I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1165 Dangerous Dark Forest

Many arcanists present at the lower spiritual realm expressed that their feelings were basically the same as Gu Xiaoyu's.

It's not a big problem. Give your body some time to adapt, and most likely nothing will happen.

It's like when a healthy human body encounters a bacterial virus with low lethality, it will naturally have a process of resistance and adaptation, resulting in symptoms such as colds, fever, and inflammation.But targeted antibodies will soon be formed, and unless the resistance suddenly drops sharply, it will no longer be affected by it.

Lin Fei nodded slightly, and immediately looked at the group of ninth-level arcanists: "Who will be the vanguard?"

"Let me do it." A small-eyed arcane man volunteered, and then tentatively stretched a hand into the blood-colored worm ridge area.

Almost in an instant, his hands became red, and dense blisters bulged like scalds, bursting open with a "cracking" sound, and pus flowed out.

"Ah!" The small-eyed man screamed, and suddenly withdrew his arms, but the red color spread all over his body.

But in an instant, his whole body was covered with blisters, and his whole body looked like a toad covered in pimples. He let out a howling sound, which made everyone terrified.

Lin Fei's face turned serious, and he made a spell guiding gesture in an instant, and raised his hand to throw out a pure white holy light.

Holy Light Healing!

Only then did the wounds on the man's body heal quickly, and the radiation energy that penetrated into the body gradually disappeared.

Seeing this scene, when even a ninth-level arcanist fell into deep thought, and had to accept the reality, he knelt down on one knee with a "plop", pressed his fist to the ground, and said in a deep voice: "This subordinate intends to follow the young master. I hate my lack of strength, feel that I am incapable of helping the young master, and I am even a burden to you. This subordinate—I don’t want to drag the young master down, so I will leave now!"

After someone took the lead, the group of ninth-level arcanists all knelt on one knee to salute, and were about to leave.

Heitie was silent, and Lin Fei also sighed softly, took out a lot of cultivation resources needed by the ninth-level Arcanists, and handed them all: "Let's leave now, I wish you all the best in your martial arts."

The small-eyed arcane clansman gritted his teeth, bowed his head immediately, clasped his fists and raised his head above his head: "Young Lord, this subordinate will soon cultivate to the realm of lower spirits, and come follow!"

Lin Fei turned around, leaving the group of arcanists kneeling on one knee with a relaxed and unrestrained back, and waved his hands: "If there is a better choice, live a good life, and don't follow me if you become a lower spirit adventure."

The ten ninth-level arcanists were silent, watching Lin Fei and others go away, and finally stood up, talking in a deep voice.

"Are you going to kill the group of escaped human captives and practice soul refining?"

"No, since it's the young master's intention, let them go."

The arcane clansman with small eyes was silent for a moment, and then said with emotion: "Young master... has grown up."

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded in agreement.

No longer a coward, no longer swallowing his anger and being oppressed by a first-rank official, but only dared to vent his anger to his subordinates, he became ambitious and knew how to be sympathetic to his subordinates like the old master.

"Everyone, if you become a low-level spirit, do you want to follow the young master?" The small-eyed arcane clansman named Zhou Ronghao looked around at his comrades seriously.

"That's natural!" A burly middle-aged man said in a low voice, "Just because he is an old marquis who is so kind to my parents, I will follow him to the end even if he is a good-for-nothing!"

He paused, then looked in the direction where Lin Fei and the others were leaving: "What's more, Young Master is different from before."

This man spoke out the aspirations of everyone, and they all silently nodded for a while, expressing their approval.

"Then let's talk about it, why don't you become a lower-level spirit as soon as possible, and fight with the young master?" Zhou Ronghao smiled and stretched out the back of his hand first.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd gathered together, put their palms together, and pressed down hard.

"Okay! Whoever is the last one to cultivate into a lower spirit, let us beat him up honestly!"

"Who's afraid of you?"

"Tsk tsk, Zhou Ronghao, you are quite arrogant, why don't you open your eyes and look at people?"

"I'm fucking wide open!"

At this moment, the ten Arcanists who consider themselves very lightly do not yet know what crucial event they will do in the future.


Lin Fei and others began to march silently and swiftly. He led the battle, and the general Heitie broke the rear.Take care of both the beginning and the end with the two strongest to ensure that various emergencies can be dealt with in a timely manner.

"I heard that terrible things will happen to Scarlet Chongling at night. Is it true?" Gu Xiaoyu couldn't help asking when he saw that the sun was about to fall completely, and the world was getting darker and gloomy.

"It's the first time I've come to such a ghostly place, who knows?" Lin Fei said in a deep voice without turning his head, "I'd rather believe it or not, or find a relatively safe place as soon as possible. Set up camp and rest overnight."

After his words fell, the last corner of the sun finally completely disappeared from sight.

it's dark.

It was a frightening darkness, which even made Lin Fei's pupils constrict, and he shouted in a low voice, "Stop!"

An atmosphere of panic and depression quickly spread among the 42 people under his command.

"Young Lord, I can't see anything, what about you?" Ah Xing asked uneasily, and the others also made murmurs and noises.

Lin Fei was about to say that he was the same, but his expression changed immediately, and he scolded in a low voice: "Shut up!"

rustling --

All kinds of weird sounds came from a distance, it sounded like silkworms were gnawing on mulberry leaves.

But immediately after, there was a high-pitched and sharp hissing sound, which made everyone's faces turn pale.

What's up, Zerg? !

There was also the sound of sobbing and weeping like a female ghost, faintly coming along with the sound of the wind, lingering in their ears.

Lin Fei's heart sank slowly, knowing that they chose the wrong time to enter the Bloody Chongling.

Not being able to find a relatively safe place to set up camp at night is the biggest mistake.

In such a situation, Lin Fei actually felt a soft body sticking to him, he hugged his arm suddenly, and hid his face in his chest.

Lin Fei wanted to push the pretty widow Gu Xiaoyu away, but he felt that the other party was trembling with fear.

Women, it's normal to be a little scared of things.

Maybe now that Gu Xiaoyu is being pushed away, she will scream instead, causing great trouble.

Lin Fei was highly concentrated and didn't move at all, afraid that a pig teammate from a horror movie would appear in the team, scream, or throw a light spell to attract attention, and lead everyone to the group.

Fortunately, there is no such evil in the team.

Unfortunately, there was light in the crowd's sights.

It was a white floating spirit body with a pale complexion. After seeing everyone, it tilted its neck in an almost broken arc and smiled.

Then let out a shrill scream.

In an instant, it was as if the entire jungle had rioted, and the hissing of the Zerg race filled the mountains and plains, making one's scalp tingle.


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