I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1132 Is there any last words?

Lin Fei and Lin Yuan's extreme bodies were shattered, and the terrifying power of extinction of the Three Realms trembled and spread throughout their bodies.

The previous confrontation between Chaos and Hongmeng had already caused the Taoist bodies of the two to have problems.Immediately afterwards, the defense was disintegrated by Shenwei, who had seen the sun and disarmed. Both of them went forward indomitably, and brought into full play the domineering spirit of Shura's divine art of attacking but not defending, advancing but not retreating, and living to death.

At this moment, the bones of the two of them were shattered inch by inch, without a single inch of intact flesh and blood.

It's a posture of going to die together.

Donghuang applauded after seeing it, but the emperor was silent.

Both of them mastered the principles of life and mysterious medical skills, but they did not choose to consume infinite immortal energy to restore their dilapidated bodies of the extreme way.

The existence of the Immortal Emperor is equivalent to the volume of an infinite plane of the universe.To restore his body that was on the brink of destruction, the loss of immortal energy is simply incalculable.

Not to mention, it is still a perfect Chaos and Primordial Dao Body.

Not to mention, the terrifying destructive energy that wiped out the Three Realms was still raging inside the two of them.

Both of them abandoned their extreme bodies, and their primordial spirits came out of their bodies to fight again!

When the illusory and transparent two primordial spirits came out of the body, the heaven and the earth seemed to be frozen, only the figures of the two carried infinite sword intent, and kept climbing as if there was no end!

Sword 23!

Heavenly Sword Intent!

One step at a time is reaching the sky—what is the end?

As the fight between the master and the apprentice became more and more fierce, and it was gradually coming to an end, many extreme powerhouses held their breath and watched the battle between the two.

At the same time, when the battle situation reached such an anxious and dangerous moment, the forces under the two men were completely panicked.

No one wants the supreme existence they are loyal to to perish, otherwise all that awaits them is eternal doom!

The flustered mood completely shrouded the battlefields of many golden immortals.

At this time, Li Ba was covered in blood, and there were cut and torn wounds everywhere, and there were even broken Peng Yu Kun scales stuck in it.

He roared like a beast, and his whole body shook violently.

"Chi Chi Chi—"

Broken feather scales burst out of his body, smashing the space to pieces.

"Pfft!" Li Ba pulled out the blood-stained golden peng feather on his chest with both hands, the blood was rushing, but he roared regardless: "Fight it!"

"Time is running out, if you don't do anything, this battle will be over! Don't be so fucking greedy for life and fear of death to suppress the fleet, attack and break the fleet!"

"It doesn't matter if you destroy the false imperial soldiers, even if someone is unlucky and dies here, it doesn't matter! If the Lord of War wins, our family will also be blessed!"

Such words are really like a decision that a reckless man can make.

But even Yong Yehou had to admit that the simple and rude style of this reckless man was actually the most correct choice.

That's right.If you don't do something, you have no chance.

Rather than resigning themselves to fate and waiting for the final result of the battle between Lin Fei and Lin Yuan, they were more willing to fight to the death.

Cai Beiyu, who was coughing up blood, heard this, his bloodless cheeks became even paler, and immediately rushed towards the Daoyun fleet.


Thirty-six Jinxian powerhouses made their moves, and there were even two pseudo-extreme emperor soldiers.

A Qinglian Lingtian Jedi with only four or five petals left, a large piece of clear light gushed out from behind the broken plant, condensing and piecing together the lower half of the lotus.The dense root system is like a net of heaven and earth, and it shoots down directly towards Dao Yun's fleet.

There was also a small black jade pagoda that swelled in the wind, turned into a star-sized fall, and smashed fiercely at the fleet, completely in a posture of burning jade and stone.

The energy storm raged on the field, and many golden immortals showed their supernatural powers. It was chaotic for a while, and there were even a large number of scenes of accidentally injuring comrades.

The yin-yang and Taiji diagrams were torn apart, and the two golden immortals of the Kunpeng clan were knocked out;

There was a big monster who was completely destroyed on the spot, and even a little bit of gold was crushed by the ruthless Cai Beiyu;

The Jinxian Xuanhuang ship exploded with a bang, and the Xuanhuang and Huangqi filled the air. Among them, the proud disciples of Kunpeng and Cai Beiyu in the Celestial Wonderland died so simply and silently that they didn't even leave a last word;

A heavenly demon was swallowed by the death storm created by the big collision, screaming pitifully, barely escaping with only a little bit of gold...

The entire fleet trembled violently, even if the energy reserve of the Daoyun ship was consumed rapidly, it seemed that it would be difficult to resist such power.

Even if it is a pseudo-emperor soldier without the imprint of the extreme law, its material is still there.On the spot, several Tianxian Daoyun ships exploded into gorgeous fireworks, forcing Ye Wudi to fill up with spare warships to forcefully maintain the existence of the Daoyun network.

However, the fact that the Pseudo-Emperor Armament was not damaged does not mean that the cultivator who activated it was safe and sound in the energy fluctuations, and all suffered trauma to varying degrees.

The scene was extremely chaotic, and everyone was gnashing their teeth and fighting.

The Tianxian Daoyun ship launched a counterattack, and countless shells condensed by Daoyun Xuanguang blasted out.

And in this chaos, Yong Yehou's eyes suddenly lit up, revealing a cold and cruel smile.

He saw the figure of Empress Yaoguang.

No, more precisely, it should be her reincarnation, Ji Yaoguang.

Yong Yehou, together with the three powerful demons, wanted to forcibly repel the two golden immortals protecting Ji Yaoguang, all they wanted was to take her down.

At that moment, darkness enveloped, and Ji Yaoguang's face turned pale.

Cai Beiyu's pupils shrank slightly, and subconsciously wanted to leave the entangled Li Ba behind and go to help, but stopped abruptly.

A thought flashed through her mind.

A thought that made Cai Beiyu feel extremely guilty, but he couldn't suppress it.

"If Ji Yaoguang dies, then Tianzun and I..."

Now she has two choices.

One is to turn a blind eye and continue to fight Li Ba to the death, trying to annihilate this powerful enemy in one fell swoop.

The second is to save Ji Yaoguang, who is in danger, at the risk of being raided from behind by such a strong man.

In the blink of an eye, Cai Beiyu has already made her choice.



Under Lin Fei's palm, Lin Yuan's primordial spirit flickered, illusory and ethereal.There is also a surge of white spiritual light, trying to dissolve this mighty force.

Similarly, he also punched Lin Fei back.

Just with this punch, Lin Yuan's expression changed.

a trace.

A trace of energy deviated and escaped, failing to hit Lin Fei.

It doesn't even count as a trace of energy. If you have to say it, it can probably kill a mosquito or ant.

But it was such a negligible amount of energy dissipation that made Lin Yuan's primordial spirit feel cold for a while.

"You have fallen from your peak state." Lin Fei said in a deep voice, with a complicated expression on his face, "It's a pity, if you are given another 3000 years, you should be able to fill in the last gap."

Until now, Lin Fei's fine-grained control of power is still impeccable, perfect to the extreme.

And even though Lin Yuan only lost a trace of strength, it already meant that he was no longer perfect.

No matter how outstanding the talent is, and standing on the shoulders of predecessors, one can accept Lin Fei and Ye Daoran's [-] million years of inheritance without their own experience.

But he was...too young after all.

Even if it is to digest the accumulation given by the two, even if Lin Fei has paved the way for him layer by layer so that he can obtain the maximum benefit in the shortest time, the more than 4000 years he has lived in the two lifetimes is far from enough.

and so--

"Is there any last words?" Lin Fei sighed softly.

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