I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1108 Two masters and apprentices, reflecting the multiverse


"He's back to the ultimate way." Heavenly Emperor Jun sighed softly, with a slightly complicated expression on his face.

"It's just the ultimate way, and it's not about returning to the inner universe. I'm afraid he won't succeed?" Donghuang Taiyi sneered.

Di Jun was silent for a while, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid we are running out of time. Lin Fei and Ye Daoran will have a battle. No matter who swallows the other party, you and I will have no chance."

Tai Yi frowned, and said a little annoyed: "Then what do you think should be done?"

Di Jun responded with silence, causing his heart to slowly sink to the bottom.

In the sky outside the sky.

Sanqing stared at the sky, all smiling—even the Master Tongtian of Shangqing, who had always been chilling and cold, had an inconspicuous arc on his mouth.

"The emperor of chaos has returned to the ultimate way, and it seems that there is hope to resist the six demons." Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun was full of emotion, stroked his gray beard, "I have been waiting for this moment for too long. It's a pity that I can't bring the Pangu banner to help , otherwise it will be a win-win situation.”

"Not necessarily." Taiqing Daode Tianzun restrained his smile, and his face became serious, "Six Dao Demon Venerable has been silent for so long, I am afraid that when he returns, he will be at the peak of the extreme path. If others have such a leading position in the realm of practice That’s all, it’s not worth it in front of the emperor, but..."

Master Tongtian of Shangqing answered in a cold voice: "That is Demon Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Lord of the Original Darkness, Terminator of the Multiverse, and the only fateful enemy of the Ten Thousand Saints."

The two looked at him a little longer, and Yuanshi Tianzun smiled and said, "It's rare for you to talk so much."

The leader of the Tongtian religion looked at it coldly and did not respond.

But at this moment, the expressions of the three extreme peak powerhouses all changed, and they looked at the nothingness high in a little shock.

Another round of grand and blazing scorching sun rose slowly, unexpectedly facing the scorching sun representing Lin Fei across the sky.

It seems to be greeting, and it seems to be provocative.

One round of scorching sun enveloped the endless chaotic energy, and another round of scorching sun turned into a deep majesty.

Stand up to each other, don't fall behind!

Sanqing actually felt that the scorching sun transformed by the Primordial Meng was familiar and familiar, as if something in the dark was calling him.

"That's... the Emperor's disciple, Lin Yuan? Has he been reborn from the existence of concepts?!" Yuanshi Tianzun's pupils froze slightly, realizing that the direction of things seemed to be different from what he imagined, and there was a big problem.

"It's not good, I'm afraid that the snipe and the clam will fight for the fisherman's benefit!" Daode Tianzun also had a serious expression.

Master Tongtian didn't say anything, but his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Yuanshi Tianzun pinched his fingers and counted, and the stars seemed to be disillusioned in his eyes, and he was already observing the highest level of fate.

"Stop!" Daode Tianzun's face changed slightly, and he immediately wanted to dissuade him.

But it was too late.

"Pfft!" Yuanshi Tianzun coughed out a mouthful of blood, and scarlet blood leaked from his eye sockets.

"It's okay." He waved his hand, indicating that he doesn't need to take it to heart, but said with emotion, "Although I expected that I wouldn't be able to spy on it, but I would never be reconciled if I didn't try it."

Jump out of cause and effect, not in fate.Everything about their future is impossible to predict.

Both Lin Fei and Lin Yuan were like this.

"If it is possible, I really want to kill Honghuang, and I will meet the emperor's proud disciple." Tongtian Sect Master said coldly.

"It's a pity that it won't happen." Yuanshi Tianzun sighed, which was a bit demoralizing, "Not to mention whether we can ascend to the prehistoric world, the existence of Lin Yuan itself... has a great cause and effect with us, I'm afraid a little If it is contaminated, there is a danger of eternal doom."

The existence of Sanqing comes from the three-way solution of Hongjun, the strongest in the universe and the strongest innate demon god within half a step.And the existence of Hongjun itself is part of the origin of Hongmeng.

Tracing back to the source, they and Lin Yuan really had a great cause and effect.If it happens, it's really hard to say what the outcome will be.But in the end, it is more ominous than ominous, and it is even possible to be swallowed.

On the other side, Dijun and Taiyi looked at each other after a brief shock.

"Changes have appeared." Di Jun took a deep breath, his eyes burning, "If the two of them can die together..."

Tai Yi said in a deep voice: "You and I are the closest existence in the entire multiverse to the inner universe."

The extreme powerhouses of the entire multiverse are all drawn to the sight of the two scorching suns shining in the sky, thinking about each other.

The direction of this battle may affect the future of the entire multiverse.


After a brief confrontation, the two scorching suns shining on the entire multiverse finally dissipated without a trace.

"Lin Yuan." Lin Fei sighed softly, already knowing what he was thinking.

Lin Yuan can reverse the evolution of chaos, or forward the evolution of the original darkness, but in the end it is only evolution, not a complete change in nature.As if destined by fate, the moment he becomes a strong man in the inner universe, his astonishing cultivation will be disintegrated, and he will return to the way of heaven.

And the way to break this fate is clearly in front of Lin Yuan.

Swallow the original darkness or the source of chaos, and open up the inner universe without sacrificing yourself!

Lin Fei was silent for a moment, and his expression finally returned to calm.

Since this is Lin Yuan's choice, then let him do it. It's time for the grievance between master and apprentice to come to an end.

At the moment when all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, the whole sky on the other side was full of trembling and panic.

The aura of the extremely strong man radiated, even giving countless creatures the illusion that they were on the verge of death.


Lin Fei snapped his fingers lightly.


The entire sky on the other side roared and trembled, once again setting off monstrous waves in the East China Sea.From all directions, more large pieces of light gathered like a tide.

Immortal medicines, avenue spiritual roots, and immortal mines that were difficult to obtain sprang up from the ground, and even the precious resources in the three capital cities were not spared, and all of them were incorporated into the space ring by Lin Fei.

The power of the extreme way, what can be given and what can be taken away, no one in the world dare not follow.

"Suppressing and waiting for ten thousand years is the last kindness." Lin Fei said lightly.

Faced with such torture, all the golden fairies in the other side of Tiandu were overjoyed and thanked one after another.

"Thank you for your forgiveness!"

Although ten thousand years of torture is long and painful, it is infinitely better than eternal torture.

With Lin Fei's palm, everything in the field was frozen.

He didn't even look at the many golden fairies, and stepped out with one step, thousands of auspicious colors fell down, real dragons, unicorns, phoenixes and other visions appeared, guarding them in the center.A golden avenue spreads out in the sky, and the celestial flowers on both sides are swaying and blooming, revealing their fragrance.

What's more, the sound of heaven is peaceful and sacred, and thousands of flowers rain down crystal clear.

It seems to be welcoming the birth of a very strong man.

He took a step forward, and his figure had already passed through the gap in Tiandu on the other side.

There is only one avenue of golden light in the sky, running through the sky of the entire Primordial Continent.

Wherever the golden light passed, thousands of people knelt down and bowed in reverence and fear, shaking and trembling under the aura of the extremely powerful man.

For the upcoming battle, Lin Yuan has given the utmost respect and is fully prepared.

Then it was Lin Fei's turn.

He wants to forge Tian Sin into an extreme emperor soldier.

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