The feet of the mutated scorpion are like two-edged scimitars, extremely sharp.

Lin Fei held it tightly to peel off the gnats, and the resistance and friction from it were so great that the two layers of arcane shields on his hands broke, and even left a deep gash on his palm, which can be seen deeply. bone.

Fortunately, the toxin on it was consumed when it corroded the arcane shield, and a negligible small amount of toxin seeped into the wound, and it couldn't cause any disturbance.

The entire back of the gnat was broken, but the tenacious vitality was still not exhausted. It twisted and struggled, its body curled up into a circle, and the rear half of its body kept popping out and then curled back again.

With this huge force, Lin Fei ejected directly outward.

The scorpion is dying, and has fallen into the final madness.Under the trend of pain and hatred, it frantically destroys everything around it.

Its dead end has been decided, and there is no need to put yourself in danger just to make up for the knife.

Lin Fei turned around and was about to rescue Heitie, but he didn't think about it but saw that Gu Xiaoyu was almost shot into a hedgehog, with poisonous needles all over his body.

Even the lower spirits under his command have fallen down, completely losing signs of life.

Lin Fei's eyes turned cold, and a boulder weighing several thousand kilograms was crushed with a "slap" under his feet, and his body was shot out like a sharp arrow.

Using a stick as a stick is a stick!


A cockroach exuding a rotten stench was not only blown off its head, but also completely exploded half of its body, shooting out disgusting thick slurry.

But its vitality is too tenacious, even if its head is lost, even if half of its body is missing, the remaining body still wants to escape in a panic.

Without even thinking about it, Lin Fei twisted the scepter in his hand and pierced it down like a spear.

Then there was a shock.


The cockroach exploded completely, and the pungent juice splashed all over Ah Xing's body.

Looking at Lin Fei, whose arcane shield was covered with disgusting juice and the scepter in his hand was also sticky, Ah Xing was dumbfounded on the spot!

He was even thinking, what would the old Hou Ye Lin Yun think if he saw that the scepter he left behind was used as a stick to kill the enemy, and even turned into this disgusting appearance?

The melee arcanist is so terrifying!

Lin Fei didn't stop, rushing past like a mad dragon, the shadows of his sticks were endless, and his vigor swept across.

Ah Xing's eyes widened suddenly, seeing a scene that may be unforgettable forever.

An arcanist used his staff as a stick, majestic and fierce like a templar, and many night beasts were smashed into blood mist wherever he passed.He was imposing like a rainbow, going forward without hesitation, and even bumped into many huge night beasts all the way, causing them to fly into the air!

Is this really an Arcanist?Why do I feel more like a human Behemoth?

Gu Xiaoyu felt that he was about to die.

Even though her body was pierced in many places, the poisonous needle pierced her chest and back, but she couldn't feel any pain.

No, I should not feel anything, completely paralyzed.The body should honestly tell her with pain: where is your injury, how serious is the injury, and what type of injury is it, but now even the reminder function has been lost.

Her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and there was a sudden uncontrollable sadness in her heart.

"Are you... dead?"

"Husband, child, parents...I can't do anything, I can only come to accompany you." Gu Xiaoyu smiled sadly.

But he was pulled back violently by a hand.

She stared wide-eyed, looking in disbelief at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of her.

Standing in front of Gu Xiaoyu, Lin Fei received a salvo of poisonous bees.

"Chi Chi Chi—"

Facing the poisonous needle like a death storm, his face was as calm as water, and he only turned the staff in his hand, dancing like an airtight halo.


Those poisonous needles hit the light wheel one after another, not only unable to break through, but also received an unimaginable ingenuity, and ejected back suddenly!

The swarm of bees was frightened and tried to retreat in a panic, but it was in vain.In the sound of "Puff", their bodies were pierced and torn, and one by one stopped flapping their wings and fell down.

True, they are immune to bee venom.But Lin Fei didn't intend to use "chemical means" to poison them to death at all, he just used "physical means" to let them die like being hit by an arrow.

"You..." Gu Xiaoyu originally wanted to say "Why did you save me", but when he saw Lin Fei's actions, he widened his eyes suddenly: "What are you going to do?!"

Because Lin Fei suddenly raised his palm and pressed it down on her curvaceous chest.


Lin Fei slapped his palm down, and there was a subtle sense of feedback from his palm.

Not only big, but also soft.

Not only soft, but also full of elasticity.

The waves are rough and magnificent.

But Lin Fei's thoughts were not here, and Gu Xiaoyu immediately realized that he was thinking too much.

"Puff puff--"

Lin Fei's palm not only revived Gu Xiaoyu's cardiopulmonary ability, but also forced out all the poisonous needles on her body, turning them into black streaks and slashing across.

Even so, Gu Xiaoyu's pretty face was still flushed, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and get down.

Lin Fei didn't care too much, and cast a detoxification technique and a life-type healing technique on her. Feeling the passing of arcane energy and spiritual power again, he was almost speechless.

To make matters worse.

At this moment, Lin Fei missed his physical body very much.Even if it is a mutilated chaotic body, the immortal essence is almost endless, and the source is endless. Does it need to suffer this kind of crime?

"It seems that we have to seize the time to devour the genes of other strong people and change the status quo!" Lin Fei thought so, and went to help Heitie.

But seeing Gu Xiaoyu looking like he was about to die, he frowned again.

She has been saved, and now she is left here to die?

Forget it, after all, it's human beings, and it's not easy after all.

Such a thought flashed through Lin Fei's mind, and he immediately squatted down in front of Gu Xiaoyu, with his back to her, and said expressionlessly, "Come up."

Gu Xiaoyu was still a little delirious and didn't react for a while.

Lin Fei frowned, and his voice became harsher: "This is an order."

His eyes were like fire, reflecting the image of Heitie struggling to hold on under the beetle's fierce attack.

Lin Fei didn't have time to waste with Gu Xiaoyu, Heitie couldn't stand it anymore.

Sensing that Gu Xiaoyu came up and hugged him from behind, Lin Fei ran wildly.

Wherever it passes, no enemy can stop it!

Just when the black iron was struggling to continue, a sharp and piercing sonic boom sounded.

The transmission of the sound was much slower than the speed of this blow.

So when Heitie heard the sonic boom, a scepter slammed into the side of the mutant beetle like a silver comet.

Directly interrupting the beetle's offensive and making it stagger and tilt, it almost turned over!

Not only that, but a cobweb-like crack the size of a washbasin was left on its solid pitch-black carapace, and debris and black powder rustled down from the center...

Hmm, very reasonable.

As we all know, the staff is used to hit people.

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