In a savage jungle, there are various kinds of plants luxuriantly, some of which are significantly different from Lin Fei's cognition.

Unseen, unheard.

For example, an umbrella-shaped mushroom as tall as a three- or four-story building is colorful and colorful, but colorful silk ribbons like wicker hang down from the edge.Like the root system of a banyan tree, it goes straight into the ground and takes root, hiding many fist-sized glowing bugs.

For example, the strange trees made of flesh and blood, on which the thick and thin blood vessel-like pipes of adult men's arms are highlighted, beating like a strong pulse.

For example, on a luxuriant tree, there are dozens of fruits shaped like animal placenta.At the moment of complete maturity, it fell to the ground and cracked with a "click".Among them, "crash" poured out a liquid like amniotic fluid, followed by a cub breaking open the fruit shell and swallowing the fruit pulp instinctively...

Of course, there are also many animals and plants that Lin Fei knows.It's just that maybe because of the long distance between the ages, there are more or less differences.After all, with the passage of time, the life forms of many races have changed.

In general, everything in this era seems so strange and novel.Even Lin Fei, who has lived for a full [-] million years, can't help but secretly sigh when the timeline of Heaven's Dao stops looking back and he can see the outside world.


Immediately afterwards, he broke away from the time-space axis of the Dao of Heaven, only to be surrounded by a layer of hazy light, and was drawn to fly somewhere.Wherever it passed, no living beings were aware of it.It's like being completely invisible and qualityless, penetrating everything.

Lin Fei was thoughtful.

He realized that his extreme cultivation level was still there, but it was suppressed and sealed by some invisible force, and he seemed unable to use it.And his extreme divine sense, which is keen enough to perceive the will of heaven, reminds him sternly and solemnly: using the power from the future in this time plane is tantamount to a dead end.

Lin Fei wasn't surprised by this, after all, he was an "actor" for Tiandao once, and he knew that Tiandao always had various constraints in doing things.Some order and rules that maintain the stability of the multiverse cannot be broken even by the Dao of Heaven, otherwise the city will be self-destructed.

They can only do some small tricks in secret to achieve their goals - just like Tiandao wanted to destroy all the innate demon gods back then, but they couldn't kill them by themselves, so they could only use "secret operations" and steal their positions.

"In that case, the new character I'm playing is an arcane practitioner?" Lin Fei just had such an idea, and his eyes froze when he saw the scene in front of him.

This is a tribe hidden in the wild jungle. It is a combination of five nearby tribes. It was born to keep warm, thus breaking the scale of the situation.It can be seen that this place has been carefully built, and even used the special principle of array field layout to form a trap to protect the tribe.

Some are like the "Gate of Hell" on Earth's Kunlun Mountains, where special magnetic fields can attract lightning strikes;

But right now, all defenses and offensives have been destroyed.There are corpses lying everywhere in the city, some died of flames, some died of frost, some were cut and shredded, and the wind lingered...

Ninety percent of the dead were obviously human beings.

Black, white and yellow, all three skin colors.

There were about a hundred intruders at the scene, and they looked human from the outside, as if they were fighting within a race.

But this is not the case.

"Life Shaping, Arcane Clan!" Lin Fei's eyes turned cold, and he had already seen through the clues.

Arcane people are born extraordinary, with innate endowments.At the beginning of their birth, they have no substance, just a mass of pure energy that gives birth to wisdom.Under the instinctive trend, they will shape and condense their fleshy bodies towards the image of the Taoist body.

There is no doubt that, as the darling of heaven, the three innate creatures are the best choices.Among them, the Zerg and Dragon races are the barbaric way of taking the flesh, which is not suitable for arcane practice, so only the spiritual race and the arcane race are compatible.

But it is a pity that although the arcane clan has created a powerful practice system, they can only produce strong people through practice, and their life essence cannot match the innate creatures after all.

Therefore, the arcane race can only have some characteristics of the spirit race, so that the internal organs and the sea of ​​consciousness are soaked in the nourishing twilight.From the appearance alone, it is no different from human beings.

"Young Lord is dying, we can't do anything!" The group of arcane clansmen who won the victory did not seem to have the joy of victory, and the leading general said in a deep voice.

Lin Fei's primordial spirit floated over slowly, sensing the subtle emotional fluctuations of this group of arcane clansmen.

Because this "little lord" is about to die, some people are indeed sad, some are perplexed, and some are angry.But there were still ordinary arcane clansmen present, joking, excited, anticipating, and showing the slightest impulse to gloat.

It seems that the so-called Marquis of the arcane family is not monolithic.

Almost any race of intelligent creatures has infighting.

In the next moment, Lin Fei had no time to observe these alien races anymore, because his primordial spirit had already invaded the fallen Lord Hou.

Lin Fei felt a fragile, dying sign of life, but was swallowed by him without mercy.

At this moment, a large number of memories flooded into Lin Fei's mind like a landslide and tsunami.

If you succeed in seizing the house, you will steal everything from it.

The original characters are sent away, and the actors are promoted!

Just when a group of arcane clansmen decided to bring Hou Ye's body back to Feiyun City and vote to dispose of his body through the Elder's Pavilion, Lin Fei straightened his upper body and opened his eyes suddenly!

There was an uproar in the audience, and everyone was stunned!

"Young Master, are you alright?!" The middle-aged general in black armor and black iron mask said in a moment of surprise.

Some people are happy that he is safe and sound, while others are naturally disappointed, unwilling, and annoyed.

It's just that after the initial shock, due to the status of Lord Hou, everyone flattered and expressed their loyalty repeatedly.

"Little Hou Ye is really blessed and equal to the sky, with boundless luck!"

"That thief Gu Longhu is really hateful, he dared to hurt Lord Hou like this! Let him escape this time, and next time he will be cut into pieces!"

"Young Lord, Gu Longhu snatched the star gate of the Celestial Clan and escaped. I think he can't catch up. I think you look pale, why don't you send you back first?"

Lin Fei frowned slightly, and took a little time to accept the information in his mind.

Perhaps it was some kind of coincidence, the owner of this body was also named Lin Fei, but he was one of the eighteen princes of the Arcane Clan.

But before he had time to think about it, he saw a young and beautiful human woman among a group of captives who was about to be killed by a shadow guard.

"Stop!" Lin Fei's expression was cold, his figure flickered, and a "slap" slap was slapped on the face of the shadow guard.

At this moment, everyone looked at him in unison.

"Young Master, what are you doing?!"

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