I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 119: Father and Son Kill Each Other

Do you want to follow morality, or don't ask right or wrong, and stand on the side of your loved ones?

Bai Pojun once made his choice, and there is no doubt that he chose the latter.

There is a saying "like father, like son".Bai Pojun feels that Bai Zhan is his son, and he should make the same choice as himself!

However, Bai Zhan frowned deeply, and did not give an answer immediately.

Bai Pojun immediately gave guidance: "Are you afraid that Lin Fei will drive you and my father and son to death? Don't be afraid! With the mother of all spiders in hand, even if he is a great master, he can't make any waves, only death!"

When Bai Zhan heard this, his brows gradually relaxed.

Seeing his reaction, Bai Pojun immediately grinned, showing a satisfied smile: "As expected of my son!"

"Come on, we father and son join hands, trample the Qing family under our feet, and ascend to the pinnacle of this world!"

He stretched out a hand and looked at Bai Zhan with burning eyes.

Bai Zhan smiled at him, and slowly stretched out his hand.

Bai Pojun's smile became brighter and brighter.

And at this moment, a change occurred!

Bai Zhan turned his palm into a fist, and the surging strength burst out in an instant, blasting into Bai Pojun's chest brazenly!

This punch used all his strength in the white battle, forcing the collapse with all his strength, breaking the face with a point, and pursuing the effect of breaking the body's protective energy to the limit.

Bai Pojun was caught off guard and was sent flying by this punch.

His body-protecting qi collapsed in an instant, and with a "boom", he was directly embedded into the mountain behind him.

Bai Pojun's face was full of anger, he didn't care about his injury, but he roared at Bai Zhan and asked, "Why?!"

Bai Zhan's expression was extremely complicated, but his words were extremely firm: "Father, you have not educated me like this for more than 20 years. You told me to be an upright person, an upright person."

"Maybe you will die if you give up now, but if you persist, you can get everything you want. But I still want to advise you, stop."

"Didn't you teach me that life and death are big things, but they are not necessarily the biggest things in the world. That's why there are brave soldiers who shed blood on the battlefield in exchange for thousands of miles of peace; that's why there are unyielding martyrs who sacrificed their lives generously and vowed not to be the lackeys of the enemy; That’s why Qu Yuan was overwhelmed with grief and resolutely threw himself into the river; that’s why some parents donated their organs for their children, voluntarily sacrificing themselves to make their children healthy…”

Hearing these words, Bai Pojun trembled instantly, his face turned pale.

These are all the words he once taught Bai Zhan when he was a child, but he didn't expect him to still remember after so many years!

Bai Zhan took a deep breath, and as he spoke, his eyes became firmer and more determined: "Father, don't be the scum you look down on the most! You are so arrogant, wouldn't you rather die than become this kind of person?"

"For you, this should be a major event beyond life and death?!"

Bai Pojun laughed at himself suddenly, the laughter became more rampant and unscrupulous.

Just laughing and laughing, tears flowed down my face.

How ironic?

He became the most repulsive and disgusting type of person in his own eyes.And his own son, but kept his words in mind, and educated himself in turn?

"There is no turning back when you shoot the bow," Bai Pojun gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to stop me, do it, don't talk nonsense!"

Bai Zhan saw that he had made up his mind, so he stopped talking nonsense immediately, he shook his arms and tried his best to lift his body to the limit load state.

Bai Pojun's realm is higher than him, and the chance is slim, so he has to use the strongest means to try to win by surprise!

It's a pity that Bai Pojun didn't seem to want to give Bai Zhan any chance, and he also raised his arms in an instant, with blue veins all over his body.

A middle-aged man and a young man stood opposite each other, acting almost like a mirror image.


The tops of both of them exploded, revealing the muscles entrenched like horned dragons.The bronze-colored body is full of explosive power, like pouring copper water.

Almost at the same time, both of them let out a beastly roar, rushed at each other in an instant, and shook their iron fists violently.

Bai Lie's fist and wind teeth.

Against Bailie Fist and Fengya!

The violent and raging fist shadows continued, and under such a terrifying offensive, it was impossible for anyone to receive all the opponent's attacks.

So Bai Pojun punched Bai Zhan's fragile bridge of the nose, and his face was covered with blood;

Bai Zhan punched Bai Pojun's chest, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot;

Bai Pojun punched Bai Zhan in the chest, causing two sternums of the latter to break on the spot...

With such a fierce and domineering attack, the two of them almost endured dozens or hundreds of attacks at the same time.

A series of blowing sounds erupted only in the blink of an eye, and the two of them immediately flew upside down under the powerful killing fist.They fell to the ground miserably, and even dragged bloodstains all over the ground, and slid back a certain distance.

Bai Zhan's fists were already torn apart, dripping with blood, and even the phalanges were broken.He didn't know how many bones were broken, nor how much his internal organs were damaged.There was fatal pain all over his body, which made Bai Zhan tremble uncontrollably, and tried his best to get up, but it seemed extremely difficult.

On the other side, Bai Pojun slapped the ground with his palm almost as soon as he fell to the ground, and then stood up abruptly!

"I'm already on the fourth floor of Houtian, you're just entering the Houtian realm, how can you fight me?" Bai Pojun spat out a blood-stained tooth, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

There is no doubt that Bai Zhan's achievements at this age are beyond his reach.But the key problem is that Bai Zhan is still too young, but he is a master who has been famous for a long time.

If it wasn't for Bai Zhan who caught him off guard before and broke his protective energy first, I'm afraid his injury would be even more insignificant.

And...Bai Pojun did not kill the killer after all.After all, a tiger's poison doesn't eat its offspring, he just wants to make Bai Zhan lose his fighting power, so don't hinder him.

He looked at Bai Zhan who couldn't get up, and immediately didn't want to delay any longer, turned around and walked up the mountain.

But at this moment, Bai Zhan suddenly ejected, attacking his back!

It's not like he's lost the ability to stand up.

Showing weakness to the enemy is for this final charged blow!

It's a pity that Bai Pojun reacted quickly from the roar of the breaking wind, and immediately turned around suddenly.He slammed down like a giant axe, causing a shrill sonic boom to sound in the air.


Bai Zhan was slashed straight on, and immediately one shoulder collapsed, his bones were completely broken and shattered, and he fell to the ground with his face full of pain.

It's just that the huge piece of metal wreckage in his hand has also come out, and the sharp end stabbed fiercely into Bai Pojun's abdomen...

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