The third floor of the Reincarnation Tower, Animal Road.

This virtual reincarnation world has been completely messed up.

Many extreme powerhouses lost all face and turned into beasts after entering this place.Even Ye Daoran himself was not spared, as long as he did not cultivate the inner universe, he would not be able to escape the influence of such a precious rule after all.

"Report, a big goose just split Mount Tai to kill a chicken!"

"Report, the cause of the earthquake has been found! It was a cow that lifted Mount Everest and smashed it to the ground!"

"Report, the cause of the aircraft carrier crash has been found, a dog chewed it up and swallowed it!"

Intelligence personnel from various countries bit the bullet and spoke, not knowing what mood they were in to say such words.

Upon hearing such a report, the leaders' eyes widened on the spot.No matter how calm and arrogant he is on weekdays, it is exactly the same at this moment, with a wonderful expression of "I'm fucking a dog".

In the beginning, the leaders were furious on the spot. For example, Prandtl slapped the general staff of the headquarters with a "slap" on the face, and then roared angrily: "Fake news! It must be Huaxia's fault!"

But when they saw the satellite surveillance footage, everyone was dumbfounded.

A husky stood up with a solemn face, holding a quaint big clock engraved with the sun and the moon in its claws. In a flash, it set off fluctuations visible to the naked eye, sweeping across the skyscrapers in ten directions.

Small cars, trucks, buses, unfinished buildings and bungalows were all thrown into the air in an instant, and then exploded into powder in the air.

And on the opposite side of the husky, there was a raccoon cat, which instantly stood up and grew more forelimbs, a total of eight cats, each wielding a weapon.

Swords, guns, halberds, hooks, forks, and hammers danced wildly like a storm of death, and they kept making ferocious "meow" sounds from their mouths.

"What the fuck is this?!" A leader had violent veins on the spot, roared unbearably, and slapped the table, "What the hell is this!"

"Has our satellite system been hacked?"

"Yes, it must be so!"

"Quickly carry out maintenance!"

And on the street, there were also panicked people who took out their mobile phones to call the police while running: "I am here in Taikoo Li, there are monsters!"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and a strange voice came from a woman: "You mean... a monster?"

The middle-aged man howled immediately: "Yes! Huskies! As tall as dozens of floors, and with a bell, everything turned into ashes under the shock!"

The operator put his hand on his forehead, and immediately said angrily: "Sir, you must bear the corresponding legal responsibility for reporting a false alarm. I hope you—"

Before she could finish her sentence, she heard a dog barking "Aw", which made her head buzz and she became dizzy for a while.


The phone receiver fell off, and the operator was dumbfounded on the spot.

Erha has become a genius? !

Facing such an out-of-control and destructive situation, many leaders immediately decided to use the ultimate strategic weapon—the nuclear bomb.

When Lin Fei and others were still fighting fiercely in the Hungry Ghost Realm, the Animal Realm was full of nuclear bombs falling from the sky.

Without even waiting for him to make a move, a mad dog in the form of a Zerg extreme powerhouse sucked it up to the sky.


The dog's mouth was like a maelstrom that devoured the world, devouring all the nuclear bombs in it, and even hiccupped in satisfaction, spitting out a large cloud of mushrooms.

When the satellite captured such a picture, all the leaders lost their voices, and there was only coldness and despair in their hearts.

But there's no need to think any more.

Because a huge hole has been punched out of the sky, all the extreme powerhouses rushed through the obstacle and went to the human realm.

But this time, all the extreme powerhouses have turned into human forms, but their ages and genders are different, and there are even great disorders, as if they have been reincarnated.

It wasn't until the three-color clear light was brushed along with the aura of chaos that all the extreme powerhouses who entered the tower returned to their original forms, and the chaos was completely ended.

And Lin Fei, the three innate demon gods, and the two emperors of the East Heaven also fought and walked all the way, entangled and fought like a stream of light, but gradually moved closer to the main battlefield.

With his own strength, Lin Fei fought fiercely against Rahu's double body.Heavenly Sin changes in a thousand ways, tearing apart the space with ease while traveling vertically and horizontally, and the dragon's back turns into a round black light curtain in his hands, blocking the female body's many killer moves with impeccable momentum.

But Zhu Xian's murderous aura soared to the sky, and thunder roared under the piercing of a sword, like a long rainbow penetrating the sun, unstoppable.

After arriving in the human realm of reincarnation, Kedu Luohu quickly retreated.

Thousands of heavenly crime fragments were combined into a black metal magic bow in an instant with clanging sounds, and the chaotic breath condensed into the bowstring, Zhu Xian made an arrow and rested on the bowstring!

At this moment, Ji Du Luohu's complexion changed instantly, and many extreme powerhouses also sensed the aura of danger, and all looked over in unison.

I saw Lin Fei pulling the bow like a full moon, his eyes were sharp and decisive, he twisted the bow string with his fingers, and then let it go suddenly.


With an arrow shot out, Zhu Xian burst out a mighty sword energy, roaring and spinning to form a spiral energy.Not to mention defeating the Dao Principle Field formed by many extreme powerhouses, it also swallowed and adsorbed all of them, making its aura rise layer by layer, with a suffocating sense of oppression.

Ji Du Luohu instantly sacrificed the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram, and the black and white flames burned fiercely, and shot towards the Zhu Xian with an arrow.

In a loud noise that shook the sky, the energy storm raged, the Tai Chi Diagram was destroyed, and the Zhuxian Sword was thrown out as if exhausted, whistling in the air and spinning into a light wheel.

But at this moment, Kedu Luohu's pupils shrank sharply.

Because Lin Fei pierced through the energy storm impressively and appeared in front of him, resolutely holding out a sword.

Jidu Luohu tried his best to avoid, and his body fell backwards, avoiding being pierced through the head by the sword.

Without even batting an eyelid, Lin Fei immediately turned from stabbing to slashing, and a sharp arc of sword light came out of his hand.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down, and everything seemed to be in slow motion.

That is the time law of both sides is offsetting.The final result formed in this area is that no one can use the time flow difference to rewrite the situation-slow and slow together.

Ji Du Luohu's female body was temporarily trapped by the storm formed by the blade of Heavenly Sin, and the male body's eyes were about to burst, but he could barely avoid the fatal vital point.


Blood splattered.

This man's body was injured by Lin Fei's surprise, and at this moment, his entire chest was cut open, and the flesh and organs inside flowed out. The scene was extremely horrifying.

Amidst a shrill and angry scream, Ji Du Luohu retreated sharply and joined together.

It's just that the man's body not only lost the small left side of his body, but was cut open from the middle of the chest by a sword. Although he didn't die, he was also half disabled.

At the same time, thousands of sharp blades gathered like a storm and recombined into a complete sin of heaven.

Under the shocking eyes of many extreme powerhouses, Lin Fei stepped on the dragon's head, standing in the wind, his clothes fluttering.

Looking at Ye Daoran from afar.

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