I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1137 Heaven's Check and Balance Technique

In the deep and dark void.

Ye Daoran's body shape and appearance fluctuate, sometimes he is a white-haired old man with vicissitudes of life, sometimes he is a little boy no more than five or six years old, sometimes he is a vigorous and strong young man, and sometimes he simply becomes a flirtatious and charming woman.

Even not only the image of a human being, but also the form of an orc, a zerg, a unicorn, a phoenix, a yaksha, etc.

It seems that it can be any life form, or it can not be any life form.

"The law of heaven has nothing to do with me, how dare you stop me?" Ye Daoran turned into a silver-haired young man with a handsome appearance that was almost monstrous.The eye sockets are deep and sunken, and a pair of purple pupils are like crystals.

His voice was deep and magnetic, as if he was mocking Sanqing Taoist's overreach.

"It's just moving according to the sky." Yuqing's face remained unchanged, and she answered very calmly.

"That's true," Ye Daoran raised his head and looked at the endless deep darkness, "If I return to the inner universe before Lin Fei, its position of ruling over multiples will be in jeopardy."

After a pause, the corner of his mouth curved into a mocking arc: "It's scared."

The "it" here obviously refers to the multiple ways of heaven.

The scene Tiandao would like to see the most is of course that Lin Fei and Ye Daoran died together, and no one can shake its position since then.The second is that the two are evenly matched, and neither can do anything to the other, restricting each other.

And the worst case scenario...is a single family.No matter which one of the two, defeating and devouring the other is something that Heaven will never tolerate!

Therefore, Daoist Sanqing, who had been afraid of karma all his life, suddenly found that the Dao of Heaven no longer held back them in the slightest.

It is for the three of them to join hands to sacrifice the Pangu flag and trap Ye Daoran.

Buy time for Lin Fei.

"This is checking and balancing!" Yuanshi Tianzun sighed inwardly, clearly realizing this.

"Why don't you rely on me, overthrow this day, and rule the multiverse together?" Ye Daoran showed a sinister smile, showing no awe.

Daoist Sanqing suddenly changed his face, and looked at the dark sky above his head almost at the same time.

But it was quiet, nothing.

"Don't look at it, if the sky thunder works, then Lin Fei and I will die long ago." Ye Daoran seemed to see through their thoughts, and continued to instigate, "Think about it? I can promise you that if I become the supreme ruler in the future, Your status is second only to mine."

Taiqing Daode Tianzun sneered, flicked his sleeves and said: "Ye Daoran, put away your tricks, I would rather die than help the evildoers!"

"What a pity." Ye Daoran sighed softly, and spread his hands helplessly, "Then I have to kill you first."

He raised two fingers, standing like a sword.


His size skyrocketed instantly, turning into the appearance of a middle-aged man who is [-] meters.A head of long white hair, like a lion's mane, and like countless steel needles, exploded in all directions, extremely aggressive.

Not only that, Ye Daoran's muscles all over his body swelled suddenly, shattering and tearing his clothes instantly.

"This is Shura's ultimate intention—"


Ye Daoran's aura suddenly changed, his eyes were as red as blood, and strands of red light flowed from the corners of his eyes.

With a punch, a gigantic body of Dharma form appeared behind him in an instant.

Nine heads and thousands of eyes, fire from the mouth, nine hundred and ninety hands, eight legs, and a body four times taller than Mount Sumeru.

At this moment, thousands of Buddha's chanting voices sounded, and the dark golden light broke through the void.Whether it be the voice of chanting scriptures, or the appearance of the Buddha or Shura, they all combine evil and weirdness with solemnity, very much like the evil Buddha believed by the demon monk.

Daoist Sanqing looked solemn, and saw the nine hundred and ninety dark golden hands of the dharma figure move together, making the sky full of fist shadows the size of a millstone.

Every golden fist mark is as heavy and terrifying as a star, and there is even a phantom of the world emerging from it.


Pan Gu's flag fluttered against the wind, bursting out with infinite chaotic breath.Under Yuanshi Tianzun's vigorous swing, the vast and chaotic breath brushed past like a long river, affecting countless dark golden fist shadows.


Amidst the continuous loud noises, the waves of chaos were smashed and dispersed, and the shadow of the dark golden fist also dissipated.

The battle was about to break out, and the blue, white and black rays of light intertwined, urging the Pangu banner to kill Ye Daoran.

In an instant, the Tower of Reincarnation burst into light, and six phantom-like reincarnation patterns flashed around.

Daoist Sanqing's pupils contracted sharply, and he suddenly found that Ye Daoran was fighting three against one, not only did not lose the wind at all, he even looked like he was able to handle it with ease.

Behind him, there is a picture of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. The bones are piled up into mountains, and the torrent of blood is roaring like a river.There was also the howling and weeping of countless dead souls, all of which condensed into Ye Daoran's monstrous killing karma, and just that fierce aura made them feel faint pain all over their bodies.

Ye Daoran is respected as the "Demon Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation", and his mastery of the six realms of reincarnation has naturally reached the point where he is alone in the entire multiverse.Just looking at the terrifying evil spirit and the perfect pinnacle of Asura killing skills, Daoist Sanqing almost guessed the secret behind it.

"You yourself have entered reincarnation, this is what you look like reincarnated into the Shura tribe?!" The Master of Shangqing Tongtian turned cold, and found that the opponent's killing intent was even more terrifying than him.

No, to be precise, that was no longer a killing intent.

Instead, he practiced some kind of killing sorcery. The more he killed, the stronger his strength, and the fiercer his vicious aura, which could not be concealed.

"That's right." Ye Daoran was extremely domineering. He repelled the Daode Tianzun with a sharp palm, and "boomed" with Yuanshi Tianzun.

"In the virtual reincarnation, I slaughtered the entire Shura Dao! Yasha, Rakshasa, and Shura, there is not one left!"

"King Yasha and King Shura are all vulnerable. Only the Raksha clan has a suzerain, which is still a figure, but unfortunately they can't stop me."

He showed a strange smile, and said in a low voice, "Even if it's not for any reason, killing a life itself is a pleasure."

As soon as Ye Daoran's words fell, the power of the six realms immediately rotated, covering the Taiqing Daode Tianzun in an instant, turning the latter into a...sheep.

Tongtian and Yuanshi changed their faces instantly, followed by a chaotic torrent rushing past, allowing Daode Tianzun to return to his original form.

During a battle, Ye Daoran even showed six clones, each with different powers, like a fictional character in an anime of an island country, with comprehensive, balanced and powerful abilities.

The image of Daoist Sanqing is even more volatile under the power of reincarnation, sometimes as a ferocious yaksha, sometimes as a pig, dog, cattle and sheep, sometimes as an immortal, and sometimes as a hungry ghost.

Even if it weren't for the protection of Pangu Banner, the three of them would have already been cut off from their Dao Fruit, and entered reincarnation and rebirth!

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