I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1092 I just ask the gods to appease the anger

Tiandi Jun once played the role of Hongjun as an actor.

There is a group of Hongmeng's original core in Hongjun's body, and Dijun has personally experienced its horror.

Reverse deduction can reach "the infinite return to zero", and forward deduction can go to "Nine Palaces of Infinity".Regardless of whether it is pushed forward or reversed, the inner universe can be evolved at the end.

Even with the existence of Emperor Jun in Heaven, he was stunned at the beginning, and even roared and questioned almost madly in his heart-how did he lose?You tell me, how the hell is this match-fixing game going to lose? !

But the origin of the primordial essence in Hongjun's body is not complete, only a part of it has been obtained temporarily, and Di Jun failed to witness the most shocking scene with his own eyes.

The complete primordial origin can be turned into chaos if it is pushed forward, and it can be turned into original darkness if it is pushed backwards.

This is the existence that runs through the connection!

"Tianzun, I'm afraid you will need to achieve the ultimate state in a short time." Cai Beiyu took a deep breath, and looked at Lin Fei with burning eyes, full of indescribable confidence.

Lin Fei nodded slightly, and naturally had no objection to this matter: "The most urgent thing is to cultivate the Golden Immortal Dzogchen first. As for the opportunity to break into the ultimate path... I'm afraid I'll go to the other side to find it."

Everyone used to think that the other side was an inaccessible place, but after the Ye Lingyu incident, this may not be the case anymore.

The departure of Lingyu means that there is a way to get in and out tomorrow!

Although this matter has a weird meaning, but right now I don't care so much.

"The broken planes eroded by strange forces in the time-space fragments, the loosening of the confinement and restrictions of the other side of the sky..." Ye Wudi frowned deeply, always feeling that something was wrong, "Is there some kind of connection?"

No one can give an answer, everything is unknown.

After dinner, the Seven Golden Immortals of the Kunpeng Clan were busy again.

Especially Cai Beiyu.

She drove a Zixiawu wooden boat and left Zhenbei City. On the one hand, she tried her best to search and rescue the prehistoric humans, and on the other hand, she plundered the defeated race.Not only the ancestral lands of the major powerful clans, but also important territories rich in resources.

Now in the entire Great Desolate Continent, all the Golden Immortals except the Kunpeng Clan are wiped out, and her cultivation is simply sweeping all directions.

"It's time to settle the old accounts." Cai Beiyu came to Wanlong City, his eyes were icy cold, and the cold killing intent raged for thousands of miles, completely different from his image in Zhenbei City.

She will never forget how hard the Dragon Clan worked in the great battle, trying to put Lin Fei to death.

Countless dragon monks were terrified and knelt down to beg for mercy.

But Cai Beiyu didn't even blink his eyelids. As soon as his icy eyes turned, Kunpeng flew together and turned into yin and yang fish to fix the whole city.

She swept her sleeves away, and the sky filled with rays of light gathered like a river rushing forward.

Among them are all kinds of natural and earthly treasures, as well as various weapons and armors, all of which were included in the space ring by Cai Beiyu.


The Yin-Yang Diagram of Tai Chi collapsed the eternal blue sky and fell heavily.

"Cai Beiyu, you must die!"

"We are guilty, what about the young children in the city? Are they guilty too?!"

"Cai Beiyu, you will be condemned by God!"

Amidst the screams and curses, Cai Beiyu had already moved the Zixiawu wooden boat, and disappeared in place.

All the sounds stopped abruptly, and the entire city exploded, turning into powder with a radius of ten thousand li.

There is no mercy whatsoever.

"If you really care about the young children in the clan so much, then you shouldn't be an enemy of Tianzun from the beginning."

"Why do you have to be merciful when you win and kill all humans and Kunpeng?"


Lin Fei no longer suppressed his cultivation, and even if he ushered in another thunder disaster.

Despite the unparalleled momentum, and the figures among the three thunderbolts took the initiative to fight Lin Fei, but...everyone in Zhenbei City was surprisingly calm.


All the residents in the city had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and it almost caused a sensation in the residents of the entire city, watching this scene with excitement and anticipation.

It's so exciting for Wansheng Tianzun to fight against his own Sanqing Thunder Tribulation!

The atmosphere in Zhenbei City is very strange. It seems that the people in the city are not doing their jobs, and they have become a strong crowd of onlookers eating melons.

"Porridge with melon seeds and peanuts, beer and mineral water! Hey, brother, please save your legs."

"Brother, how about buying some snacks and watching while eating?"

"This catastrophe is nothing short of... Master Beipeng, you are a strong man at the peak of Jinxian, what will happen if you go in and overcome the catastrophe?"

"What do you mean? If you want me to die, can you just tell me?"

The city seemed extremely lively, and monks could be seen sitting and watching Lin Fei's tribulation everywhere.Even the vast majority of people still hold all kinds of food and drinks, like eating popcorn and drinking Coke in a movie theater.

From time to time, some people exclaimed, shocked by the grand scene of catastrophe again and again, and there were many discussions.

I really can't blame these "cinema audiences" for making noise.

The scene is really too exaggerated.

The blue and green, pure and pure thunder figure, sacrificed Yu Ruyi to make Jiuxiao Fenglei violently shake, destroying everything.But Lin Fei just greeted him with a punch, smashing Yu Ruyi to pieces...

Fiercely messed up.

A group of monks from all races who came to Zhenbei City to surrender and apologize saw this scene, and they were stunned and their scalps went numb.Some even felt weak and trembling all over, almost thinking that they were going to die under the endless pressure.

In contrast, the monks in Zhenbei City already seemed extremely calm and calm.

If you ask them why they are so calm, they will probably get a consistent answer: just get used to it.

Without any suspense, Lin Fei survived this tribulation.Blue, white, and black rays of light enveloped it, exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, and there were also three colors of thunder converging like a long river, rushing past like horses, tearing apart the void for thousands of miles.

Among them, there are crackling thunder lights of three colors, filling the void.

The golden nature in Lin Fei's primordial spirit became stronger and stronger, both the primordial spirit and the physical body were greatly baptized, and there was a shining precious light on the body, dormant with a terrifying power that would destroy the world.If it weren't for the fine-grained power control, I'm afraid that just moving a finger casually can cause a large space to explode.

He looked at the scene created by exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, and then he punched out, allowing the void filled with thunder to heal and turn into a normal space.

Among the Shuilanxing people, a middle-aged science man once again felt that the three views were torn to pieces, pushed down the frame of his glasses, and muttered to himself: "I'm damn...a punch, the collapsed wave function can Restoration... Isn't this the omnipotent God of Creation in mythology?!"

And when Lin Fei returned to Zhenbei City, a large group of monks from different races who pleaded guilty and surrendered had already knelt down outside the city.

They were all trembling, with their heads buried on the ground, dripping with cold sweat. They were deeply shocked by the power of Lin Feidujie before, and none of them dared to raise their heads.

Only the leaders of various ethnic groups bit the bullet and spoke.

"The Xuanhu Clan is willing to surrender!"

"The Sky-Splitting Demon Butterfly is willing to surrender!"

"The Phoenix clan is willing to surrender!"

"The Golden Crow tribe is willing to surrender!"


"I'm willing to pay all the price to compensate, I just ask Tianzun to calm down, don't kill them all!"

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