprooting countless trees on the mountain peak, and directly flying tens of thousands of catties of boulders, and then tore and crushed them in the air, and even the unicorn seemed to be broken. The kite is thrown into the air.

Lin Fei's clothes were bulging, his hair fluttered in front of his forehead, but he didn't even blink his eyelids.

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