I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1057 No one is allowed to be absent

When Tai Yi raised his hand, it was a palm. The innate fire essence was as vast as it was, and it set off thousands of great waves.

A spark ignites the void, burns up the sky with a prairie fire, and penetrates the golden fairy's body.

Such a terrifying power scared all the residents in the city out of their wits on the spot.

If Di Jun hadn't swept his sleeves away and propped up a magnificent barrier of golden light to resist it, the entire city would have been slaughtered by him in an instant, and would be completely wiped out from the world.

"Tai Yi, don't be impulsive." Di Jun persuaded with a frown.

"It's just ants, dare to offend you and me, so what if you kill them?" Tai looked cold, and swept his sleeves.

Di Jun shook his head, and with a turn of his eyes, a flash of light suddenly shot out between the brows of the triangular bull demon, and the memory of the sea of ​​consciousness was pulled out.

It's a pity that this triangular bull demon is just a monk of the heavenly immortal, and he lives in this extreme south, so his knowledge is really limited.

And Di Jun's few hands have already shocked the monks in the entire city beyond measure.

You know, there is also a magic circle set up by Jinxian in this city!

But Dijun first pressed with one hand, immobilizing the entire city; then he grabbed the memory of the Triangle Bull Demon's sea of ​​consciousness from the air, and he ignored the formation as if it hadn't been triggered at all!

"Go, go to make peace with the Golden Immortals of Ten Thousand Races." Without hesitation, Di Jun and Tai Yi came to the city to transmit the formation, unwilling to do unnecessary slaughter, and were about to leave.

But at the moment before the formation was activated, Tai Yi gave the triangle bull demon a cold look.


The latter exploded on the spot, turning into a blood mist, destroying both body and spirit.

"Ah!" The residents beside him were terrified, and some female aliens screamed.

"A mere ant dares to say something bad. I'll just kill him, so I won't harm the whole city. Dijun, don't you want to take care of this?" The ants didn't take it to heart.

Di Jun glanced at him, but didn't speak.

Amidst the thunderous roar, a large expanse of gorgeous runes densely covered the void, the teleportation formation was activated, and the figure of the Second Emperor Dongtian disappeared.

It wasn't until the two of them left that the deadly and fearful atmosphere that enveloped the entire city disintegrated.For a while, the whole process was boiling and extremely noisy.

"Have you heard their names? Dijun, Taiyi!"

"The legendary Second Emperor of the East Heaven?!"

"If it weren't for the emperor... the emperor is here, I'm afraid everyone will be implicated and doomed! It's really a disaster from the mouth, we must be cautious in our words and deeds!"


Lin Fei did not leave Zhenbei City.

Because Wanzu has already accumulated enough blood luck.If he left the Sun Moon Human Emperor Formation, the bloody luck of the human race would no longer be able to block Lin Fei's presence under the joint efforts of the golden immortals of all races, waiting to be exposed to the other party's sight.

The city lord's mansion, the meeting hall.

Lin Fei was sitting directly above, and next to him were the Nine Golden Immortals of the Kunpeng Alliance, Shu Zimo, Ji Yaoguang, You Yue, and Ye Wudi.

"Within five days, can the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races be fully launched?" Lin Fei looked at Shu Zimo, "What I mean is, can I intercept the pursuers with the strength in the city under the circumstances of the outside world?" More than 400 golden immortals, at least for a quarter of an hour?"

After his words fell, everyone in the audience changed their faces.

Stop more than 400 golden immortals!

Hold on for a quarter of an hour!

"Impossible!" Ye Wudi said in a deep voice, "Even if Zhou Tiandao Yun's fleet is formed, and there is a Jinxianxuanhuang ship, this is impossible!"

"No," Shu Zimo's voice was hoarse, but he put forward a different opinion, crossing his skinny fingers together, "You're doing less calculations, we still have a hole card."

Ye Wudi showed surprise on his face, and couldn't react for a while.Lin Fei, Zhou Tiandaoyun fleet, a golden fairy Xuanhuang ship, and the nine golden immortals of the Kunpeng Alliance, these are the top combat forces in the city, right?What other cards are there, enough to play such a vital role?

"Zhenbei City." Shu Zimo took a deep breath, and looked at Ye Wudi with burning eyes, "Don't forget that this is a palm city made by God Haotian himself, and it can be moved! Not moving here is just to suppress the biggest space-time rift in the prehistoric world."

Everyone was stunned, and then they realized that under the fixed thinking, they had forgotten this episode!

Shu Zimo spoke extremely fast, and said his thoughts in one breath: "It is true that once Zhenbei City leaves, the space-time rift will expand. Even if it encounters its outbreak stage, it will swallow this extreme at several times the terrifying speed. Land of the North."

"If you leave it alone, assuming that the crack originally covered 20 miles, it will double and affect a radius of 40 miles. Followed by a radius of 80 miles, 160 million miles, and 320 million miles...these multiplications, once the situation deteriorates completely If it gets out of control, it may even bring disaster to the entire Primordial Continent."


Shu Zimo showed a ferocious smile, like a thin and fierce hungry wolf: "My human race is about to end, what's the use of leaving this Great Desolate Continent?!"

The audience was silent, only Lin Fei nodded slightly and gave him a glance of approval.

"In such a hurry to start a war with the Ten Thousand Races, did something happen?" Ji Yaoguang broke the silence and looked at Lin Fei worriedly.

"I have snatched a ray of human aura, and I can sense Ye Lingyu's situation." Lin Fei said bluntly, after Tiandao praised the name, it was tantamount to making it public, and it was no longer a taboo. "According to my estimation, the most It only takes seven days at the latest, and he can completely integrate the power of the Emperor."

So he can only sink the boat.

Kill Ye Lingyu and seize the throne!

Otherwise, waiting for Ye Lingyu to merge with the human throne and cooperate with the golden immortals of all races to kill him, it would really be hopeless.Not only is Zhenbei City about to be destroyed, but the human race in the world is also hopeless and destined to be killed to extinction.

"It's too hasty..." Shu Zimo muttered to himself, scratching his hair.There was actually a handful of gray and dry hair falling out, which made people worry whether he had encountered a baldness crisis.

"I need to think again—how to fight this battle, and how to exert the effect of Zhenbei City to stop the golden immortals of all races, these are all problems." Shu Zimo stood up, completely immersed in thinking, and turned around. Go back to your room and be alone.

"Presumptuous—" Cai Beiyu's face changed, and he felt that Shu Zimo was simply disrespectful and ignorant of etiquette.Leaving halfway without mentioning, even without the etiquette of saying goodbye?

"Beiyu," Lin Fei looked at her with a smile, shook his head and said, "Let him go."

Northern fish?

Cai Beiyu's face turned slightly red, but he pretended to be natural, with a serious face.

"It's all gone, get ready for battle."

Lin Fei smiled slightly, stood up, swept his sleeves casually, turned and left: "I hope that after five days, all of you present will be able to gather and have a good drink."

"No one is allowed to be absent."

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