I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1167 Easy and freehand, surprising victory

The giant centipede was so arrogant that it straightened up its upper half like a cobra, as if it was ready to pounce and kill at any time.

But at this moment, it saw a crazier and fiercer guy!


With a loud noise, Lin Fei jumped up into the air, and even killed the giant centipede head-on.While constructing the rune array in his sea of ​​consciousness, he also frantically calculated and processed various information.

"The highest landing point is 73.64 meters, it will not trigger the air ban rule, and the first strike can be launched!"

"According to the previous destructive power of this centipede, the level should be a high-level spirit, with extremely high defense and strong toxicity. That is to say, no matter what, there is no way to kill with one blow. After one blow, I will usher in Its deadly move."

"It doesn't matter whether you can block and keep Gu Xiaoyu, as long as there is a choice, it is a stupid choice to fight head-on, so—"

With the super-spirit's sea-consciousness processing ability, many thoughts flashed through Lin Fei's mind the moment he jumped, and he came up with a clear battle strategy.


The scepter crystal in his hand burst out with brilliance, like a bright white sun, and then burst out a beam of light like a laser cannon.

The holy light that destroys evil is the most yang and the most powerful!

For creatures of the yin attribute, or in other words, containing negative energy, it has a strong restraint effect and can exert extraordinary power.

With a bang, the place where the holy light passed radiated fiery energy, dispelling the poisonous mist.Not only that, but with a bang, the black energy shield around the mutated centipede exploded.

Affected by this impact, the mutated centipede's huge head was thrown back, and its figure also staggered slightly.Not only that, but its ridiculously strong shell was blasted.The flesh and blood "chichi" sounded, emitting a large amount of white smoke, as if some chemical reaction had occurred, the flesh and blood evaporated and annihilated.

The mutated centipede neighed sharply under the pain, and opened its mouth to launch a counterattack. Gu Xiaoyu's face turned pale from fright, and he almost screamed.

But the terrorist attack she imagined did not strike, and the purple beam of light spit out by the mutated centipede missed——

Lin Fei's face was cold and calm, he squeezed a formula with his left hand, and he had already performed the weightlessness technique.

The mutated centipede gave a heavy reminder, but at this moment it was so light that it seemed to have no mass, or it was in outer space without gravity, and it floated up directly.

It is worth mentioning that there are no-empty rules here.

So the mutated centipede first rose to a height of [-] meters, letting the terrifying purple beam of light pass through Lin Fei's head.The strong wind pressure caused Lin Fei's long hair and luxurious Marquis robe to dance wildly.

Gu Xiaoyu was almost unable to open his eyes, so he could only turn his head and face the wind pressure sideways.

And when she turned her head, she felt her heart skip a beat.

Gu Xiaoyu saw Lin Fei's profile.

Focused and steady, with deep eyes, there is a tranquility after endless vicissitudes, as if everything is under control.

At the same time, the centipede was suddenly dragged by an invisible force due to the restriction of the air-forbidden rules, and forcibly fell to the ground.

"It's now!"

Without hesitation, Lin Fei turned to cast the Gravity Technique.

Two thousand times the gravity!

Simple physics application, the greater the mass, the greater the gravity.The outrageous mass of the mutated centipede, coupled with two thousand times the gravity, and the invisible giant dragging force of the air-forbidden rules, made a harsh and hoarse sound of "creaking" all over the body in an instant.

Its whole body was distorted and deformed like metal, and many places were torn apart by terrifying force, spattering out poisonous blood.


The mutated centipede fell heavily, and the ground shook for a while, causing a 200-meter radius to sink deeply.Not to mention the rocks, even the underground metal was shattered into powder, and this centipede was broken layer by layer.

The head, which was already traumatized by the holy light, was even more difficult to bear, and it exploded under the exaggerated gravity, forming a bloody storm, and the scene was extremely shocking!

Such a powerful monster, but Lin Fei only used three conventional spells to kill it, not to mention that he was not injured, even Gu Xiaoyu behind him was not injured by a hair!

The whole audience was shocked.

Even the mutated insects showed signs of uneasiness and panic, abruptly stopped the rhythm of the attack, and retreated a certain distance as a whole.Although it has not retreated yet, there is no sign of attack for the time being.

They looked at Lin Fei one after another, making various voices and chatting with the wave of divine sense.

Obviously, these monsters have the consciousness of "the strong are respected", and they all regard the mutated centipede as their leader.Now that the mutated centipedes are falling, they not only seem to be leaderless, but also have a deep fear of Lin Fei.

"Get out!" Lin Fei yelled coldly, already blessing the arcane spell of "psychic storm" in his voice, causing panic in the enemy.

Put it first, this trick is guaranteed to be useless.But now these monsters were already thinking of retreating. This was the last straw that broke the camel's back. They scattered like birds and beasts with a crash, retreating like a tide!

Gu Xiaoyu felt his heart beating wildly, even though it was difficult to admit it, but an unstoppable thought came to his mind - handsome.

Lin Fei's tricks before were so cool!

In a blink of an eye, he came up with a clear strategy for combat, and made full use of the information that there are known air ban rules to easily deal with the powerful mutated centipede!

"How long do you want to hug?" Lin Fei turned his head slightly, and cast a sideways glance at Gu Xiaoyu with his handsome face.

Only then did Gu Xiaoyu come to his senses, his face blushed when he saw the strange eyes from all directions, and he jumped off his back like an electric shock.

At this moment, she was surprised to find that something seemed to be missing, which made her a little uneasy.

Gu Xiaoyu quickly reacted.

That's something called "safety."

This made Gu Xiaoyu feel deep fear, shame, and self-blame. All kinds of negative emotions were like invisible big hands choking her throat, making it difficult for her to breathe——Lin Fei is the young master of the Arcane Clan, who slaughtered the tribe. The culprit is the enemy I want to kill!

She could endure humiliation and pretend to be a snake and befriend Lin Fei, but what is this now?The enemy gave her a long-lost sense of security. Is there anything more ironic than this? !

Gu Xiaoyu took a deep breath, and secretly warned himself, don't make fake plays for real.I was close to befriending Lin Fei, but it was just to become stronger and look for opportunities for revenge!

Her inner drama was very complicated, but Lin Fei didn't look at him at all, and only checked everyone's injuries.

Fortunately, it's not too bad. Although most of them were injured and poisoned, their arcane energy was seriously depleted, and there were even serious injuries and dying, none of them died.

The injury can be dealt with, and the toxin can be alleviated, but the loss of everyone's arcane energy and the sharp drop in combat power are big problems.

In the vast jungle, there are countless monsters.

If there is another wave of powerful offensives, the entire army may be wiped out.

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