I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1055 The Tranquility Before the Storm

At this moment, the endless aura of majesty spread mightily.

The aliens only feel that it is grand and magnificent, as if it covers everything in the world, crushing the eternal blue sky, which is unbearable.

But the prehistoric human race felt an endless sense of belonging, as if seeing hope and dawn after going through untold hardships, countless people burst into tears for an instant.

Lin Fei already has a new identity, and that is the candidate for the Emperor.

Ye Lingyu was rejected by the emperor's authority and failed to succeed for a long time, which gave him a chance.

And Lin Fei really didn't hesitate at all, directly set up his ambition, and pushed himself to the point where no success or success, there is no turning back.

At the same time, in the abyss somewhere in the wilderness, there was a male and female voice roaring, the voice was filled with endless panic, as if losing the most precious thing, heart-piercing, like crazy: "No, Don't go! You are mine, no one can take it away, come back! Come back!"

"Lin - Fei!"

No matter how hoarse Ye Lingyu was, it couldn't stop the human emperor from being separated from a very small part.It's like the "shareholding system" on the earth. He originally regarded it as something in his pocket, and sooner or later he would get [-]% of the shares of the human emperor, but Lin Fei took away [-]%...

One or two percent, this value is not to be feared.But the implication behind it was enough to make him terrified to the extreme.

Lin Fei was able to compete with him for the throne.

Who is Lin Fei?Halloween God!

"I'm fucking... competing with Wansheng Tianzun for the human throne? I'm fighting for your mother!" Ye Lingyu broke down, grabbed her hair, and pulled it off forcefully.

But at this time, a lone female voice rang out coldly: "Wansheng Tianzun is not born invincible, he also cultivated step by step. Ye Zhenbei, you are so timid about the enemy, it really makes me feel ridiculous. If you don't have Ye Wudi's blood , I definitely wouldn’t have supported you back then, and shared the power of the Human Emperor with me.”

"Shut up!" Ye Zhenbei roared uncontrollably, "You speak lightly, come and try to compete with Wansheng Tianzun?"

"I would like to, but do I have a chance? Don't forget, I am not a human being." Lingyu said disgustedly, "If I take the lead, the authority of the Human Emperor will immediately exclude me."

"Hope...Where is hope?" Ye Zhenbei muttered to himself with a dull expression as if he was insane.

Lingyu's voice didn't sound again, as if she didn't bother to pay attention to such waste anymore.

The golden immortals of all races are on our side, I really don't know what he is afraid of!Even if Ye Zhenbei boasted about Lin Fei lawlessly, Lingyu didn't believe that he could reverse the general trend of the universe!

And as the strong ones who have touched the level of Dao, all the golden immortals in the ten thousand races are also trembling at this moment, looking at the sky in horror.

At this moment, they all heard Lin Fei's great wish for Duo Duo Tian Dao.

Make a great wish with the stars in the sky and the sun and moon in your heart!

It even caused the stars in the sky to emerge and give them a response!

Han Qiling suddenly raised his head, his voice was a bit dignified: "Mazu, how many years has it been since this kind of thing happened?"

Demon Ancestor was silent for a while, then shook his head and said: "It's too long ago, I can't remember clearly. At that time...it should be Haotian who made such an ambitious wish by relying on the boundless blood luck of the human race. The great virtue of unifying the prehistoric world. The multi-dimensional way of heaven agreed, which led to the manifestation of the stars in the sky."

"It is also because of this that Haotian ushered in the most dangerous years. Tens of thousands of people do not want to be ruled by humans who look like ants, and attack them in groups. It is really a glorious and magical time. It is so incredible now that I think about it—— How did he survive?"

Han Qiling sighed deeply, he was no longer calm and calm, and seemed a little preoccupied.

"What's wrong?" Mozu asked with a frown.

"You said... how does the Ten Thousand Saints compare to the Haotian God?" Han Qiling asked back.

"If we only talk about the Haotian God, it is naturally endlessly brilliant, shining on the prehistoric continent. There is no one before, and there will be no one to come. It is a model of heroes made by the times. It can be compared with the Ten Thousand Saints..." Mo Zu paused, I have to admit: "There is no comparison. Except for the Demon Lord of the Six Paths, looking at the entire multiverse, no one can compare with the glory of the Ten Thousand Saints."

Having said that, his face has changed.

Haotian can't compare with Lin Fei, but he created the glory of the prehistoric heaven, broke the backbone of all races, and forced them to surrender.

So now it's Lin Fei's turn, what will happen?

"Han Qiling, don't mess with the army's mind!" The Demon Ancestor snapped, "When the ten thousand races besieged Haotian, his personality as a human emperor had already begun to take shape, his power was growing day by day, and his accompanying spirit treasure, the Haotian Mirror, had already A wisp of Jidao Qi machine is evolving towards Jidao Emperor Armament, this is naturally different!"

Han Qiling didn't continue this topic, but instead said: "The 120 golden immortals of the ancestors should have reconciled with us a quarter of an hour ago."

Mozu's pupils contracted sharply, and his heart shrank into a ball as if being clenched by an invisible hand!


In Zhenbei City, there are many visions and mysterious lights.

A large number of spirit stones, fairy stones, and other rare fairy gold, fairy iron and other minerals stored in Lingxiao Bagua Mountain are gushing and flowing like waterfalls, piled up into hills.

Cai Beiyu even came to the scene in person to act as a construction worker to prevent anyone from filling his own pockets.

No way, this is too tempting, who wouldn't be jealous?

Even Cai Beiyu couldn't help being shocked when he saw such resources.

Although Lingxiao Bagua Mountain belongs to the fairy clan, it is not owned by his clan.After all, this good fortune is simply against the sky. If the fairy clan monopolizes it, it will inevitably attract crowds to attack it.

Many top [-] races have reached an agreement to share their output.It's just that the immortal clan has the biggest fist, so naturally they get the most, and they also leave it in the ancestral land of the immortal clan.It fell into Lin Fei's hands this time, and it was also a special period, and the immortal ancestor hid it in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It's a pity that what he thought to be a foolproof measure made Ling Xiao Bagua Mountain fall into Lin Fei's hands. This was something he never expected.

Not only that, Lingxiao Bagua Mountain is devouring all the free energy between the sky and the earth, and even the sunlight is swallowing it, making the sky and the earth dark.The residents who are practicing are all dumbfounded—what about the aura between heaven and earth?Why are they all gone?My mother once thought that the spiritual energy was exhausted!

The gossip runes slowly rise, blooming with mysterious light.The mountains are constantly roaring and puffing up clouds and smoke, just like the biggest "chimney" in this century.It is operating at full capacity and is still struggling to manufacture raw materials for strategic weapons.

A large number of fairy stones and all kinds of fairy mines were sent to the Bajiuxuan army in an endless stream, and the celestial spirit ships gradually took shape.

When the aura of heaven and earth in a radius of [-] li is exhausted, Lingxiao Bagua Mountain can only absorb the thin aura brought by sunlight, the speed of operation drops sharply, the roar is weak, and the gossip runes are dim and empty.

The Wanzu corpses brought by Lin Fei solved this problem to a great extent.All of them were refined and turned into pure and majestic aura to be utilized.

He watched the kirin and other delicacies disappear before his eyes, and finally showed a trace of regret.


"My lunch."

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