I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 121 Yao Xinyi's Childhood Dream

Lin Fei shrunk his body an inch, and stepped back in front of the three members of the Qing family.

Qing Fen already knew about his fairy tricks, but he was a little excited because of what he saw with his own eyes, but his mood was fine.

But Qing Lixue and Qing Mingyu were completely shocked and awed, and were speechless for a while.

Lin Fei didn't care about their reactions, but said with a slightly cold expression: "Bai Pojun has completed the blood sacrifice, I'm afraid you will have to face the Mother of All Spiders soon."

Qing Fen's face changed drastically, and he said in surprise: "What?! Could it be that our Di Human Race..."

He didn't finish his sentence, and Qing Lixue and Qing Mingyu's faces turned pale in an instant, with horrified expressions on their faces.

"Well," Lin Feihan said, "not one left."

No matter men, women, old or young, women, children, or sick people, they all failed to escape the catastrophe of death.The blood became the sacrifice of the sacrificial ring, and the body became the food and nourishment of the Gu insects.

There are also people who are alive and watching helplessly, as the Gu worms gnaw on their own flesh and blood and die.

"Bai Pojun did such a thing, it's nothing like an animal!" Qing Fen thought of his relatives in the ancestral land, and was furious for a moment, trembling with anger and grief all over his body.

"Master Lin, could it be that you made a mistake?" Qing Mingyu couldn't help asking, "It's impossible for Bai Pojun to do such a thing!"

Not only him, but even Qing Lixue looked hesitant to speak, apparently having the same idea.

Obviously, Bai Pojun's attitude towards people in the past few decades has left him an excellent reputation.

"Don't be rude to the immortal master!" Qing Fen scolded immediately, "Since it is what the immortal master said, can it be false?"

When the two siblings heard this, they also shut up.After all, Lin Fei's supernatural powers are indeed unimaginable to them.Since he said so, he naturally has extremely high credibility.

The reason why I couldn't help asking this question was because I felt that this matter was too bizarre.

"It must be Bai Poju's death, which drove him crazy." Qing Fen sighed deeply, and said quite sadly, "I forgot to tell the immortal master that the two brothers almost regard each other's life as more important than their own. .”

Qing Fen regretted not doing it at the beginning.

If Master Xian had been informed of this news earlier, perhaps things would have been completely different.

Damn it, why did I neglect it? !

"It's meaningless to say these things now." Lin Fei waved his hand, "The most urgent thing is to get rid of the Mother of All Spiders."

Qingfen's eyelids twitched, he didn't care if he was a bit out of line, and asked quickly: "Master Immortal, can't even you solve it?"

Lin Fei shook his head and said casually, "I can easily crush it to death."

After his words fell, the two brothers and sisters of the Qing family were completely stunned, and there were layers of turbulent waves in their hearts, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

What do you mean by crushing it to death?

That is the mother of all spiders, a terrifying monster that devoured the flesh and blood of Emperor Shun and lived for 4000 years!

"It's just that do you know when it will appear?" Lin Fei glanced at the three of them, "If Bai Pojun can't stand his temper, or it will take a long time to control the Mother of Spiders, why don't I keep guarding her?" looking at you?"

What's more, what if Bai Pojun took advantage of his position in the Qing family and turned to deal with Ji Yaoguang?

Qing Fen touched his nose in embarrassment, then felt depressed for a while, and couldn't think of a countermeasure to get the best of both worlds.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Fei smiled lightly and said, "There is actually a bloodless way to deal with the Mother of Spiders."

Qing Fen was surprised immediately, then seemed to react, and sighed wryly: "Is the master of the mother of all spiders, the ancestor of our Qing family, right? It's a pity that his bamboo stick has been destroyed long ago, and there is no other person left to suppress it." The relic of the Mother of Spiders..."

Lin Fei shook his head and said calmly, "There is one more person."

In an instant, the three of them looked at Lin Fei in surprise, their eyes burning.

He didn't explain much, but walked aside and made a phone call.

The phone was hung up immediately.

Qing Fen was dumbfounded as he watched from the sidelines, wondering who would be so bold as to dare to hang up the phone number of the Immortal Master?

Lin Fei disagreed and redialed the number.

After he was hung up twice in a row, Qing Fen felt suspicious of his life.

Finally, for the third time, the phone was picked up, and a young woman's impatient voice came from the other end: "Who is it? The harassing calls are endless. I wonder if Miss Ben is busy?"

The woman's voice is very clear and sweet, but the tone is obviously not good.

Lin Fei smiled faintly, "It's me, Lin Fei."

He heard a "clang" on the other end of the phone, as if something had been knocked over.

"Tianzun! Is it really you?" The woman became excited for a moment, then realized something, and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, Tianzun, I really didn't know it was you, I thought it was a harassing phone call..."

When she thought that she had actually hung up on Tianzun twice, she suddenly felt embarrassed.

If grandpa knows this, why not blow his beard and stare angrily, chasing and beating him with a cane?

The woman skipped over this, and quickly said happily: "By the way, Tianzun, you suddenly called me, did you miss me? Do you want to take me to Kunlun to fly around the sea of ​​clouds?"

Lin Fei laughed dumbly and said, "You little brat, you only know how to play."

The woman looked a little aggrieved, and said pitifully, "Tianzun, I'm already 26 years old, I'm not a brat anymore!"

If those young handsome men saw Yao Xinyi, the eldest lady of Southwest Tianzi, acting coquettishly and cutely to a man, I wonder if they would collapse on the spot.

"Okay, don't gossip." Lin Fei said lightly, "I really need your help this time."

Yao Xinyi instantly became excited: "Do you want me to sleep in? Come on, come on, I have been waiting for this day for almost 20 years. This is my childhood dream!"

If Lin Fei was still a young man who was hundreds of years old, he would definitely fall silent when he heard this.

But as a long-lived person who has lived for [-] million years, he didn't even have the slightest reaction: "You little kid who wipes his nose on his sleeves, if you think about it nonsense, believe it or not, I will slap your ass?"

"Okay, bring 'that thing' and come to Rongcheng to find me. Let's save some small talk about the past and talk about it later."

After Lin Fei finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

Yao Xinyi, who was far away in Kuncheng, was so excited that she directly called the pilot of the private jet.With her bare, white and crystal-clear feet, she ran towards the private airport in the backyard of the villa.

Yao Zhicheng was drinking tea and chatting with guests in the yard, when a group of rich and powerful people saw Yao Xinyi running around with bare feet, they were all dumbfounded.

"Xinyi, how can you be so crazy?" Yao Zhicheng scolded, busy looking for someone for you, what does the young master of the Long family think?

"There are shoes on the plane!"

"Oh, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to meet my sweetheart. Bye bye, old man!" Yao Xinyi waved her hand very freely and without looking back.

Petrochemical all over.

The precious porcelain cup in Long Wolei's hand fell to the ground with a "pop"...

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