I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1110 Refining Extreme Dao Emperor Armament

Cai Beiyu looked at her cheerful smile, but was silent for a moment.

She sighed slightly, her eyes were a little confused, and she said slightly, "I envy you."

Cai Beiyu didn't expect Empress Yaoguang to hold her hand, patted her gently, and said softly, "We can be sisters."


Cai Beiyu shook his head and smiled, and was about to say something when he saw Empress Yaoguang's serious face.

She seemed to understand something, and her heart jumped wildly: "You mean..."

Empress Yaoguang smiled calmly, and said softly, "Ping Wife."

The majestic ancestor Kunpeng trembled all over at this moment.

"Lin Fei is very busy and has too many burdens on his shoulders." On the contrary, Empress Yaoguang continued, "From being an enemy of all races, to now facing the challenge of Lin Yuan, and the coming of the Demon Lord of the Six Paths in the future... ...."

"So it's normal to neglect you and me. He is in such a glorious position, and he cannot afford to fail. Once he loses power, not only the people around him, but also the entire multiverse will be in disaster."

Cai Beiyu didn't say anything, just looked deeply at the woman in front of him.Even though he is no longer an immortal emperor, he still has an unspeakable bearing.

"So——" Empress Yaoguang smiled, "He actually likes you, but in this situation, he has no time to take care of his children's love, so he neglected you and me."

Her eyes were as clear as water, and she looked directly at Cai Beiyu: "Sincerity is the most touching thing, isn't it? If he misses you, I'm afraid I will feel sorry for him too."

The majestic ancestor Kunpeng was so shocked that he was speechless at this moment.After a long while, she sighed with complex expression: "You and Ji Yaoguang... are simply two people. Can you be so different in the past and present?"

Empress Yaoguang just shook her head, brushed a few stray strands of hair behind her ears, and said softly: "Different circumstances create different personalities and views, that's all."

She looked in the direction of the sun again, with a smile as warm as Meng Xia's acacia blooming: "I...as long as he likes, he can do anything."

Cai Beiyu was silent for a while, his eyes dimmed: "You are right in saying that now is not the time for children to love each other. It's a pity that with my level of cultivation, I can no longer do anything for him."

She clenched her fists secretly.

Empress Yaoguang was also silent.

After a while, she let out a faint sigh.

"Me too."

The two looked at each other, they could empathize with each other, and they both laughed.


The moment Lin Fei took out the Heavenly Sin, the latter had completely melted and turned into liquid metal.

Even if he hadn't pushed the river-like liquid metal into the chaotic lotus pond in time, it might have evaporated completely on the spot.

The high temperature brought by the real fire of the sun is too terrifying, and ordinary golden immortals will be wiped out physically and mentally if they touch it.Even if the sin of heaven can be called the number one golden fairy treasure in the prehistoric continent, it is extremely difficult to bear.

The looting of the entire Paradise Capital also meant that the resources in Lin Fei's hands were extremely terrifying.

The red blood dragon pattern fairy gold, the innate god pattern spirit stone, and the Zerg avenue crystal are extremely precious resources in the eyes of the three innate races.Except for the Heavenly Capital on the other side, only the universe where the three races are located can produce.

Although it is also the material for refining the Golden Immortal Artifact, but fortunately, it has the nature of reaching the level of the Dao, and can be refined and purified to be sublimated into the material of the Supreme Emperor.

Of course, this refining ratio is ridiculously low - only one hundred catties of Dao Xianjin can produce two or two extreme Dao materials.

Fortunately, these fairy mines are ridiculously heavy, almost the size of a palm, weighing about [-] catties.

Heavy, with extraordinary texture.


Lin Fei was like a nouveau riche, a large amount of fairy gold poured out from the space ring, all of which melted instantly under the real fire of the sun.

After a rough estimate, it weighs about 400 million catties.

In other words, if you practice extreme materials, you can still have [-] jin.

With the addition of a few fist-sized pole materials, the weapon itself should weigh ninety-eight thousand kilograms.

Compared with Tiandi Jun's Taichu Hongmeng Ruler, it is almost as light as a feather-after all, the latter is a full 60 trillion tons, which is slightly heavier than the entire earth.

Of course, it is impossible for such an exaggerated weight to come from extreme materials.That's unrealistic, even if the entire multiverse is wiped out, there won't be so many polar materials.

The Jidao Immortal Mine is only the core material, but it is not all that is needed to create the Jidao Emperor Armament. What is more important is the Taoism engraved in it, which is closely related to the Immortal Emperor's own understanding of Da Luo's good fortune.

In addition, there are various ways to sublimate the strength of the Jidao Emperor Armament - such as the soul of the weapon, such as rare special energy.

Like Beihai Soul Martial, it is an excellent growth tool soul; and looking at the multiverse, there is no more perfect special energy than Chaos, Primordial, and Original Darkness.

In Dijun's innate primordial ruler, there are 99 phoenix souls, and there is also a ray of innate primordial aura.


With a wave of Lin Fei's hand, a thin layer of chaotic mist enveloped 400 million jin of liquid metal, protecting them from evaporating.

The misty mist condensed into a melting furnace, and the liquid fairy gold in it burst into immeasurable fairy light, rising violently.

From the perspective of the Great Desolate Continent, it was as if a brilliant beam of light suddenly burst out from the surface of the sun, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

Under the refinement of extreme power and the real fire of the sun, the liquid fairy gold boiled and trembled, and the essence condensed in one place, spewing out a large amount of dull and godless waste impurities, which were instantly reduced to ashes in the burning wither...

After all the materials at the Golden Immortal level were exhausted, Lin Fei already had ninety-eight thousand catties of extreme materials in his hands.

At this time, even under the burning of the real fire on the surface of the sun, it is difficult for these materials to change.

Without hesitation, Lin Fei swept his sleeves away, wrapped in the Immortal Gold of the Extreme Dao, and jumped down the hole on the surface of the sun!

Although he jumped down the pothole, all he could see was raging flames.Not only did it not have the slightest hint of darkness, but it was even so bright that it made his primordial spirit's eyes ache slightly.

As Lin Fei got deeper and deeper, the temperature became even more frightening.

He stopped at the bottom of this pothole, even his whole body was shrouded in a thick chaotic mist, and he was even more protected by the body protection fairy.

Even so, Lin Fei felt the heat wave, and began to sweat like a mortal exposed to the scorching sun.

But that was all. Although it was uncomfortable, it failed to cause him any harm.

Lin Fei used all his strength to mobilize the immortal essence of the extreme dao, and mobilized the real fire of the sun to forge the prototype of the emperor soldier of the extreme dao.

And in the process, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and amidst the roar of the Dao sound, phantoms of the heavens and worlds burst out from his body.

If you look closely, it is not a phantom of myriad worlds at all, but a manifestation of runes!

Lin Fei lived for [-] million years.

The cultivation system was founded by him.

Looking at the heavens and the world, how can there be any principles that he has not comprehended?

At this moment, all of them must be imprinted on the emperor soldiers of the extreme way!

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