I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1076 No Contrast, No Harm


A white light flashed, and Lin Fei's arm was rubbed.Almost in an instant, the life factor suffered unparalleled damage and rewriting, turning into a dense mass of flesh and blood snakes, wriggling and falling to the ground, the scene was strange and terrifying.

This is the horror of Heavenly Serpent Genesis!

The moment the ultimate hole card of the Heavenly Snake Clan surfaced, it shocked the Golden Immortals of all races.

But such power and influence made the Heavenly Snake Patriarch secretly hate him and was extremely unwilling.After all, Lin Fei could not be severely injured, and this sneak attack that seized the perfect timing lost its strategic significance.

"Looking for death!" Lin Fei's face turned cold, and his eyes turned.


The extremely distant camp of the Celestial Snake clan completely exploded at this moment.Within a thousand miles, everything was reduced to powder.

At the same time, Lin Fei chopped off the Dragon Spine of Heavenly Sin.With a flash of black and vast tyrannical sword light, the heads of two golden immortals flew out in an instant, and then exploded into blood mist in the air.

This scene almost suffocated the Golden Immortals of all races, feeling deeply hopeless and shocked.

What kind of outrageous and terrifying strength is this...?

"Don't you think that without the help of Emperor Jun Taiyi, you can still compete with me?" Lin Fei's blood-stained long hair fluttered in the wind, and he stepped on a wailing Dragon Clan Golden Immortal, looking down on powerful enemies from all directions , a cold and cruel smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

His voice was like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of many golden fairies hard, making them feel cold all over, and the last sliver of luck was finally smashed to pieces!


The golden immortals of all races are powerful, and the best among them are even more extraordinary, enough to instantly kill ordinary golden immortals.But...in this battle, the combined results of all of them can't compare to the injury one of the two emperors of Dongtian caused to Lin Fei...

What does the Second Emperor of the East Heaven mean?

The word Tian means the supreme, nothing is higher than it.Adding the word "Tian" to "Emperor", but it is recognized by Duo Tiandao as a taboo, and its status and Taoism as "Emperor" are recognized.

The word Dong does not mean that Taiyi comes from the east, but corresponds to the direction where the sun rises on the highest plane.In all directions, respecting the east, this word is crowned, and it is a symbol of dignity.

Even before he was ahead of the Heavenly Demon God and before he obtained the blood of Chaos, Di Jun dared to compete with Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun!

It needs to be known that Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun is originally part of Hongjun's three-part solution. He is born transcendent and peerless. He does not need to practice, and he is destined to become the peak of the immortal emperor.But Tai Yi and Di Jun relied on themselves to rush out of hardships and hardships, and reached the corresponding point!

Especially Tian Huangjun, whose childhood experience was filled with deep and boundless darkness.

A mere three-legged fire crow has achieved such a positive result, even causing endless creatures in the multiverse to change their mouths, and they all respectfully call their family the "Golden Crow".After attaining the Supreme Dao Fruit Status, he will rewrite and sublimate the Golden Crow's bloodline's skills, and transmit them through the heavenly way, creating the glory of the prehistoric Golden Crow's lineage......

And in this battlefield, with the help of the two emperors of the East Heaven, the Golden Immortal of Ten Thousand Races was even expected to kill Lin Fei for a time.

But when the two emperors of the Eastern Heaven were unable to fight again, the Golden Immortals of the Ten Thousand Races would no longer be able to return to heaven.


Lin Fei stepped down, and the majestic and incomparable power trembled from his waist and abdomen to the soles of his feet.Immediately, flesh and blood flew across the sky, and countless bloody arrows shot out. The Dragon Clan Golden Immortal under his feet let out a terrific roar, and finally perished.

"Death!" Lin Fei's eyes were as sharp as lightning, his black hair danced wildly, and he killed the Heavenly Snake Patriarch like the Demon God Shura.

He promised Tian Yichen that he would rescue the latter from the Heavenly Snake Ancestral Land.

Then kill the Heavenly Snake Patriarch who is the chief culprit first.

The ancestor of the Heavenly Snake's eyes were about to burst in an instant, and he pushed the Heavenly Snake Transforming Dragon Art to the extreme without any reservations.


The body of the Baizhang Tianlong is majestic and miraculous, and the dragon scales are the size of a bathtub, and the golden light flows.There is even a pair of wings similar to Ying Long's. With a roar, there are thousands of thunderbolts falling, turning the four directions into a sea of ​​thunder, and the momentum is huge.

However, in front of Lin Fei, everything seemed so fragile.

With a flash of sword light, even pillars of thunder that were as thick as mountain peaks were cut open.The black and boundless sword qi swept across, cutting through the congenital taixu qi, and the killing intent and sword intent superimposed and climbed to the peak, making the congenital taixu qi tremble and disintegrate!

"No!!" The Heavenly Snake Patriarch let out a desperate roar, and the huge body of the Dragon Snake was broken open with a "click".

The black boundless sword was as imposing as a broken bamboo, cutting his huge body of a hundred feet horizontally in two, and the blood splashed.


Without turning his head back, Lin Fei held a beautiful sword flower in his hand, which turned into a black light wheel and instantly reversed, with the tip of the sword piercing backwards.

The sword energy turned into a black rainbow, which instantly pierced through the Jinxian who was attacking from behind, causing his head to explode and turn into a blood mist.

It was a massacre without suspense.

With the mighty power of one person, he slaughtered the golden immortals of all races.

The atmosphere in Zhenbei City was extremely frenzied, already excited to the extreme.Even under such a scene, an extremely absurd idea inevitably surfaced in everyone's mind.

The originally desperate and oppressive enemy, the golden fairy of all races who was supposed to be so powerful that it was suffocating, at this moment seems to have become... a chicken and a dog? !

Countless pairs of fiery eyes stared at Lin Fei, filled with endless shock, admiration, longing, and even the admiration of many women.

Everyone understands.

It's not that the golden fairy of all races has become a paper tiger.

But Lin Fei at this time... is too strong!

Without comparison, there is no harm!


There are eighteen peak golden immortals who are competing in different places to overcome the thunder calamity of Zixiao.

That's right, there are [-] Jinxian peak powerhouses who have left the battlefield, but there are only [-] who are going through the catastrophe.

Han Qiling and Feng Hechu stood side by side, both of them had incomparably stern expressions.

"Who are you going to attack?" Feng Hechu asked proactively.

"Mo Taixu," Han Qiling said with a solemn expression, "he has the most profound accumulation, I'm afraid he's no worse than the dead Xian Taixuan, and he's the most likely to succeed. If there are really two people who have proved the extreme position, he is very likely will take its place.”

Feng Hechu said decisively: "Then I will kill Long Aotian."

Priest Han Qi breathed out a turbid breath, and said with a murderous intent: "It's not too late, you and I will do it now! It is expected that they will lose half of their lives even if they don't die after suffering from the Zixiao Divine Thunder. It is the time of weakness!"

The two clapped their hands with a "slap", their gazes were identically cold, and they each tore apart the void to escape to different places.

There was a fiery light in Feng He's first eyes, and an expectant and cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In Lin Fei's eyes, the two traitors who are bound to be killed, if both of them have attained the Ultimate Path and trampled him under their feet, what expression would he have?

Thinking of this, Feng Hechu suddenly found it very interesting.

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