I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1130 Zhuxian Sword Formation, up!

This is the frightening thing about the Kunpeng Clan.

If fighting alone, Yong Yehou has the confidence to defeat Cai Beipeng.Although he will pay a heavy price, he firmly believes that the opponent will die at the last moment.

Similarly, Marquis Changming also had the confidence to kill Cai Xu.

But Cai Beipeng and Cai Xu teamed up, and the power they created was too terrifying. They even pressed the two demons on the ground and rubbed them, putting their lives in danger!

Fortunately, their side had the upper hand on the entire battlefield, and immediately a golden fairy strongman from the sky demon world came to his aid, barely resisting the yin-yang life-and-death diagram.

The two Demon Lords were shocked and angry, never expecting such a result.

The current situation is very obvious, the three Golden Immortal Realm powerhouses must join forces, even including the two strongest Demon Lords, in order to compete against Cai Beipeng and Cai Xu.

The battlefield here is full of brilliance, and all kinds of magical powers are fully displayed, which is extremely mysterious.

There was the roar of cannons, and a majestic pillar of black and yellow light burst out like a waterfall, distorting the void;

There are yin and yang qi rushing wildly, and life and death, mass energy, time and space, movement and stillness, etc. are all powerful forces that wreak havoc;

A fierce tiger stood up, opened his mouth, and there was a burst of innate emptiness, like a hundred feet of horses, smashing fiercely on the Yin-Yang diagram, making it tremble and shake;

There are thousands of golden fairy sword-like Peng Yu lasing, tearing the void, colliding with the enemy's killing technique, the sound of gold and iron intersecting is deafening, causing the mountain to collapse into powder...

But it was such a magnificent, epic battle that brought together two heavenly demons and golden immortals from two high planes and one supreme plane, but it still failed to attract much attention.

All because there was an even more terrifying duel on this prehistoric continent.

In the eyes of many extreme powerhouses, compared with Lin Fei and Lin Yuan's master-student battle, the battle of these tiny ants is not worth mentioning at all.

People may have nothing to do, have a random idea, and watch a group of ants fighting with great interest.But when you see two world-class boxing champions fighting for their lives in the street, why would you pay more attention to the ants?

At this time, the master and the apprentice had already displayed all kinds of supernatural powers, and they were simply dazzled by many extreme powerhouses.

From the initial shock, it has turned into numbness.

"How many tricks do they have?" Tai Yi even asked helplessly, feeling that everything was outrageous and endless.

First of all, he played "The Extinction of Heaven and Earth" in an understatement, so that the empress of the Shura tribe who admired the strong most and was so extreme that she was so overwhelmed on the spot, she couldn't wait to surrender to those two men immediately!

Immediately afterwards, the Wanhua Lingjue was evolved to the extreme, and even a large star field was formed with a single palm, and a black hole was born with a single punch. Recombine the build.

A total of ten superpowers from the Xiantian Spirit Clan all had amazing expressions. They all looked at the Xiantian Spirit Venerable in unison, as if asking him if the old man could do it?

Of course, asking Ling Zun if they can do it naturally means that they can't do it to this extent.

Even if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't know that Wanhua Lingju could be deduced to such a high level!

"Cough!" Xiantian Lingzun coughed dryly, changed the topic, and said with a straight face pretending to be serious, "Look carefully, study more, and try to make breakthroughs again!"

But before they observed and guessed something new, the master and apprentice changed their tactics again.

murderous look!

Turn into a substantial beam of light soaring into the sky!

The pitch-black sword intent and killing intent are entangled and intertwined, indistinguishable from each other, filled with the most ferocious and destructive aura, filling the space between heaven and earth.

Tianwaitian, Master Tongtian of Shangqing saw this scene and moved his lips slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

But after all, he closed his mouth and didn't say anything, but there was a trace of turbulent emotion in his eyes.

The two Daoist priests also glanced at him, and then looked at each other, both smiling.

The "Shangqing Tongtian Dao Jing" has appeared, will it be far from their appearance?

But at the next moment, the two Daoist priests couldn't laugh anymore, their eyes widened on the spot, and they almost pulled their beards off!


On the battlefield, clang and clang of swords resounded, as grand and incomparable as the sound of heaven and earth, shaking people's hearts.

Beside Lin Fei and Lin Yuan, the black destructive aura condensed with killing intent and sword intent suddenly condensed at a very high speed, turning into four immortal swords.

The first sword has boundless killing intent, showing its sharpness, as if it can penetrate the barriers of the universe;

The second sword is filled with the breath of endless defeat and destruction, carrying the law of "death" to the end;

The third sword glowed red, panicked and confused, and made people feel uneasy, as if they had seen the most weird and evil existence;

The fourth sword is somewhat similar to the crime of heaven, ever-changing, turning into a sword, gun, sword, halberd, fan, and whip from time to time, mysterious and unpredictable, giving people a sense of inability to figure out.

Each sword has the size of a mountain peak, and thousands of dao patterns emerge in it, forming an illusory pattern.

"It's too much, it's too fucking too much!"

An immortal emperor couldn't bear it any longer, all manners were gone, and he just exploded violently!

And after he took the lead, there were extreme powerhouses on all planes who cursed loudly.

"Jade Immortal Sword Formation can simulate evolution, are you going to destroy the entire multiverse one day?!"

"Your uncle, the first killing array of Heavenly Dao doesn't want to lose face, and this directly deduces its Dao Yun?!"

"Beast...beast! Desperate!"

Even the leader of Shangqing Tongtian was silent, and he simply didn't know what to say.

The two mastered the power of extreme dao, which has reached a heinous level, and even perfectly deduced the dao rhyme that constructed the Zhuxian sword formation.

Of course, it's just the evolution of their respective mighty powers, so the might can't be compared with the real Zhuxian Sword Formation, but... this is already very unreasonable.

The Lingbao, which was born innately from the multiverse and has not been refined, is itself a part of the origin of the universe and has irreproducibility.

Let's make some sense, how can we evolve the Heavenly Dao Killing Formation transformed by the origin of the universe?

Well, if you think about it carefully, it seems that this pair of master and apprentice has never made any sense...

Some truths do not make sense at all when they are applied to them.

"Execution Immortal Sword Formation! Get up!"

The eight star points went straight to the zenith, then broke through the latitude barrier, and rushed into the high latitude. In the next moment, eight extremely huge swords fell from the sky, covering the entire range of hundreds of thousands of miles. in.

The all-diversified extremely powerful people were dumbfounded, unable to speak at all, and their hearts were chaotic like thousands of alpacas galloping past.

what?Tiandao's first killing formation can also be mass-produced, and two Zhuxian sword formations are directly assembled? !

The two formations overlapped, and a majestic mist filled it. It seemed to be mist, but it was actually billions of sharp swords that were as micro as quantum, surging vertically and horizontally.

This is, Zhuxian Sword Qi.

Tongtian's expression was slightly exciting.

At this moment, the master and apprentice seemed like the most terrifying counterfeit goods manufacturers in the entire multiverse.

Even this "unscrupulous copycat businessman" advertised to all the diverse extreme powerhouses.

The effect is outstanding.

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