I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 124 Mysterious Bracelet

The ten-story-high Mother of Spiders descended, and the surroundings were in chaos.

The streets were full of fleeing people and vehicles blocked on the road.They all wanted to flee this place frantically, and no one cared about the traffic order anymore.Screams, car horns, and screams were endless.

"Grass mud horse, get out of the way!!" Someone roared angrily, and he did not hesitate to knock away the pedestrians in front of him, and drove straight into the distance.

"Help, give me a lift!"

"Jump in that car!"


"Damn it, what the hell is this?!"

As the source of all the panic, Bai Pojun smiled when he saw this situation.

Standing on the tall spider's back, he took a deep breath of the slightly chilly night air intoxicated and satisfied.

"It turns out... this is what it feels like to have the power of life and death, this is what it feels like to have supreme power..." Looking at those pedestrians who were fleeing like ants crying and fleeing, Bai Pojun felt unprecedentedly swollen.

He looked up to the sky and screamed, venting out the negative emotions accumulated in his heart: "In the whole world, who can stop me?!"

Accompanied by Bai Pojun's roar, the Mother of All Spiders let out a high-pitched and sharp neigh.

The sound waves were so powerful that the wreckage in the ruins of the villa was lifted up, and countless huge concrete blocks were thrown out of the sky.

The earth is shaking!

Ji Yaoguang's pupils contracted sharply, and he felt his whole body go limp.

There was only one thought in her mind, and that was death.

"It would be great if Lin Fei was here." This thought suddenly flashed through Ji Yaoguang's mind, and he realized it unconsciously.It turned out that Lin Fei's image in her heart was already so great.

As if he could bring an endless sense of security.As long as he is there, all problems will be easily solved!

Suddenly, Ji Yaoguang was shocked to find that there seemed to be an invisible obstacle two inches in front of her.

The huge wind brought by the mother of all spiders' neighing, unexpectedly followed this arc to avoid obstacles, and diverted to both sides!

The wreckage of the buildings on both sides of her flew upside down, making a loud bang, and a burst of smoke, dust and rocks started up on both sides.

However, the position where Ji Yaoguang was standing was not harmed in the slightest, and the land behind him was not affected by the hurricane.Even a piece of concrete the size of a millstone collided with this barrier and shattered in an instant.

Smoke and dust filled the sky, gravel splashed everywhere, but Ji Yaoguang was unharmed.

The new necklace around her neck glistened.

No, to be precise, it is the enchantment talisman written by Lin Fei that is shining!

After Ji Yaoguang was stunned for a moment, she was overjoyed in an instant.The joy of surviving near death made her vision blurred by tears.

And her gratitude to Lin Fei is naturally indescribable.

"Taoist talisman? Hehe, this Lin Fei really knows a lot!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Bai Pojun's eyes, but he didn't take it seriously: "Even so, your life cannot be saved!"

The sacrificial ring between his fingers emitted a burst of blood, and the mother of all spiders' four pairs of huge lantern-sized eyeballs also emitted a bloody red light in an instant.

Like a huge red lantern, it looks very strange in the dark night.

The Mother of Ten Thousand Spiders suddenly raised her knife legs like the pillars of a steel bridge, and slashed at Ji Yaoguang!

At the same time, Yao Xinyi dragged Wu Moling, and suddenly struggled out of the wreckage of the building weighing several thousand kilograms, knocking the surrounding concrete flying.

There was a crisp sound of "click".

It seems that some kind of invisible obstacle avoidance has been broken.

Even the enchantment talisman can't block this blow!

A cruel smile appeared on Bai Pojun's face, as if he had foreseen Ji Yaoguang's tragic death.

And the fear in Ji Yaoguang's heart didn't even have time to show on her face. With her cultivation level in the early stage of body training, she didn't even have a chance to react!

At the critical moment, Ji Yaoguang only felt a figure suddenly pounce on him, pressing himself to the ground on the other side.

"Oh, I'm so annoying, why are you in the early stage of body training! Your bodyguard is also very weak. If I hadn't dragged her out of the ruins just now, this lady would have escaped a long time ago!" Yao Xinyi cursed, standing on top of Ji Yaoguang. up.

She and Wu Moling were unlucky. When the whole huge villa collapsed, it happened to crush them underneath.Although there is no damage to the enchantment talisman, it still takes a lot of effort to get out of it.

"Thank you!" Ji Yaoguang said with a wry smile, deeply aware of how important power is.

If Yao Xinyi hadn't sacrificed her life in time to save her, she might have died.

That's right, to save your life.

If she was hit by a spider leg, it would also be a death sentence!

"Thank you? If it wasn't for Tianzun's order, do you think I would take care of you?" Yao Xinyi rolled her eyes and was still cursing.

She seemed to have completely forgotten the current danger, ignored the coveted Bai Poju and the Mother of All Spiders, and even patted the heavy dust on her body in the mood: "It's so dirty, this lady has never been so disgraced before!"

The Mother of All Spiders neighed again, and the sound tore apart the tranquility of the night, making everyone who heard it terrified.

"It's so noisy, you bug, shut up!" Yao Xinyi looked impatient, raised her head high, and stared at the mother of all spiders.

A 1.7-meter "little guy" shouted so loudly at a behemoth with a height of ten floors.

This scene is too bizarre.

Wu Moling and Ji Yaoguang were dumbfounded for a moment, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Bai Pojun fell into silence, and even the Mother of Ten Thousand Spiders couldn't hold back, as if she was caught in the suspicion of "Spider Life".

Where did the crazy woman come from, how could she have the confidence to yell at the Mother of All Spiders to shut up?

"I don't care who you are, if you want to blame you, you shouldn't be involved in this matter."

Bai Pojun sneered and lost his patience: "Kill!"

Hearing the order, the huge and terrifying mouthparts of the Mother of All Spiders squirmed, as if preparing for something.

"It's about to spin silk!" Ji Yaoguang suddenly realized, and said in a startled voice.

Before her words fell, the Mother of All Spiders really opened her mouth and spit out a huge spider web.

In an instant, both Wu Moling and Ji Yaoguang's eyes widened, feeling deep shock and despair.

This shit is not spinning, it's like spewing out a net!

This is a black spider web with dense lines, its size is even large enough to cover the entire villa area.

Yao Xinyi suddenly raised her slender white lotus root arm, and the simple and simple bracelet on her wrist suddenly emitted a blazing white light.

At this moment, the night was as bright as day!

Under the radiance of the light, this poisonous net suddenly dissipated and annihilated.

Bai Pojun took a step forward suddenly, his eyes were tearing and he said: "This is impossible!"

What the hell is that? !

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