I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1141 The way of heaven has a purpose, to punish Ye Daoran together

Lin Fei looked at the mysterious light decree falling from the sky with an extremely stern expression on his face.

There's not much to say about the content on it.

Name the extreme powerhouses of the entire multiverse... Let's kill Ye Daoran together!


One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the extreme powerhouses of the entire multiverse were shaken, and no one could stay out of it.

As Ye Daoran said, the way of heaven is impatient.

If he is allowed to clear all obstacles and go to kill and devour Lin Fei, I am afraid that Duoyuan Tiandao will not be able to do anything to Ye Daoran anymore.As time went by, Ye Daoran was even more able to rub the way of heaven against the ground!

Heaven will never tolerate it!

In the dream of Taichu in the far west, the two emperors of the East Heaven and the Queen Mother of the West are still in the time-space axis of the Dao of Heaven, and the golden mysterious light can be seen condensing and turning into a decree.

The expressions of the three extreme powerhouses suddenly changed.

"Crazy, really crazy..." Queen Mother Xi muttered to herself, her dignified and elegant face was full of shock.

Ye Daoran is really crazy and lawless!

"Di Jun respects the decree of heaven." Di Jun said in a deep voice, and stretched out his hand to touch the golden decree. In an instant, strands of golden threads were wrapped around his primordial spirit.

No matter how reluctant, his plan with Tai Yi was finally broken by Ye Daoran, a lunatic.

And in the fairy world, after Emperor Zhenwu and Haotian God touched the decree, the injuries all over his body healed in an instant.

Even Ye Wudi's pupils contracted sharply, seeing a dharma decree descending from the sky and falling in front of him.

As calm as he is, at this moment, his heartbeat accelerated sharply, his fingers were trembling slightly, and he tapped on it lightly.

Even if only for a quarter of an hour.


An immeasurable light soared into the sky, and a majestic and magnificent hymn resounded throughout the prehistoric continent.Countless human monks burst into tears instantly and exclaimed.

"Ye Tiandi! Ye Tiandi is back!"

Ye Wudi temporarily returned to the peak of the Immortal Emperor, and the fragment of the universe sun and moon clock in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness was even more baptized.Restored, quickly healed, new and whole.


The long bell rang, accompanied by high-spirited laughter: "Tianzun, this disciple can fight with you again!"

But the things that shocked the members of the Heavenly Court were far more than that.

Another decree fell from the sky, and the golden light shone in all directions, so brilliant that people couldn't open their eyes.

When Ji Yaoguang saw this decree, he was in a trance for a moment.With the gradual clearing of the eyes, there is a lotus brand on the center of the brow.

"Yaoguang accepts the decree." Empress Yaoguang folded her palms like a man in ancient times, bowed her body and saluted, and took a step forward under Cai Beiyu's envious and emotional eyes, and took the decree with both hands.

At this moment, another warm and radiant body slowly rises, and the throne of the Supreme Dao sweeps across the Great Desolate Continent.

Countless people were suffocated by it.

Such an exaggerated scene, this is going to be a fucking big deal!

Empress Yaoguang bathed in the violet glow, looked at Cai Beiyu and smiled slightly: "Thanks to your kindness for saving my life, it's up to me to do something this time."

Cai Beiyu hesitated to speak, but in the end he just said hoarsely: "Come back alive."

Empress Yaoguang smiled: "I know, you don't want him to be sad."

Cai Beiyu nodded, then shook his head again without saying anything.

Empress Yaoguang's heart warmed slightly, knowing that she really treated herself as a sister.

"I will be back." Empress Yaoguang said softly, and then rose into the air.

All the way, ethereal and illusory lotus blossoms, paving a road of flowers reaching the sky.

And above the sky, Lin Fei was also bathed in a majestic and vast life energy, his injuries healed quickly, and he was reshaped into a perfect body of the extreme way.

It's just that unlike Ye Wudi and Ji Yaoguang, Lin Fei didn't accept the baptism of returning to the source at all, and he was still in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor.

Tiandao is too afraid of Lin Fei and Ye Daoran, for fear that something will happen, and they will be used by two unimaginable methods-speaking of which, Tiandao has been tricked a lot, and all kinds of "bug-blocking" methods emerge in endlessly, like Han Qiling. Playing around with loopholes in the rules of luck...

So, what if an inner universe is washed out?Not even for a second!

You must know that Tiandao is not sincerely trying to help Lin Fei win, but hopes that both of them will perish.

If Lin Fei chopped Ye Daoran on the spot, and after swallowing him, he really broke into the realm of the inner universe and united the original darkness and chaos, wouldn't it be sending the wolf to meet the tiger?

Lin Fei let out a deep breath, turned around and saw Empress Yaoguang looking at him tenderly, smiling sweetly.

Lin Fei also smiled, and then aggressively pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply.

Ye Wudi rushed into the air with enthusiasm, what he saw was such a scene, and he didn't know what to say immediately, so he could only watch from the side in embarrassment.

When Lin Fei let go of Empress Yaoguang, he swept his sleeves away and looked up into the sky.

Fighting high.

On the top of the sky, a huge vortex suddenly emerged, from which the axis of time and space of the Dao of Heaven dropped down with a bang.

Obviously, he wanted to personally pick up the three of them and go to the battlefield.


In a cold and decisive voice, the three extremely powerful men flashed into the time-space axis.

For a moment, the entire Great Desolate Continent shook, and the time-space axis disappeared together with the figures of the three of them.

At the same time, the Tower of Six Paths of Reincarnation is going crazy!

Ye Daoran showed terrifying strength, took charge of the authority related to reincarnation and rebirth, and prevented Tiandao's terrible plan - and also resurrected the dead Jidao powerhouse to join the battle.

You can resurrect the extreme power from the concept, can't I, Heavenly Dao, not be able to? !

Sorry, really can't.

When the name of the Demon Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation came for nothing?

The place that was originally empty and dead, suddenly felt a sense of coercion that could destroy the world.

Luminous bodies as large as stars approached from all directions.

If there are vines in the air that spread across the entire interstellar sky, they are not vines, but densely packed runes, shining brightly, showing different mighty powers.

This place seems to be completely out of the control of heaven, and many extreme powerhouses have shown their supernatural powers and re-formulated the rules here.

Scary and chaotic.

Before entering the main battlefield of the Samsara Tower, when encountering the outside world, many extreme powerhouses have already fought hard.

There are no weak people here, only the arrogance.

It's a pity that there are even more powerful players among the strong, and there are always a few figures that stand out, causing everyone's fear and shock.

Hongjun, Jidu Luohu, Patriarch Minghe, and... the Second Emperor of the East Heaven.

The eight-armed Shura was coming fiercely, rushing straight towards the Samsara Tower, seeing Tai Yi's back standing in front of him, he shouted violently on the spot: "Go away!"

As soon as the words fell, he moved his eight arms together, and attacked directly with the momentum of destroying heaven and earth.

Tai Yi immediately turned cold, his right palm had been distorted beyond words, forming an incomprehensible way of existence.

He raised his right palm into the Hexu Heavenly Dao.

Turning around and slapping Lai Feitian away...

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